History's Strongest Manager

[258] The Devil Bores Another Devil (2)

The templers who attacked the strongest team were all killed. All the temples dispatched to South America were dead, and they got rid of all the monsters attacking the giant dome field and saved the survivors.

“We've kept one Arc Templar alive, and it looks like we've dealt with all the monsters trying to attack survivors. He was a really interesting guy. I tried to kill us first, and then I got trapped, and it just freaked me out. The big teeth, the justice teeth, the picking up and servicing were ridiculous. As a result, we saved the survivors. And the arc templar put it in a compaction press for a waste car and killed it. ”

“Is it possible to kill an arc templar knight like that? ”

“Because I can do it until I can. ”

I pressed and killed the steel until it could no longer be activated. Survivors were unaware of the situation outside, and it was known that the massacre of temples was caused by a monster. It was not good to admit to murder anyway, so Union remained silent.

“Anyway, the templates at that time were all dead. The current templates will also think that the cause of death was the monster. They got rid of all the bodies and left no evidence. ”

Templar top-level teams were all killed at the time, and Arslan could be the next arc template to the fishery. The templar was even more rubbish than Seol Woo-jun thought.

“Like I said, we used to think killing monsters was enough. That alone was overwhelming. But when I was attacked by temples, I changed my mind. ”

Kang Jun smiled bitterly.

‘Monsters threaten humanity, but sometimes humanity threatens humanity. From now on... ’

The leader, Bradley, spoke before the corpse of the Arc Templar.

‘No, that's not the point. ’

It was a commotion that stopped Bradley from taking his words seriously.

‘From now on, let's show them that monsters and humans can get fucked if they fuck. ’

“That's when Union started. exploitation, oppression, oppression, discrimination, and slaughtering garbage that didn't even feel shameful. And as times changed, so did a lot of strange people. To put it simply, I killed those who I thought were subjective and objective bastards. ”

Kang Jun said that and looked at Seol Woo-jun.

“That's why I hate templates. ”

Even without the Templar, Union may have been born. But...

“You must hate it. ”

Seol Woo-jun smiled and said. Gangjun grumbled.

“Is that all you see about this long story? ”

Explaining why I hated temples, I had no choice but to talk about the birth of Union.

“You guys must have been monsters a long time ago. ”

However, Seol Woo-jun noticed something else. What happened in southern Argentina was a significant thing in the past. There were massive casualties, and the entire GAT team was killed by the Arc Templar. Of course, according to Choi Jun, those templates were killed by Union, but eventually.

At that time, Union defeated all the monsters, including the GAT team, after killing a large army of templars.

Seol Woo-jun couldn't figure out what to call it.

That's why I can only describe it as a monster.

Choi Jun, who hated temples, has now allied with temples. Eventually, Kang Jun became a monster in his own way, unlike before.

- Jiaying!

At almost the same time, Choi Jun and Seol Woo Jun's cell phone rang. Kang Jun called from Jin Woo-seok, and Seol Woo-jun called from Chief Woo. Kang Jun and Seol Woo-jun looked at each other and felt that something had happened. Seol Woo-jun answered the phone first.

“What's going on? Ah... ah... Yeah, um... Okay. I guess you don't have to answer your phone. ”

“What is it?”

“You'll see. ”

Seouljun switched the main screen board to TV mode as though it was not necessary to explain. I could see everything at once.

An urgent message was coming up.

[There is a suspected terrorist attack on China by Union.]

“Looks like your friends did something else. ”

Seolwoojun was watching the news with a bold look, and Kang Jun said that something was coming.

With Maria refusing to kill Ryuzua, Union had to change its target.

[In the United States, there has been a simultaneous attack by Union on China. China's development of new nuclear weapons has been destroyed, and the U.S. military has destroyed the entire old nuclear weapons depot. It is unclear what the technology used for destruction is, and it has been confirmed that there are no casualties. This appears to be a warning against China and the United States trying to enter the military competition system.]

Satellite imagery was alternately showing areas of the devastated sheep. Of course, there were people in the facility. Soldiers and researchers and a lot of people.

But all of a sudden, all of a sudden, people were teleported out of the facility before the great terror hit them. And I had to watch the destruction unfold before my eyes.

There was no additional damage caused by the nuclear weapon and the entire facility was destroyed.

The dimensionalist Anna Versaya forced everyone out of the facility and then destroyed the facility. I didn't know anyone else, but I knew Kang Jun.

Literally opened their eyes without even trying to resist. China has destroyed all its new nuclear weapons development facilities, and the United States has lost most of its old nuclear weapons holdings.

People were appalled by Union's power and knew that their power would threaten the whole world. No one was unaware that the action was a warning to the pentagonal alliance and SNAA. Union has not sent any messages.

I just showed the results.

After all, I am warning you to stop developing weapons of mass destruction to kill people, not to catch monsters. I am warning you to try to stop the catastrophe.

Neither alliance knew how to accept Union's warning message.

But the overwhelming force that Union showed was enough to destroy the will of the resistance. I was appalled and excited by Union's reignition of violence.

Who is Union, what is its purpose, and why is it doing this?

There are too many unreasonable speculative articles. There were rumors that it was a group of over-rank Awakenings, that it was a group of noble patients sent from Ishita around the world to manage the planet, and that it was a secret society that had existed before the monsters began.

The most reliable hypothesis was that it was an absolute group of people from Ishita, the most reliable hypothesis was that they were working behind the scenes to control the Earth.

