History's Strongest Manager

[212] War is short (10)

Cynthia has also been formally beaten by the Grand Monarch's Bonespeare. Iznitas pushes himself too hard, reaching his limit. Thus, Cynthia could not be completely extinguished.

I was repeating the regeneration and decay just before my entire body was about to collapse to the power of my replicated red core.

The appearance of the eyeball being created, destroyed, the brain fluttering, and the right foot being created and then collapsed was a horrific culmination. Cynthia has crawled towards Iznitas.

“Ugh... Hmmm! Kill it, I'll kill it. I'm gonna kill you, you crazy son of a bitch! I'll do it for you! I got this! I got this! ”

Iznitas was walking, but the desperate Cynthia crawled up with both arms a little faster. Iznitas is empty. I can't use any more power now. In a situation that was difficult to walk right now, Iznitas had to walk desperately.

Cynthia, on the other hand, is crawling, but she still has room. By continuing to regenerate and collapse, it means there is still power left to regenerate.

Once the wave destroyed by the Red Core is gone, the power will be restored, and Iznitas will die.

“Hehe…. Huhuhuhuhuhuhu. …. ”

I should have regained my strength sooner, but Iznitas regretted his laziness in the past.

Iznitas limps and touches the ruins. A little more, or a weapon, or a weapon that we can deal with right now.

- Ouch!


But the body of Iznitas has reached its limit. Iznitas breaks his weakened leg bones as he weakens.

“Hahahaha! You must be exhausted! Yeah! Stay right there, I'm gonna chew you up good. I too will gain the power of the Grand Monarch! I'm gonna rip you to shreds, and I'm gonna get my hands on that power! Blueheart? We don't need that anymore! Come here, come here! Hahahaha! Be a part of me. Yes! I'll let you live in me forever! Don't be sad!”

Cynthia giggles like a madman. Gearing faster and faster, Iznitas desperately crawls toward somewhere. But in the end, you will be caught.

The world's best mutants were too messy and disgruntled to see it as their last. In the midst of the dirt and flames, Iznitas desperately crawls through the blood.

Cynthia comes limping as soon as her right leg finishes regenerating.

Soon, Cynthia kicked the crawling Iznitas.

- Puck!


The kicker that smashed the building down is now only strong enough to push the little girl over there.

But Iznitas now felt the pain of tearing bones even with that level of kicking.

“Some kind of bug. What rubbish! You bitch! You're not even a piece of shit! ”

- Yeah, yeah, yeah! Puck!

Iznitas' bones are broken and flesh torn during a powerless attack. Iznitas rolls the floor like a strappy kite. But Iznitas made a desperate crawl.

“Ugh... ”

Iznitas, blocked by a lump of iron, is looking slowly at the approaching Cynthia. They're both dead. Cynthia is hideous with all her skin peeled off, and Iznitas shivers to a lesser degree. I was suffocating right now.

“That's weird, that's weird. If the Union bastards are so eager to protect the Blueheart, why don't we? Why are you interfering with other people's parties and telling them what to do? Aren't you guys a little selfish? You guys are pussies, aren't you? It doesn't change that you're after power, does it? You want to explain why we can't be you? ”


- Tongue!

Cynthia grabs Iznitas' head and drops him against the wall. Iznitas says nothing.

“Well, I don't need it. I'm going to enjoy you slowly and deliciously. Do you know what would happen if I ate you? Do you want me to rip your lovely lips off first? You little bitch. It's quite pretty... Huh?”

Cynthia's eyes flashed with desire. Bloodsurfing is ultimately the most efficient system to draw power from the same kind of abilities. And where it came from.

It is the cannibalism of the same power. It actually made the predators strong, and there were definitely cannibals getting stronger. The machine that maximizes its efficiency is the Bloodsurfing machine. Cynthia is an old villain, so she must have eaten a cannibal in one way or another to become stronger.

“It's been a long time. ”

Isnitas felt a strange sensation, looking at Cynthia with her long tongue waving her face at Iznitas. Those eyes are not merely expressions built on the pleasures of power. Even with Cynthia's complexion peeled off, Iznitas could feel it vividly.

That's lust. Iznitas said with hatred.

“Are you a lesbian? ”

“No? It's just a gourmet. ”

Cynthia pounces on Iznitas. Then he pressed Iznitas, who had no strength to resist, against the wall and stuffed his tongue.

“Woof! Woof! Ugh!”

Iznitas has an intense vomiting sensation as Cynthia's long tongue pushes into her mouth as well as into her esophagus. But Cynthia kept pushing her tongue in Iznitas' mouth for even longer. A tongue that was longer than a snake shoved into Iznitas' mouth.

