History's Strongest Manager

[279] What the Reaver Plunders (3)

“The place where you're going is not just the place where the anomaly happened, but where you're about to become or become a monster. I'm going to preach the islands that people gave up because of the weak and rampant monsters... ”

I will send you to the ruins that have already been destroyed. And I was going to make him fight to the death. Tillian says as if to appeal. These people don't have to die in places like this. It is an insult to those who are being chased into battle in a fight they do not have to fight.

Tillian didn't want them to face such meaningless deaths.

And the MT teams that went with them also wanted to avoid that fate.

He no longer had any loyalty to even his comrades who abandoned him. Tillion sincerely wanted them to abandon their mission and return to Korea.

But Ko Hyun-woo shook his head.

“There will be people there who need help. ”

“Yes…. It's going to be... long. But…."


When Ko Hyun-woo asked, Tillian bit his lip.

“You shouldn't die in such a place…. There will be more meaningful fights for you... ”

Tillian says that and then suddenly forgets.

What you say is different from what the arc template says. How is it different from what Arslan said about avoiding the current battle to prepare for the future and what he actually said about the strength of the River team being sacrificed there?

Go Hyun-woo stared at Tillion like that and said.

Templers should go wherever they need help. It has to be. That was the mark of Bondi Templar.

Even though he hated Arslan, he eventually hated himself as well.

“I have a place I need help with. And there are people there. ”

Go Hyun-woo added.

“Excluding other political reasons, that alone is enough for us. ”

Who the hell is the template? River's team leaves with a greeting, and Tillian stares at their backs dazed. Tillion is a template, but not a template.

No one at Templar Headquarters was a truly meaningful template. But those five people walking there, those outsiders, are the real temples.

At the same time as the chaos of the values, Tillian felt like something boiling from the beginning had exploded.

As he headed out to the vehicle waiting outside the headquarters, Yoo Yulan stabbed Ko Hyun-woo in the side.

“You're a good talker. I didn't know that. ”

That said, Ko Hyun-woo smiled as he fixed his glasses.

“If anyone asks, the vice president says, ”

What Ko Hyun-woo just said was also the best instruction. It is only oral for shaking templates. Park Seo-yeon with a fierce expression said.

“Ah…. Honestly, I'm impressed, man. I'm impressed. ”


Gohyun shrugged his shoulders.

“That's not exactly wrong. ”

I can't say that I didn't mean what Choi told me to say. In fact, in their minds, they were thinking that.

There's a place where they need help and they're there.

A total of five on-call GT teams will be active as leaders of their respective teams. It's more dangerous than it is now, and things have gotten worse. But no one on the River team was afraid. However, a little tension is natural.

Ko Hyun-woo's cell phone rang, and he answered the phone.

“Yes, Vice President. ”

[I heard you're leaving today.]

“Yes, I was just leaving. ”

[There should be no problem. So don't be nervous.]


[Well, good luck.]

Choi Jun's contact was clear, and Ko Hyun-woo hung up and looked at the River team.

“Let's go.”

They don't believe in themselves, but they believe in the best. Since I said that Choi Jung won't be a problem, there won't be any problem.

The River team consisting of Go Hyun-woo, Yoo-sulan, Dojin Hee, Seo-yeon Park, and Song Jae-seok were scattered all over the world. Yoo, Sulan and Dojin Hee were dispatched to the island basin in Indonesia, Seo-yeon Park to Cuba, Seong-seok Song to the forward base in Iceland, and Go, Hyun-woo to the UK.

Yoosulan and Dojin Hee were also in the same area, but the headquarters were different, so they had to consider that their contact with each other was almost blocked from the source.

Outside the U.K., the area was a high risk of severe civilian damage due to a significant drop in the extermination rate. Many of Indonesia's island regions have already become monsterlanded.

The British government had already resumed monster landscaping by the time it was broken down. Ko Hyun-woo's mission was to excavate and retrieve any cultural artifacts that existed in the UK.

I was given the most dangerous mission to the leader, Ko Hyun-woo. To be precise, it was more important to avoid the attention of the monsters as it was a maneuver than a subjugation.

Fewer than ten team members participate in a battle without backup, and the battle is inevitably endless. Even with a master class team, there was no need to say that they were all frustrated.

Let me get this straight.

- Kukwakwakwabang!

The MT team forgot to speak as they watched the monster tear with a tremendous amount of shock swinging the handbag type device.

According to the Best Standard assessment, the individual on the River team was weakened. 'From the highest standards' Yes. Song Jae-Seok, who tore the beast apart in one shot and slaughtered four monsters in an instant, said, looking at the team members who were stunned.

“Let's go quickly. ”

“Yes... Yes!”

