He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1425: Love and marriage (2)

While he was speaking, a warm palm leaned over and covered her abdomen.

Song Zhixing was embarrassed, and lightly lighted his long finger on the back of his hand, "Mr. Tang, you have worked hard enough now."

No matter how hard she worked, she would be squeezed dry by him every day.

"not enough."

She turned sideways slightly, looked at him face to face, and spoke very seriously and seriously: "Second Uncle, it is said on the Internet that men will slowly go downhill when they are 30 years old. If you don't know how to control, you will go downhill. Faster. Then..."

Tang Yu turned his face and smiled, "Then let you know tonight whether the 30-year-old man is going downhill or uphill."

Although he sounded gentle, but it was dangerous.

"..." Song Zhixing looked at that expression and suddenly felt Alexander. She felt as if she had provoke him. Hmm~ It's said that men's abilities cannot be challenged! Now, I seem to have touched the tiger's whiskers.

Tang Yu's car, as usual, drove directly to the door of the company. The employees who come and go, always can't help but stop and watch curiously. At first, everyone was very curious about the identity of Song Zhixing. Later, the fact that she was the president's wife had been spread all over the world. Now everyone is no longer curious, just stop and admire the deep affection of their couple.

"I got out of the car first." Song Zhixing unfastened his seat belt. From being unsuited to being seen by others at first, it has now been accepted frankly. She knew that Tang Yu started out with a big fanfare to let the world know about their relationship, just to stop those who scolded her for "shameless". Now they can be regarded as true husbands and wives.

"Wait." Before she opened the door, Tang Yu clasped her hand. Song Zhixing looked back at him.

"We got married today, did we forget something?"

"Wedding ceremony?" She sat up straight and considered seriously, "Didn't your dad still disagree with us being together? So, the wedding ceremony I think..."

"You just have to attend the wedding, you don't need to think about it."

"Then what else?"

Tang Yu stretched out his hand in front of her. Looking at the bare long finger, Song Zhixing suddenly realized, "The ring. But, shouldn't you prepare it?"

"I didn't count on you either." Tang Yu grabbed her delicate hand. I didn't know where to take the ring out, and under her surprised and delighted eyes, it slowly circled her ring finger.

She leaned her hand closer, looked and looked, touched and touched.

"Or the previous ring?"


"But, last time at the airport, I clearly saw you throw it away."

"Fake action." Tang Yu returned naturally, following her words, "It's so expensive, isn't it a pity to throw it away?"

Song Zhixing laughed, and after he handed out the men's ring, she also sacredly put it on for him. Before getting off the car, I couldn't help but leaned into the car, "Second Uncle, you picked it up again. Just admit it. I won't laugh at you."

"..." Tang Yu said nothing.

This little girl!

Song Zhixing waved at him very happily, looking at the ring in his hand as he walked, obviously he loved him very much.

Tang Yu couldn't help but bend his lips while smiling, and lowered the car window to remind him, "Walk well and look at the ground."

Song Zhixing nodded obediently, before he led the car into the underground garage.


That night.

Sure enough, Song Zhixing was punished because of his saying that he "went downhill at the age of 30" during the day. As a result, after a sore back and back pain, Tang Yu laughed at him: Although a man went downhill at the age of 30, Xingxing, you began to lose energy when you were 20. Make up for it.


No matter how energetic he is, he can't stand the uninterrupted demands of his superior combat effectiveness.

Song Zhixing could tell that Tang Yu really wanted children. So, on this matter, he really worked hard. However, for several months in a row, she did not win the bid.

In the morning, she looked at a red line on the pregnancy test stick, very depressed. This frustration was not just because the results failed her expectations, but because she didn't want to see Tang Yu disappointed again. She was sitting on the toilet seat, a little distressed about how to tell him the news that she was still not pregnant.

After sitting like this, I just sat for half an hour. Until the bathroom door was knocked, his voice sounded outside: "The stars, why haven't they come out? If you don't go anymore, you will be late."

"Well, right now." Her voice was somewhat weak. Weakly threw the pregnancy test stick into the trash can aside.

Tang Yu could hear that her tone was wrong, and he opened the door and walked in. Seeing her broken face, you can understand without looking at the result.

"Where is it uncomfortable? The voice doesn't sound energetic."

Song Zhixing sat on the toilet, looked up at him with Lingling eyes, pouted, opened his hands, and begged to hug him like a child. Tang Yu walked over, picked her up from the toilet directly and walked into the room, "How can you sit on the toilet for half an hour? Have you brushed your teeth?"

"Yeah. It's done." Song Zhixing held his neck with both hands, looking at him a little sorry, "Still not."

"If you don't have it, you won't. Isn't it good to live the two worlds now, why bother to give birth to a small light bulb?" Tang Yu asked her to sit down on the bed.

"But, you really want to have children." She was still very depressed.

"Who told you that I really want children?" Tang Yu squeezed her face, "I used to want you to have children because I was afraid that you would really leave. Now you are my legal wife, you You can’t go if you want to. So it doesn’t matter whether the child will be born or when it will be born."

"Don't comfort me." She squeezed his hand. "You have always worked so hard to make me pregnant."

Tang Yu looked at her funny, listening to her words, he really didn't know whether to laugh or to be angry. "I work so hard, you wouldn't really think that I was for making a child? Huh?"

Song Zhixing blinked.

"Idiot, I just want to have **** with you and have a baby by the way." Tang Yu lowered his voice, leaned closer and kissed her lips. "I haven't touched you in three years, do you think I can work hard?"

Song Zhixing was blushing when he said that, after a long while, he muttered, "But I want children."

"You don't have to put too much pressure on yourself, just do whatever you want." Tang Yu reassures her, "The recent building project has concluded, and your work pressure is so heavy. It is reasonable not to have children for the time being. Once your work is over, you will formally resign. It’s not too late to get pregnant again when you come back to Jucheng."

Song Zhixing felt that Tang Yu made sense. Well, she must be too nervous and stressed, so she hasn't moved. I'll look forward to it in a while! I can definitely get pregnant!

She comforted herself so, and looked at Tang Yu, he didn't really seem disappointed or depressed, and her mood improved a little bit.

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