Of course, Kang Jun was only surprised to see such speculative reports increasingly believing.

Even after the Jablines in the past, books close to conspiracy theories were published and sold like wildfire. Those who make the appearance of Union their own chance will appear again this time.

The people around Gangjun, who were vague about Union, didn't even ask about anything.

Then came the nonsense who claimed to have met Union in person and the crazies who needed attention, and the conjecture about Union mixed with the Middle East heat.

Originally, Union thought it would be easy to find out who he was and be tracked down. But there was so much information that all the speculations that were close to reality became nonsense.

‘I don't know the world when I see this. ’

Kang Jun went through the headlines of numerous speculative knights and laughed in vain. The knights who were close to the truth blasphemed, and the one who was farthest from the truth laughed when he watched the words, "But this is the most realistic."

Because of too much information, the reality of Union will not be revealed further.

Only the violence that Union exerts on the world will remain a reality, inscribing fear into people. Kang Jun was quietly watching the situation in the car returning to his home.

“How will this affect us? ”

Jin Woo-seok came, and Kang Jun glanced at the exotic side while looking for some headlines and shined his eyes.


[New drug, the so-called pumping night.]]

The night of the pumping was finally out of control and reported in the media. But the case is covered. Union's large-scale terrorism is an even bigger cause for the world to care about pumping nights.

Jin Woo-seok couldn't understand the meaning of Kang Jun's words.

It was reported about the pumping night, but nobody cared about it. What was important was Union's act of terrorism, and a series of year-round articles spilled out. Control of the pumping balm manufacturing was made easier, and a lot of people didn't care if the article was reported.

[Vice President, I think some countries have learned about the after-effects of pumping nights.]

“Is there any pressure on the investigation? ”

[More frustration than pressure. It doesn't matter, but the other one does.]

“What is the problem? ”

[Vice President, we are templates.]

“Mmmm... ”

That's what Arslan said.

[We need to investigate this.]

Arslan does not speak his mind firmly. They are allies, but are somewhat wary of each other. Arslan doesn't want to investigate Union. They know that they can't find out anything and that they won't take any action.

However, Union has committed major acts of terrorism in each country.

If you are a template representing justice, you should formally state your position on Union's conduct in this matter and enter the investigation. You should know that you are not making any progress.

“Arc templar. Separately from our alliance, our relationship needs to be a little bit closer. ”


At Kangjun's words, Arslan was silent. It was a gesture to tell me more.

“Let's be honest. Isn't that a long introduction to the topics we both have to deal with? ”

[Haha... You're blunt.]

It was Kang Jun who said not to be a hypocrite, but to talk only about what to do. We need to get rid of the guilt before we can have a more serious conversation. After all, if you add words like "peace" to justice, this conversation will only become a display of each other's knowledge of rhetoric.

“You mean there's a political need to take the initiative to investigate Union? ”

[Th…. If you put it that way, it's a little embarrassing.]

I know you're right, but do I really have to?

He said, "Don't be hypocritical. Let's be honest." After all, Arslan had no choice but to accept Kangjun's offer.

[If that's what the Vice President wants. Let's do that.]

Arslan unhypocrisy in front of his interests.

[Pumping Night is likely to be pointed out to be politically incorrect once the event has low priority and the pumping night investigation has left Union out of the way. I think it's a good idea not to investigate both pumping nights and unions at all.]

Is that what they think? ’

Kang Jun was surprised that the templar considers these things. I thought it was just an excuse, but surprisingly, it came to me. Ultimately, the templates need to leave and move according to the stance they are taking.

Apart from temples not going to really dangerous places, they were working hard to 'be the apostles of justice without harm.'

[Therefore, Templar should investigate the reality of Union for a while.]

Even though they know they can't find anything, the arc templar takes the gesture of spending time there. However, contacting Choi Jun means that he eventually wants to investigate the pumping night.

“But don't you want the investigation into the pumping night to continue? ”

[Sort of.]

It certainly means that Arslan has something to say about the hypocrisy of the Arc Templar. And Choi Jun seemed to know what it was.

[The template investigates Union. But when it comes to pumping nights, what do you think of Alpha-Shad, the Alliance?]

“Isn't it possible for a private company to investigate narcotics itself to give you a negative image? ”

[But this is an emergency.] We can give you an image of using all available personnel, and our alliance can show that we are committed.]

There are a number of considerations. It might be a disaster to impress templers with the help of private companies.

[First of all, you need to have the distinction of inviting the Vice President in the form of an investigation gate. because he's actually a veteran hunter.]

But the arc templates knew exactly which arc templates and drawings did not harm each other. There, just as Kang Jun tried Arslan the other day, so is Arslan testing Kang Jun.

‘If you refuse, you will prove yourself incompetent. ’

Choi Kang Jun thought for a moment. This is a test. Of course, all kinds of tests are hard to accept.

But the important thing is to think about it differently.

This is your chance to prove yourself inside the template.

“Very well. I'll take my time. ”

[We will contact you shortly.]

The call was lost, and Kang Jun smiled faintly in the running car.

‘Apparently, Arslan is more of a wind-up artist than a charter arc templar. ’

Both Justice and Celia work out a number to make sure they don't miss. Officially, the arc templates move for justification, and behind them move to find the pumping balm manufacturer.

Eventually, each other takes advantage of each other.

It doesn't matter if Arslan is stupid, but it's better for Gangjun if he's smart in his own way.

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