History's Strongest Manager

[256] Pumping balm 3

If it's clean, what's clean? Gangjun asked again.

“Please elaborate. ”

“It means that there is no damage to the body at all. Rather.... take a look at these numbers. ”

Kang Jun shakes his head looking at the chart that the doctor gave him.

“You can explain it in words because you don't know. ”

“The Night's CP readings are enormous... Oh, yes. That's easy for me to say. The rigidity has gone up. ”

“…… What? ”

Kang Jun stared at the chart in surprise. But I still didn't know.

“In the case of nitrates, if there are ethel and core reactions in the body, classify them as medication. Conversely, mutants classify ethel and cube reactions into drug intake. ”

The night cube and the mutant absorb the core. Awakenings are humans, so if you take energy medicine other than Ethel carelessly, you die. After all, it was a simple system that classified what energy should not be found in the body as drug use.

“Toxicity tests are positive, but they are dysfunctional but have not been positive in this area. The Claymore -2 team's physical exam was in December of last year and showed a higher level of physical examination than indicated on the Crystal Collection and Crystallization Control Sheet. ”

“That means... ”

The doctor nodded.

“D-3 drugs, pumping balms, rather than raising the body level of the Claymore team. ”

“Without distortion. ”

“That's a little bit more analytical, but it is now. ”

Kang Jun was hard to believe what the doctor said.

Despite being cheap, shameful narcotics raised people's physical levels and did not cause any distortion.

Of course, oral absorption does not cause unconditional distortion. It's a probable problem: if someone smokes, they get lung cancer, but it's the same as if someone smokes a pack a day and is unarmed.

But this is a miracle. The kind of energy I didn't normally have to listen to resurrected my body.

‘I've never seen anything like it on the terraframe. ’

There was no nonsense that Gangjun would awaken his body with drugs because he knew. What had never come out of the simulations on hundreds of Earths happened in reality. The doctors were also looking at the chart in wonder.

Ultimately, this drug is drugs. It is addictive, but does not damage the body. Rather, it strengthens, which means it can replace crystalization and is more efficient.

But it's an early start. After all, being addicted to anything is not good. But more importantly, I had to wonder about the person who made this drug out of a mixture of crazy ingredients.

What the hell is this guy doing? ’

This is known as a pumping bomb. Kang Jun was engrossed in thought with a firm expression.

"Could it be that the drug was originally made of an enhancer? ’

After thinking about it, Kang Jun looked at the doctors.

“First of all, let's keep this a secret. ”

Gangjun's influence, combined with the dominance of Seouljun, reached some extent in Songhwa Group. The doctors nodded, and Gangjun left Burinake Hospital.

“Let's go to headquarters. ”


First, I had to meet Seol Woo-jun and talk about this. Anyone who can do this with small-time play is definitely not ordinary. D-3 drug has just begun to spread. Gangjun may soon find out what other groups or countries have found out.

Everyone will realize this is a goose that lays a golden egg, not a drug that will confuse the hunter industry.

Someone might have already noticed.

We need to get to him first.

“I need to find it fast. ”

“I hope so.”

Seoljun's answer to Kangjun's explanation was simple. Once you have not fully analyzed the identity of the drug, there may be risks you have not discovered.

But the question is, what more can a person who can make such a hardener do?

“I don't think you knew there was a problem with the Internet in the first place. It's illegal to manufacture private pharmaceuticals, but you think of them as reinforcements in the first place, so you just put them out there. ”

Toxicity is probably an unexpected side effect.

Finding someone you don't even know isn't easy. Alpha-Shad is neither an investigative agency nor has the power to find anyone who may be anywhere in the world through Interpol's cooperation. This was not possible either by the ROK government.

All you can do is track the logs over the Internet and find the PC, but that's when you have access to the website.

Consumers will be occurring globally and have the right to investigate independently as each country is a victim. Seol Woo-jun said briefly.

“It won't take long to get caught. You can't hide forever. The only thing that matters in this situation is where he is. ”

The Internet is the only thing that comes out when you sell it anyway. Rather, because it is the Internet, it is potentially rich.

“We should have the right to take him. ”

“Does that mean you have to have a jurisdiction? ”

“That's right."

Being caught is not something you have to worry about. Then the problem to consider is completely different. How do we intercept a man who's already been caught? To do so, the case must be in hand and you must be in charge.

In Seouljun's words, Gangjun remembered something like lightning.

“Let's use templates. ”

“Good idea. ”

Just in time, they had a very good friend called the Templar.

As Hunter-related crimes are handled by the Hunter Department in Korea, Templar also has some say in Hunter International crimes. It was the same as when the outsider came out of the temples the other day.

But as always, international investigations do not work well in cooperation and negotiation. In the process, the thirsty one looks like a well, and temples jump when my profit and loss is too high.

It is important that the template also has a kind of 'rationale’ for a new drug investigation that only Hunters hear about. Once I decided to catch it, I was in a hurry for a minute.

Relationships with templers are now well beyond recovery. Kang Jun's recognition of the interior of the Korean temples was up and well known for Kang Jun's ability overseas. Kang Jun had to worry a little.

Will you cheat? Or do you want to be honest?

If you seek cooperation from the templar and then steal the producer, you have to take risks in the alliance. As a result, he lied to the templar.

However, if you tell the truth, you are likely to greed the templar.

[What's going on? Vice President.]

Gangjun connected the video call with the arc template. The friction with the pentagonal alliance was somewhat exhausted by the alliance with Alpha-Sod. Arslan's attitude has changed much favorably since the alliance itself has now benefited only the Templar side.