River team is weak. Compared to the strength of each H-1 team.

But by the standards of ordinary hunters, they've already reached the realm of monsters. Five years have passed. They received everything that Choi Jung could teach them.

Hunters raised by the best hunting dogs can't be dogs. If it's a dinosaur when the five members of the River team stick together, at least if it's not a dinosaur, it's a beast.

The River team is the River team, and the River team is split up.

Arslan underestimated the power of the River Team. It is, of course, a patchwork.

As a result, however, the split River team has absolute manpower limitations, not problems. Where they went, Templar backups were also poor. Therefore, we must continue to fight against physical limitations. You are tired as long as you are human, and when you are tired, there is definitely a gap.

Indonesian Comodo.

“Fall back! Back! We fight with our backs to the beach with artillery fire! Stay in formation!”

In Yu Sulan's direction, the MT team and members of the local office class acted rashly.

“Enemies are attacking too hard! ”

“Hang in there! ”

Yoo Yulan repels the monsters from the front, and the rest of his men hold the line. The gunfire of a battleship waiting in the rear swept through the area, but of course it was heavily armed. Yoo Sulan was poised to defeat the monsters in a splendid battlefield, but it was not enough.

Blood clots were spreading in areas where monsters were collapsing around him, but not within her attack range.

"At this rate, sacrifice will be inevitable! ’

I am confident to survive, but not to protect everyone. He saw the temples struggling fiercely and gripped them.

I am confident that I will survive, but watching someone die is not a pleasant thing. For several days now, she has been here because of a sudden order to wipe out some Comodo Island after punking without resting properly.

[A2 points collapse!]


- Blah!

He cut down a monster and sweated cold. Kang Jun also trained leadership and tactical leadership so that everyone could take on leadership, but he wasn't familiar with it because it was his first time in practice.

Commander is not a place to fight. But I couldn't help but fight, so I had to take command in the fight. That's what a GM template is.

“A2 points, give up and withdraw! We're here to help!”

Yoo Sulan felt like dying because he had to fight and lead at the same time. Of course, Yoo Sulan, who overwhelmingly slaughtered the monsters and commanded them, seemed to be a monster to other temples.

But whatever the monster is, he's going to die.

Boom, boom! Boom!

Even with Ethel Blaster's artillery on the monsters, there were more and more of them.

[Template, more S-rank monsters are coming.]

“Ugh... ”

In the operator's report, excitement gripped it. We may have to make a withdrawal decision. There were no fatalities yet, but once the progress started to collapse, it was quick. As he organized the monsters around him, he heard a strange sound in his sensitive senses.

- Whoo-hoo!

“What is this…. Is that a sound?”

The origin of the sound was the sky, and Yoo Yulan boldly looked at the sky behind him in this situation.


A helicopter with a core engine is approaching from the rear at an incredible speed.

“Operator! What's that helicopter? ”

[I-I don't know. I heard about the airports….]

- Shhh!

A fleet of helicopters swooped over Yoo Sulan's head in an instant. Then black dots started falling from the sky.


- Kuku Kuku Kung!

The night falls to the ground, echoing with armor coats and Ethel Sword. All of a sudden, the hunters in the helicopter pull out their weapons and start slaughtering monsters. When the night arrived, the beasts were being slaughtered at terrifying speed.

Among them, Yoo Sulan recognized his face.

Soon, a call came in from a new radio channel.

[All Bone Blade units are cleared for drop.]

Reinforcements have been dispatched from Alpha-Sod. Yoo Sulan suddenly burst into laughter.

[Initiate operation.]

‘Everything will be fine. ’

That's what I meant.

Using the template's foundation, Alpha-Shad went abroad. Soon, anywhere in Templar's worldwide jurisdiction, the Alpha-Shad can go. If Arslan doesn't send reinforcements, they'll be sent from Alpha-Sod.

Choi Jung told me not to worry.

Arslan thinks we can dismantle River's team. But the River team is also strong enough to ignore individual strength.

Yet, Arslan ignores what is more important.

Alpha-Shad and Templar are allies, and I had no idea that hunters belonging to Alpha-Shad would send support like this.

Choi Jun believes in the River team. But I didn't want to burden them with everything. The total number of dispatchers exceeds a hundred. From Team 1 to Team 20, everyone encourages oil eggs.

General Manager Gu So-jun said to Yoo Sulan, who was stunned.

[Captain, I love your surprise. Isn't it time to fight?]

Yoo Sulan woke up and laughed.

“Oh, right! Coming!”

[Do you want to get a beer after this?]

“That's great! ”

- Boom, boom!

A coalition of Alpha-Shad and the Templars was wreaking havoc on the monsters of Comodo Island.

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