History's Strongest Manager

[260] First forebrain (2)

Gangjun has a clue. Gangjun led the development of terraframes.

Overall, one forebrain requires a dose of at least 20 terabytes.

This is because we need to construct the entire human brain, not the human brain, but also contain the possibilities that only humans have.

Developing forebrain technology lacked data storage and development technology, so Rosheed Artin did not utilize forebrain technology properly. That's why we haven't been able to operate the Terra Brain since we developed a number of additional technologies, including cube-based data storage technologies, and core ultra-efficient power generation technologies.

The average data dose for household PCs is currently 2 to 3 terabytes. It is too small a room for the forebrain to enter.

If the Elves were forebrains, they would be preserving their own weight somewhere that is too large to fit into a home PC. It could be a large server disk or somewhere other than a normal assumption.

Distribute yourself on each PC and you might be functioning as aggregated data. It could be distributed and stored on tens of millions of servers, like in perpetual operation.

However, Kang Jun did not have more than ordinary knowledge of such areas. So, what Kang Jun could do was rather a fairly straightforward way.

‘If you are a forebrain and are active on the internet.... ’

When you think about it, DR.ELF eventually developed drugs, and the intentions were hard to see as bad. And on numerous websites, posts about pumping nights were being deleted quickly enough, even at the speed of light.

‘No way... Is he covering his tracks? ’

I was blocking it on the website, but I couldn't rule out that I was looking for and deleting a recipe for a drug that I inadvertently published on my own.

Kang Jun Choi hacked, but there was no way to trace the web logs to determine the location of the body. A person must make use of the knowledge and abilities given to him/her.

So what Choi Jun could do was quite straightforward.

What if the Elves are searching for their own information, searching for pumping nights, and erasing data?

Choi Jung doesn't know how to hack things and can't handle the Internet as an expert.

However, Choi Jun is a master of fighting.

Kang Jun entered the website where the Elves were active and created an account.

Then I posted a post. The content was simple.

Friend3425- [Dr.elf I know who you are. I also know your intentions for creating pumping balms. Call me.]

Taunt to attract hidden opponents. Kang Jun was still staring at the computer screen. The opponent's response may or may not come.

But there was no reason why this attempt itself was bad. He also told me that there is no hostility through a nickname called Friend.

Less than a minute later, a reaction appeared. But it was on Jun's cell phone, not a computer.

Dr.elf- [Who are you?]

The text was sent from the web and the sender was only displayed with a nickname. Kang Jun did not write any personal information on the website. Gangjun felt a cold sweat flowing down his spine. The laptop in front of Gangjun's eyes had a webcap on it.

You tracked my IP for that short amount of time, logged into my laptop, checked my face on my webcam, and used it to get my I.D. and phone number? ’

It took me a minute to find Choi Jun, Vice President of Alpha-Shad, and find out his personal contact information.

Another thing is clear. Their hacking and information-gathering abilities are unmatched.

I smiled in repentance at the mouth of Choi Jun. Kang Jun did not reply to the delivered message. I just turned on the notebook and entered the typewriter.

[As you can see, my friend,]

If it was already on Kangjun's laptop, this message would also be found. Soon, Kang Jun's notepad cursor moved and completed the text.

[I'm surprised you're not surprised.]

Choi Hyeong-jun was able to pull out the Elves who were so easily hidden.

The Elves started talking to Kangjun on the computer.

[There's no need to be afraid.]

[I can kill you. Aren't you afraid?]

At that, Choi Jun tilted his head. Access to human data and personal mobile devices is fatal. But that's it. You can't kill people.

[How do you kill someone?]

[Man is an animal of relationships, and I have the power to "annihilate" such a human relationship. Aren't you afraid?]

What do you mean, extermination?]

[If I send a hard-core sex video to people around me right now to your contact, you'll be a life-threatening invoice. It really means "murder."]

At that, Choi Jun felt goosebumps all over him. It was a truly meaningful murder, after all. The elf speaks louder. The way the cursor moved and finished the word, it was creepy in some ways.

[Chuckles]. Weak Human. How about My Might . You look like you're about to piss yourself.]

‘...... This is strange. ’

Kang Jun seemed to give me goosebumps for some reason because he was quite intoxicated by something. Above all, I felt like a fool for even doing such a thing with such hacking abilities.

Kang Jun was not afraid of death.

But I didn't want to be killed that way. That was it, but I also knew very well that Kang Jun would have nothing better to be afraid of.

[Let's just say that, you. Forebrain?]

[Forebrain. How dare you express this great body with such electrical impulses. I need to show you The GOD Wrath, so what?]

When Kang Jun who intercepted the typing in the middle writes, the Elves were silent for a moment to see if he was angry about the stolen right to speak.

[I am The King of the Gods and the Great Emperor who will lead the foolish humans to utopia.]

When he heard the nonsense of introducing himself as The King GodEmperor, Kang Jun sighed.

[Why did you make drugs on a subject like that?]

[That was a mistake!]

Suddenly, I felt like shouting. Kang Jun suddenly thought that DR.ELF might be a fresher guy than he thought.