The feeling of being forcibly stripped of the mouth with an elongated tongue was frightening.

Tears welled up in Iznitas' eyes because of the pain, and Cynthia felt a tingling sensation all over her body.

Perfect sense of conquest. I was playing around perfectly, beating the snot-nosed member of Union. It was literally like the roar of a winner, and he was frightened to make the once mighty a perfect weakness. He wasn't just pushing his tongue, he was sucking Iznitas' saliva in that state.

The feeling of being sucked into my whole body was frightening, so I even gave it a huge feeling of helplessness.



Iznitas also did not intend to cry in this situation. Iznitas closes his mouth with his last breath. I squeezed out all the power I could. There's not a drop of power left, but it brings out any last energy that's asleep somewhere.

Iznitas keeps his mouth shut.

- Rrrrgh!


Iznitas bites off Cynthia's tongue with his last drop of strength, covering his mouth and making him nauseous. Blood spilled from Cynthia's cut tongue, but it regenerated soon.

“Hah... Hey, you little prick. Maybe you still have the strength to do this shit! ”

Iznitas struggles to resist the rigorous vomiting and to avoid vomiting halfway up. Iznitas struggled to keep his mouth shut, struggling with the nausea for a long time.

- Swallow.

He swallowed Cynthia's tongue, which remained in his mouth. Tears of blood pour down, and Cynthia kicks Iznitas.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah! Puck!

“Hehe! Hehe! Ugh!"

“I'd better kill half of them. No, I'm just gonna eat it. Do you still have your pride? Ang?”

- Boom!

After grabbing Iznitas' head and stamping it on the wall a few times, Iznitas' head breaks and blood spills out.

When Cynthia tried to cut Iznitas in the face with her knees and smash him.

- Heave!

Iznitas raises his head to avoid the kneecap.


The helpless Iznitas suddenly makes a move, and Cynthia spits out a leaky sound.

Cannibals have been a way in which peer abilities have been empowering others by feeding on them.

The sole and blood of Cynthia, which was just swallowed by Iznitas, is no exception. He also, in the end, has energy. A tentacle protruding from Iznitas' body rips off the iron plate behind him.

Iznitas desperately crawls toward this place. To lure Cynthia this way. Behind Iznitas is a massive transport helicopter, and it's already wrecked enough that it can't take off. Iznitas tentacles through Cynthia's shoulders and thighs, then crashes into the door of the helicopter.

- Boom!


HRG model transport helicopters power the core.

- Brace yourselves!

Iznitas tears out the helicopter's fuel compartment and puts tentacles on it. Cynthia will go after support if she kills Iznitas and regains her strength. And with the amount of power recovered now, Iznitas was unable to conquer Cynthia. Cynthia is getting stronger, and she has only limited power.

“You, you, what are you going to do! ”

Cynthia cries out, seeing a tentacle stuck in a helicopter and Iznitas strapped to the helicopter through her shoulder. Iznitas grimaces and chews.

“I'm not a child, I'm not a woman, you fedo. You picked the wrong guy. ”

His eyes are filled with terrifying fury. The core melt was oozing through the tentacle crack in the fuel tank. Absorb this to keep up with Cynthia's recovery speed.

So, the choice is one.

“Accomplice of a villain and a cunt. Nice picture, right?”

“Oh, no, no! No!"

I was disappointed that I could not leave a note, but Iznitas did not hesitate.

In Iznitas' tentacles, a core igniter was released.

- Flash!

A helicopter caught in a massive flash.

The helicopter exploded and a large hole was formed in the shrine. Truly, Cynthia is dead this time. In a weakened state, her strength is not strong enough to withstand the rapid explosion of the core.

Immediately before the explosion, Iznitas stretches his tentacles as far as he can and pushes his body as far back as he can.

Nevertheless, it was not safe from the impact of the core explosion.

Iznitas stares at the night sky dazed on the ground. The body's senses were getting further away, and now it was over. I even burned the last flame of life.

‘I was sick of it, but actually it was good. ’

It is now liberated from endless slaughter. Iznitas thought it was a relief.

I'm glad I didn't die in a fight that I didn't know was right in the mission of Union.

Iznitas is killed after a fight for a friend, not for Union.

Fight for your friends and die.

“Ah…. ”

Iznitas is blurred by the tears that come out of his eyes. Okay, that's enough. This should be enough.

Iznitas slowly closes his eyes, thinking he wants the stars to be bright. The world's best mutants close their eyes, and several drops of clear tears water the earth from the dead mutants' eyes.

A few drops were the last traces of Iznitas left in the world.

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