“I have something very close to tell you, Arc Templar. ”


“Have you heard of Pumping Bomb? ”

Arc templers gather a lot of information. Therefore, if you do not know about pumping night, it is rather a job organisation. The Arc Templar is a fierce human being, but he is still passionate about my work. The arc templar nods with a stiff look.

[I thought there was a problem. There were no consumers appearing inside the template….]

Templers are known for their abstinence, which is even worse as they go down. So it was clear that templars were less at risk of getting high than regular knights.

[You're right to exclude the risk. Now that we've been informed that governmental agencies are conducting information control and tracking, we should be able to tail them soon. You don't have to worry too much.]

Arslan said that to reassure him as if he knew what he was worried about. Probably thought there was a pumping night on the alfazod. However, Kang Jun did not make excuses because it was not a misunderstanding.

Choi Jung is not just a great person who calls Arslan because of his old age. Kang Jun was silent for a moment. The nature of this story is not something you can call.

“That's not what I meant…. Bay. Arc Templar, can you come to Korea? ”

[You mean Korea? All of a sudden...]

“I need to show you something. ”

It is not a desirable statement to ask the chief of the templar. He did not reveal what to show. I was just staring at Arslan with a stiff look.

After a brief silence, Arslan opens his mouth.

[Are you talking about it?]

“It's urgent. ”

[Please wait a moment.]

The call was disconnected and Kang Jun sat at his desk and waited for a call. Shortly after, the call was reconnected.

[Let's go now.]

“Thank you."

The short bird had all the official schedules canned. Arslan will arrive in a private plane to Korea as soon as possible.

“Why did you need to call the arc templar? I think it might be a consequence. ”

Kang Jun smiled at the words of Jin Woo-seok who was watching from across the street.

“Let's just say he needed to see how serious he was with this alliance. It's cheap because you can see it with one uncertainty. ”

I can answer 'important consultations' by Gangjun after ten days. Kangjun wanted to see what Arslan was thinking about the alliance, and confirmed it.

Just as Kangjun needs a template, the template also needs an alpha card. And Arslan's enthusiasm for the alliance is strong enough to cancel the official schedule and run. Alliances are maintained by necessity, not by faith.

Despite not knowing what it was about, Arslan arrived secretly in Korea and met Kangjun, who was waiting near the airport.

‘Snake. ’

Just as Kangjun had made a request, Arslan also knew the best intentions. I knew I was being tested, but I had to respond. Arslan has also risen from a politically essential Templar society to the seat of the Arc Templar.

It is not that I have not experienced the same kind of person as Choi Joon. This class is more difficult to predict even if the truth is hard to know.

‘We never do anything meaningless. ’

It is a type that seeks to pursue Silly rather than Pride, and has meaning in every step that takes into account efficient movement. You can say it's thorough, but you have to doubt that every action has an ulterior motive.

Thus, Arslan also knew that the best defense request was a kind of test and would not end with just that test.

There must be something important. Something important enough to bring the arc templar to Korea. Arslan was kind enough to respond to a request to prevent him from knowing what a snake would look like.

“You've come a long way. ”

“What's the big deal? The vice president struggles every other week with his specialties. ”

Moreover, this man was very, very actively cooperating with the alliance. Warming it up once can be a picture that keeps polite. The meeting took place quietly inside the limousine.

Choi Chong-jun pushed the documents he had prepared to Arslan.

“A while ago, a team of alfazods was arrested for taking pumping balms. ”

Choi Jun was going to reveal all the facts to the template who showed enough sincerity. Pumping balms are a lure for temples seeking strength.

There can be no greater pastry rice than this for temples packaging because they publicly view it, but also for justice.

Arslan couldn't find anything to say to the sudden straightaway Gangjun. I had a strong hunch, but I had no reason to uncover the arch-end of Alpha-Shad. Kang Jun said the following as if he was expecting such a reaction.

“To conclude, pumping night is not a drug. ”

“What the…. ”

“This is a breakdown of the body data of the consumers before and after the dose. ”

The arc templar was Knight, so he knew what Night's physical data meant. Kangjun slowly explained to Arslan what he had discovered and why pumping night was not a drug. The test chart, the actual evidence, showed that their physical readings were slightly elevated relative to the crystallized amount.

“This is a drug that can be used as a body strengthener. No, it's a drug made of body strengthener. ”

“Speaking of... This is ridiculous. Too few samples. To generalize with just four people.... Other people may experience distortion symptoms, but it is still unclear why this body strengthening is permanent…. ”

“Arc templar. ”

Gangjun called for Aslan by Nazi.

“Who do you think can make more potentials out of these crude materials? It's not a hardener, it's just a drug. It's huge. ”

The question isn't whether pumping balms are commercially available strengtheners. And I'm not saying let's use pumping night. Arslan is embarrassed and realizes that he was paying attention to something completely wrong.

“It's too late after they've been taken somewhere else. It's not too late to find out once you've secured what the manufacturer can do. ”

In addition, Kangjun added another word to justify Arslan.

“Of course, he's a criminal. Disclosure of recipes that can be used as drugs is an unforgivable felony. So, of course, you have to pay for your sins. However.”

Kang Jun smiled.

“There are many different ways to do it. ”

It's not drugs, it's templates.

Catch them first and have them hang by the name of New Drug Development. For the public good.

Choi Jun gave me a reason to arrest him and showed me evidence.

And then he gave me an excuse.

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