He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1431: This is a fierce girl! (1)

The night of Judah is drunk and mad.

Outside the red-light drunken nightclub, a luxury car shook very madly. The sound insulation of the car is quite good, no sound can be heard, and it's dark inside, and nothing can be seen clearly. However, the parking boy in the nightclub is blushing.

These men and women are too anxious! Playing cars and shaking in public places most of the night!

At this moment, the roar of a sports car rang from far and near, and a long line of motorcades drove over from far to near. The tires rubbed against the ground, making a sharp and piercing noise, and a group of cars stopped abruptly at the entrance of the nightclub.

The front is a red Ferrari. The doorman trot over and waited respectfully. The door slowly opened, and the handsome face of the man appeared.

"Little Fifth Master, good evening."

Tang Yi casually threw the key in his hand to the other party, put his hands in his pockets, and walked towards the nightclub, followed by the people behind.

"Fifth brother!" Gu Shaocheng called to him, and then winked at the vibrating car.

Tang Yi glanced back, and they all recognized the license plate.

"Yi Huafeng, this old guy is 50 years old. He still learns to play cars and shakes with young people! Eh, brother five, should we buy him some medicine and send him in the car? Didn't you have a lot of fun?" Luo Bei gave a smirk.

Yi Huafeng is their old opponent, and this group of people has long been uncomfortable with this old guy.

Tang Yi glanced at Gu Shaocheng, "What are you doing in a daze? Take the phone, get close, and record it for me without any omission."

Gu Shaocheng patted his head and took out his mobile phone, "Yes, this guy is afraid of the tigress at home. Let us hold this little tail this time. I see how he will drive me crazy in the future."

He rushed over with excitement, and his mobile phone was stuck to the glass, while beckoning to the person behind him: "Luobei, take your light to light me."

Tang Yi stood at the entrance of the nightclub, standing idle by the glass parking platform, watching casually the noise in front of him. The parking boy hurriedly moved a chair from inside, but he didn't sit down. The men who came and went at the door almost all came over to greet him and light his cigarettes. He was lazy, and his attitude was neither lukewarm nor lukewarm.

When the woman saw him, all her eyes were straight. I wanted to come forward to strike up a conversation, but no one dared to hit the muzzle. The youngest fifth master of the Tang family is notoriously bad-tempered and moody, and he doesn't say pity for women. He and the fourth master of the Tang family are the same-egg brothers. Although they look very similar, they have completely different temperaments. The fourth master was gentle and silent, while the little fifth master was a bit evil.

Here Luobei brought a headlight over, and Gu Shaocheng rolled up his sleeves, and when he was getting ready to do a big job, the door of the car was suddenly pushed open from the inside. An embarrassed young woman stumbled out of it barefoot. Qingli's face was tight at this time, like a female fighter, and she was still holding her high heels. There was blood on the heel of the high heels and it ran to her hands.

"I'm going! What's the situation?" Gu Shaocheng was so shocked that the phone in his hand was almost unsteady. This car, the earthquake can still bleed? Is it possible that Yi Huafeng still has a S丨M tendency?

The young woman glanced at him coldly, didn't say anything, just sorted out her professional suits indiscriminately. Even if she pretended to be calm, she could still faintly see that she was obviously in a panic and her hands were shaking.

Gu Shaocheng couldn't help but glanced at her more, and secretly sighed: This woman is really good-looking. No, to be precise, it cannot be said to be just good-looking, but rather attractive.

Just came out of the car with disheveled clothes, much more sultry than the women in the nightclub. This will tidy up the shirts and skirts, and it's like the temptation to play with uniforms. It looks like a stunner! No wonder this old fellow Yi Huafeng couldn't control it.

"You stop for me!" An angry shout came from the car, Yi Huafeng chased out of the car angrily, holding his forehead hit by the high heels with one hand.

Zhao Chuning turned around and left without stopping. She only regretted that she had acted too lightly and didn't knock this old man fainted.

She buried her head and walked in a hurry, and suddenly ran into a man's tough chest. She didn't lift her head, but said, "I'm sorry, I borrowed."

With that, the person on the other side did not move. She took a step back, planning to go around by herself. However, before she could move further, her jaw was suddenly unceremoniously caught by a hand, and her face was suddenly lifted.

I didn't read the almanac when I went out today!

Zhao Chuning was a little annoyed, and instinctively wanted to raise her leg and kick the other person, but the face that suddenly came into view made her movements abruptly halted. There was a buzz in my mind. For a long time, it was all blank.

Tang Yi stared at her condescendingly, her deep eyes filled with yin air, which made people afraid to look directly at her. The hand holding her jaw became heavier and heavier. After a moment of daze, she recovered and frowned with pain, "This gentleman, please take care of yourself!"

"Heh~" His thin lips moved, and an unceremonious sneer overflowed from his **** lips. "I want to see what kind of stuff can make Yi always break the blood. It turns out that it's nothing more than that."

Zhao Chuning's beautiful eyelashes trembled twice, and his red lips tightened. In the next instant, he put his hand away indifferently.

Tang Yi glanced at her, took the silk scarf on his chest and wiped his fingers carelessly, as if there was some germs there. Then, without even looking at Zhao Chuning, he walked towards Yi Huafeng.

Yi Huafeng didn't expect to meet their ancestors here, and he was still in disarray, bleeding on his head, and embarrassed to the extreme. He tidied his clothes awkwardly, holding a fire in his heart. The woman didn't play, but she lost such a big face in front of Tang Wuye.

Tang Yi smiled, "Mr. Yi, it's rare to play women like you."

"Don't mention it! Who knew I touched a hard bone?"

"What? Didn't this play?"

"Unlucky!" Yi Huafeng quenched.

Tang Yi put his hands in his pockets, shook his head, "tsk tut" and sighed: "Your vision really makes me disagree, and I can see everything you dare to love."

Gu Shaocheng and Luo Bei wondered if they had made a mistake in their eyes. The woman just now, even if she is not the best in the world, is definitely the best. How could she be like this in the eyes of Brother Five?


Zhao Chuning didn't dare to look back at the back. After a long time, his jaw still ached. When she walked to the side of the road, people were still shaking. Seeing a client today, she wore an orange skirt and a white shirt. The winter wind was bitterly cold. When the wind blew, she felt as if she had fallen into a cold pool, and she became sober.

But when I think back to the scene of the person I just met, it feels like a dream.

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