History's Strongest Manager

[253] What is a Hunting Dog? (3)

“Actually, it's not that hard of an inference. Anyone can make a prediction at the time of creating an AP against and against Union. But this is clear. ”

By the time Snow suggested that it would create a situation that could emerge from the black market, everything was already clear. Those who knew about the AP felt the potential for resistance and hostility to the highest standards of Union.

It is only encouraging to have an answer close to certainty.

“It's time to say everything. ”

At Seouljun's words, Kang Jun bit his lips.

“You know, sometimes you get annoyed because it's too sharp? ”

“The same way I feel about you. ”

Just as Kang Jun knows Seol Woo-jun, Seol Woo-jun knows the best Joon. Reading inside was never good. Kang Jun took a deep breath, then slowly said.

“Yes, I will destroy Union. ”

Choi Jung admitted that he had been running so far to destroy Union. Predictions and recognition are different. This made everything clear.

“But that's not it right now. ”

“Explain in detail. ”

“I don't want to.”

Gangjun shakes his head. It was a stubborn refusal and an attitude to reject all conversations.

“Let me tell you something. ”

Originally, Kang Joon was the life of a time man. So I tried to raise people instead of carrying them like this. He tried to create people who would do his will. But Mary prolonged her life.

That's why the deadline for secrecy has increased a bit.

“You'll find out everything in GR next time. Why I'm doing this, why I'm doing this. You can't want to know more. ”

It didn't mean I couldn't say no. It was a clear sign of hostility that I would not let it stand. Seouljun knew that he could not hear the answer. Even if Seol Woo-jun discontinues all support, Choi Jung won't say.

“I'm not saying that I don't trust anyone. I trust you. We trust the H-1 team, we trust the River team. I believe in Unitemperature.”

Nothing can be done without believing. A con man needs someone he can trust. Seolwoojun did not believe what he said about the trust of Choi Jun. It was rather unfamiliar for a person who thought no one would believe him to actually say he believed him.

“It's not that I don't talk about trust issues. ”

Choi Kang Jun said with a depressed expression.

“I won't say it because it won't be convincing. ”

However, Choi Jun is ultimately an independent person. I believed you, but I knew you wouldn't believe me. So I just want to remain suspicious.

“Are you sure the next GR will happen? ”

“I don't know.”

Choi Hyeong-jun laughed helplessly.

“Even ships that don't come, some people have to wait. ”

However, Kang Jun was sure that there would be a next time.

“From now on, the Union Opportunity begins. ”

In accordance with Liam Bradley's declaration, the meeting began at Castle in the Deep Sea.

[Union-1, ear patient. Liam Bradley.]

[Union-2, SSS rank dimensionalist Anna Versailles.]

[Union-3, SSRank Psychiatrist Wynsor.]

[Union-4, SSS Rank Mutant Saramol Lujan.]

[Union-5 SSS rank flamethrower Pryr.]

[Union-6 SSRank Night Hashimoto Ren.]

[Union-0 SSRank Knights, ear patients, RCF riders, Maria.]

More vacant seats were added to Union's meeting chamber, including the name of Iznitas with the 00 number. The zero-number given as the hound's number for generations has now been handed over to Mary, who is the highest Union force.

Individual personnel levels were also higher than before. Pryr has evolved to SSS rank and so has Wynsor. Luchendo also increased his ability level as an SSS rank mutant.

“Individual mission report. ”

Although the information had already been reported to Bradley, the position of sharing the information obtained in one place was open every period.

“The control of the old UC area is working. In fact, Jabline was completely misunderstood by this. ”

Hashimoto Ren's report. Jabline shows signs that the remnants are still trying to reunite. To contain such massive movements, Union dispatched two people. One was Hashimoto Ren and one was Pryr.

Such recombination attempts were secretly defeated by the Union. Pryr reported further.

“Africa and Southwest Asia are already under control. ”

Union completed its reign of terror.

“What about Pilgrims?”

“The dismantling of the British government has made Pilgrims' activities stand out. I thought there was a shareholder of the former British government, so I silenced him. ”

Bradley nods at Ruchan's short report. Bradley did not ask about how to keep it quiet.

Union's active workforce was originally not many. But now there are fewer. There were a total of four available personnel in total, and Union was now struggling with outside missions up to Bradley and Versailles. The next report, Maria, opens her mouth.

“I made contact with Ryuzua and offered to enter the Union, but she refused. They fought in subspace and were able to conquer. ”

But everyone here knew that Ryuzua wasn't dead.

“... I think I ordered you to kill me if you refused. ”

In Bradley's words, Maria shrugs.

“I decided I didn't have to kill him to cover enough ground. ”

Bradley frowns at Mary's attitude that there is no turning back. Bradley always says what he needs to say.

“We decided to launch a simultaneous attack on SNAA and pentagonal alliances, and the United States decided to destroy nuclear facilities and the pentagonal alliance killed the Ryoushua enemy. But if you didn't kill Ryuzua, the attack wouldn't be equitable. This means we have to find another strike point soon. ”

“…… You could just meet the Alliance Leader and threaten him. To do that, we made RCF. ”

It was an RCF designed to deliver a message to the entire planet. Once again, if terrorism is committed to prevent time and costs spent on the military competition system, threating the reality of RCF as a weapon may not be a problem. The answer was Versailles.

“Soon the pentagonal alliance will be transformed into an Asian alliance system that has attracted Southeast Asia and India. SNAA will grow by merging Europe. ”

The United States dropped a nuclear bomb on Britain. Why would Europe accept that and go to SNAA? ”

Versaya replied to Hashimoto Ren's question.