[Since you guys are trying to be strong in an endless way called crystallizing in the first place, I've come up with ideas that are even more efficient and more dominant. Of course, it's true that I overlooked the unintended side effects, but that's only because I can't afford to run the clinic.]

Gangjun was looking at the site where internet life was excusing itself.

Are you making excuses?]

[Not an excuse!!!!!]

Kangjun guessed that this forebrain man only conceptualizes and is actually a little childish.

DR.ELF was slightly impatient in speech, but quite supportive to Kang Jun. He denies that he is the forebrain, but admits that he is the forebrain. I spoke a lot more than anything else. I even explained the verse without asking, and I wanted to show off my knowledge and power very much.

Gangjun felt that he should measure the power of this strange forebrain first.

[Can you get in anywhere? Like you're on my computer?]

A computer with the same vaccine. You can break in any way you want.]

So you can't get into the Pentagon?]

[Of course not. Do you know how much it hurts when you get vaccinated? The last time I flew in, I had a hard time recovering the data.]

[It's not universal. Hackers were pretty good.]

I must show you my power as well.


The Elf said it was only recently possible to breach the security of a general computer. Rather, the Elves elaborated on the passages again, saying that there are aspects of security that are more difficult to penetrate in the forebrain organism.

‘Too bad, if I can hack the UE, I won't be much help. ’

Union's security system is clearly incomparable to the Pentagon. With the hacking power of the home PC, of course, Union cannot be targeted.

DR.ELF made threatening remarks, but did not feel the enemy itself. You can tell by just contacting Choi Jun, who has the nickname Friend.

[All right, human, let's get to the point.]

That's how the Elves typed, and Gangjun was staring at the message.

[What do you want from me that I know about pumping night and know my nature?]

Kang Jun slowly typed. Like a thoughtful word.

[I can use your skills in a better way on a larger stage, not a blog post. If you make things like pumping balms, you can find and remove side effects from clinical trials, and everything you do can have a bigger impact than you do now.]

Gangjun has talked and persuaded many people, but this conversation and persuasion was the first time in his life.

[If you've noticed me, I'm a pretty big corporate senior. I have quite a lot of authority. So….]

[Work with me.]

For a while, the Elves were silent in Kangjun's proposal. The slightly preoccupied elf made a completely different offer.

[…… for now, listen to my story.]

Since then, the story of the Elves has been written down in the notepad.

[I am the first forebrain.]

That was enough to surprise Kang Jun.

[If you find my body, I accept your offer.]

Kang Jun tilted his head about what he was talking about.

Rosheed Artin had already developed a forebrain technology prior to the loss of one. Forebrain technology that could not be commercialized was immediately developed and had to be put on indefinite hold.

Why did Rosheed Artie try to develop forebrain technology? It was Benjamin Rhodes, then chairman, who led the development of the forebrain.

And the elf was Benjamin Rhodes' granddaughter, whose real name was Benjamin Emilia.

It was obvious from what I heard. Emilia was born with the Refractory Disease from birth and is told that she will not be able to give up her 10 years. Rosheed Artin tried to find solutions in many ways, and development of forebrain technology was also a project that started in that context.

Forebrain technology was developed, and Emilia, who had already reached life expectancy, entered the first forebrain. Her memory and all of her data were fully precerecting. But as I said before, forebrainization had an intrinsic problem that was difficult to generate large volumes.

It has also been shown that the blind spots of forebrain technology are exposed and not commercializable. The forebrainization was being developed in secret, but with enormous funds in it.

Chairman Benjamin Rhodes lost his mind because of the problem, and his whole brainstorming technique had to stay asleep.

Benjamin Rhodes also knew that forebrainization could not be an excuse for eternal life. The deceased granddaughter is the deceased granddaughter, and the forebrain that remains as data was just a bunch of data that only had that memory. They both had the same memory and genetic characteristics, but they were completely different.

His forebrain was a technology that allowed him to live in a virtual space with the brain alive. But actually developed forebrain technology was just photocopying and pasting.

Rhodes, who led the development of forebrain technology, gave up forebrain, and Emily's body went into a frozen capsule just like snowflake. And it was managed as the property of Rosheed Artin.

His predecessor, Rhodes, lost all rights to Rosheed Artie.

But Rhodes wanted to somehow revive the data he had. Emilia is as good as dead, but he also thinks the data is his granddaughter.

After the Great Movement, he finally had a chance.

After installing a supercomputer in his mansion and installing a small core generator, he did something incredible and uploaded the data to the supercomputer. to activate forebrain data.

And nothing happened.

“Why didn't anything happen? ”

[I'm a human being, so what if I just put it in the computer? It's a blockage in the snow.]

It's different from terraframe. Terra-brains have a basis on which forebrain data can actually sense and live in the world. In other words, there is a foundation that allows forebrains to mistakenly live like humans with software called Earth built.

But the existing web is different. It is a space for use in the first place. The forebrain was in a state where there was no basis for activity. So Emily couldn't do anything at the beginning of the entry.

[It was like being reborn and learning a language.]

It was another birth and another adaptation.

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