History's Strongest Manager

[218] Loss is Eternal (5)

Kang Jun did not say anything to Iznitas. I just injected a neurostimulant into Iznitas' artery.

You hurl mesmerized Iznitas onto the boat and escape behind the burning island of Basilan. In some cases, Union committed genocide and, as always, had no moral or legal responsibility.

Union's means are always accompanied by violence. Kangjun reached an uninhabited island and threw Iznitas on the beach. Iznitas regained his senses and shed tears. What they did was hard to maintain morality and conscience. Kang Jun had no conversation and listened to a lot of guilt from Iznitas.

Iznitas complained of unbearable suffering by listing the guilt and contradictory emotions he felt during the operation.

I just heard.

Iznitas spits out his words until the night of the slaughter.

And in the end, I couldn't say anything. It was because I realized the problem of leaving Union after spilling out.

The many sins they commit maximize the moment they quit Union.

It is an outrageous thing for a human who has already fallen into the abyss of sin to leave the pit, saying that he will not sin anymore. I confessed my sins and guilt, but when I poured out all my feelings, I realized. It is the greatest sin to abandon Union now.

Gangjun did not console and did not criticize. There are moments when hearing alone solves problems, and even that alone solves quite a lot of problems.

Iznitas said at that time:

‘I was a champagne twin. ’

Iznitas mutters dazed, gazing at the beach.

‘straight twins. ’

Is that even possible? ’

‘When I was born, I was told that monsters come out of random holes are just stories in a novel. And not necessarily nothing. ’

There are few things in the world that make no sense, Iznitas explained.

‘We have different genders. Strange. Same body. It was a woman, I was a man. It's.... it's like it's hard to express, yes, it's hard to express. ’

Although chameleons appear with a slight chance, they are often of the same gender. However, in the case of Iznitas, it was a very unusual case of the twin siblings. Both of them shared the same body, but one was a woman and the other a man.

‘The body for me was to share it with someone from the beginning. The concept of my own body was not the beginning of my life. ’

The flesh is not my own. Iznitas' physical notions were different from those of others from the beginning.

‘He was, like, my friend, my brother and sister, and me at the same time. Narrower than the family unit, the sense of someone becoming who I am, that was natural for me. I couldn't stay away for a second. And fight. It was natural for me. ’

Iznitas was talking about a very distant past.

‘When we were 13, we knew that one of us had to die. I heard that's the only way to live longer. As we grow up, we have to be free of each other, and the body itself dies because it's impossible. So we had to choose our lives for each other. ’

There is no way for both of us to live. When one lives, the other dies, and the other survives becomes the intact master of the flesh.

‘I was supposed to die. My development was weaker. Physical characteristics were also stronger for women. I don't know what death is. I didn't think it mattered. By the way, the day of the surgery... I talked to him a lot waiting for the date of the surgery. ’

It was too early to know about life, so neither death came true. Iznitas and the other half, who were about to die, talked normally, as always. About the death that was to come tomorrow, neither of them discussed it. I was just talking about it right before I went to sleep.

The other half of Iznitas said, kissing Iznitas' cheek.

‘Good night. ’

Iznitas nods.

And then...

When I woke up, Iznitas was alone.

‘I heard he stopped breathing last night. ’

I didn't know why. But she was out of breath, and Iznitas went into the E.R. overnight and had surgery. The half who should have survived stopped breathing on their own.

Maybe it was goodbye. For the sake of his half that must die, the one that must survive has been sacrificed. I don't know how, but the other side of Iznitas made that choice.

A child who didn't know the meaning of life or the meaning of sacrifice. I died for a brother who died because of me.

Iznitas said he still felt an emptiness on his side that had disappeared completely. Being born together, literally, and the one that we lived with disappeared was a pain that was utterly indescribable to Iznitas.

Iznitas was born twice.

Once in the mother's belly and once through a physical separation procedure. One was born by his parents, but the second was born by his half.

When two were born and alone, Iznitas knew of his own deficiencies without seeing them. After the surgery, Iznitas bursts into tears like a newborn in the world.