“Germany may be a World War II country, but how is it going? You can't do it without a reasonable pardon, a reasonable compensation, a reasonable compromise. ”

It is true.

“Besides, they're close to each other's emotions. America originated in Europe, and Asia has feelings that only Asia can share. ”

“Is there any guarantee that history runs on emotion? ”

“History flows together, including everything, and that includes emotion, of course. Well... I don't think we have time to talk about history right now. ”

Versailles looks at Maria.

“We can change the course of time or slow it down, but we can't turn it upside down. SNAA conflicts with pentagonal alliances are timeless. Since Jabline collapsed and America dropped the bomb. Tell them to stop the expansion, and the leadership will have to act on people's demands, not their judgment. ”

Bradley answers.

“That's why we want to be public enemies. If we can't stop them from competing against each other, we plan on staying as enemies. The Union's control cannot work and cannot work for such a large group. ”

It's not just one country, it's a giant coalition of nations. They must have noticed a lot of people as soon as they were swayed by Union. It is difficult to prevent the creation of a giant organism that cannot be manipulated.

Of course, it's not impossible to use force to dismantle an alliance with RCF. But if such an assassination prevails, their activities will have no meaning.

One of the operations that hit both groups was abolished.

Bradley looks at Mary with a firm expression. Maria thought that Ryuzua could be eliminated at any time, not asymmetrical. That's why I kept her alive. I can't make sense of it, but Bradley knew it was better to respect Maria's doctor.

“Then let's find the next strike point. ”

Apart from hitting nuclear weapons facilities, you should attack other points in the pentagonal alliance. As little bleeding as possible and the symbolism of the hit had to be picked a big place.

The meeting was long; decisions and discussions were made on issues like these. When the meeting is concluded, another mission will be undertaken and scattered throughout the world. Versailles goes out with you to transport the troops, and Bradley tells you to stay.

There were only Liam and Maria in the conference room.

Although he pointed out in public, Bradley had more to say to Mary, and she knew it. Rescuing Ryuzua would result in a violation of Union's instructions.

I thought there would be something to hear about it, so Maria was looking forward to it.


“Tell me, mister. ”

I was going to be scolded if I scolded. I was going to be punished if I punished.

But Bradley said something completely different.

“Union's first hound was a commotion. ”

“…… why is that? ”

“The second hound was the strongest. ”

“I know that. ”

Mary tilts her head as if to ask why.

“Did you ever think it was strange? ”

“…… not without it. ”

“Hunting dogs are hunters, and we all know that hunting hunters is harder than catching monsters. It may be offensive to both of them to say this, but objectively they are human beings. They didn't have the same overwhelming power we did, and they're on the short side. But why, why did they serve as the most dangerous and challenging hunter dogs? Have you ever thought about that? ”

Bradley is the leader of Union and has left the hunting dog to the troublemaker and Choi Jun. I entrusted the most difficult task to the two lowest indicators of objective strength. I had some doubts about it within Union, but I finally accepted it.

Union trusted his colleagues. I thought I could do better knowing that they were more powerful than they seemed.

“Isn't it because you're good at what you're told? ”

“I'm not wrong. But that's not the point. ”

But Bradley said the decision was intentional.

“Maria, what about abbreviations? How do you expect the weak to survive in this monster world and to survive as one person in this group called Union? ”

Maria is troubled for a moment. Even at Union, where only the monsters among these monsters gathered, they did their part.

How was the disturbance in her memory, and how was Choi Jun in her memory.

‘Kill me if you can. There might not be a next time. ’

It was a noisy word.

"Isn't money covered in poop? ’

He was the strongest horse obsessed with money.

“You must be desperate.”

Bradley nods at Maria's words.

“Then what is desperate? ”

“ ……. ”

“Desperate means always making the best choice. It means finding the most perfect answer, not even a scratch in battle, and not taking risks. To be precise.”

Bradley gazes at Mary as if through his eyesight.

“They could be as cruel as they needed to be. ”

“What is a hound dog? He's a murderer after all. Sometimes innocent children and thousands of innocent people have to be slaughtered. Versailles and Pryor can do that all at once. But why do you think they didn't become hounds? ”

“Maria, the commotion and the strongest june are the abbreviations. ”

“Thus, I could be ruthless enough not to take any risk. They were desperate to become strong, so the fundamental attitude towards life is different from that of you, me, and Union. They fight for their lives at the slightest sliver. If you were naked right now, you'd have to struggle in front of the F-rank monsters. ”

“Living in that reality, they didn't tolerate any mistakes. To be precise, a lifestyle attitude is created that cannot accept mistakes themselves. ”

The user lives in a wrecked battle with a single touch of a monster's fingernail. Maria can now take a beating from an SSS rank monster with her bare body. What effort did the two of them have to make to stand at the same place as Union?

Avoid if you can't stand it. If it cannot be broken from the front, attack its weakness.

If you get hit and die, you won't get hit even once.

Desperation and attitude toward fighting differ from the root.

“That's why they became hounds. ”

Weak, but desperate, and thorough. That's why they performed the most cruel of the hounds. I was able to kill my feelings and be faithful to what I had to do.

“What about you now? ”

“ ……. ”

“It is judged that this level of risk is within the scope of control and contradicts the mission. ”

“ ……. ”

“Saves the target by saying it can cover this much. ”

“ …. ”

“Maria, you are by far the greatest hound in short Union history. ”

Maria's gaze becomes more and more difficult to bear.

“At the same time, you are now the worst hound. ”

Like a wedge, Bradley says.

“What Union needs is not a barking dog. ”

We don't need any hounds to bark and scare the enemy.

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