"Eternal loss. ’

It is a loss that no one in the world can empathize with. In that deficiency, Iznitas had another birth and lived with a deficiency that could never be filled.

The debt for sacrifice has always followed Iznitas, and Iznitas has never forgotten it and cannot forget it.

Yashonga Iznitas had a tremendous talent for mutagenesis.

Watching the dying, Iznitas thought he would do whatever he could to fight with his talent.

Iznitas was already familiar with the heterogeneity of mutualization. I already knew what the body that other people feel is not following the mind.

As a result, Iznitas was able to fully autonomize the flesh at the completion of the Mutagenization Awakening process.

‘I think half my life is still his. ’

Iznitas explained his body in this way.

‘To keep that in mind. ’

The image of Iznitas belongs to the girl who originally occupied half of Iznitas. Although the will had already vanished, Iznitas lived in that form in order to feel the world that a girl could not see with her eyes, with her hands, and with her skin.

Doing so does not bring the life of those who have already disappeared back to life. After all, the imitation is only a form, and there is no girl.

Ultimately, it was like Iznitas' actions to not forget his debt to life. Just as with tattoos all over his body, Iznitas has lived to this day, making him look like the half he lost his body. Ever since I became a mutant.

So Iznitas didn't want to be a woman, he said he was a man. To think that she and the girl were different. There was a reason why Iznitas painted the line thoroughly as a man.

Iznitas knew that if he did that, he wouldn't be able to live for the other half of his dead life.

Even so, Iznitas wanted to remember his brother who died for him.

Ancient Ishita - Iznytatz,

Meaning contradiction.

Because he knows that his actions are contradictory, and in fact, he can't solve anything. Iznitas clears his name and calls himself that.

Iznitas said his work to Choi Jun for the first time and didn't tell anyone. Iznitas thought it was his weakness and disliked that his actions were considered noble.

It was better for the old man to be mocked just because he looked like a little girl. Gangjun knew that, but he treated Iznitas as usual. He wanted it. Kang Jun only remembered with one ear, but did not talk about him.

After telling the story, Iznitas told Union that he had to stay. Whether it's a debt of life or a debt of sin, Iznitas realized that leaving Union was an irresponsible act.

Versailles who hear the parable of Iznitas' name and form are silent.

After Kangjun finished speaking, he stared blankly at Iznitas. Gangjun stopped all suffering. Then he stroked Iznitas' cold cheeks in the glass tube once.

Kang Jun did not cry. I was just staring at him with red eyes. Warmth never returns.

Choi did not apologize to Iznitas.

To a friend who trusted the traitor to the end, and even gave his life.

In front of the body of a friend who showed great friendship.

I dared not apologize. It was given to qualified people and not to the best of them to apologize.

Kang Jun just kept his hands on Iznitas' cheeks, not returning warmth.

There are quite a lot of principles at Union, but it basically doesn't wrap itself up as a hero. And it took a lot of judgments to break up a group. The Jablines were originally ordered to kill, but they were the backbone of a global coalition called the UC, which again required judgment on the Jablines.

But there are exceptions.

[Sigma-1, this is Sigma-2. Check reception status.]

Sigma-1, good reception.]

[Start system check.]

[System All Green. I think we can make it to Mars.]

[Switch the system to Remote Control (RC) mode.]


If a colleague is killed, it is one of Union's absolute principles to follow him to the end of the universe and punish him. They were a very small group, so it was important to destroy them without exception.

Eventually, all of their means result in violence. The invasiveness of Union comes from fear for Union. Those who know Union need to be afraid of Union.

Union's control won't work unless you're afraid.

To this end, it is one of Union's great principles that vengeance is most cruel and thorough.

Maria is standing in a space where the Earth appears to be a circle. Existing Watchers were limited, although not impossible to do in space. However, the planet-grade RCF guaranteed perfect activity in space.

For complete repairs of the UE, where only simple observations were restored, Maria is now floating in space.

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