History's Strongest Manager

[295] A True Template (1)

- Blah!

Seo Aran smashes the Defense Station of one of the templars that was rushing towards him, punching him in the face with a fist.

- Boom!

With an unbelievable shock sound of fists and flesh clashing, the temples flew backwards and crumpled like garbage. Seo Aran picks up the Ethel Sword the assailant dropped. As soon as I entered the headquarters, the combat armor had already been returned, so Seo Aran was bare.

Boom, boom!

But for her, her naked body is no longer bare.

It was too overwhelming to be called a bare body to break the temples that were rushing to help the arc temples into mortar warfare.

- Boom!

After breaking the opposing team's joints and taking another Ethel Sword, Seraran quickly pulls out two Ethel Swords like twin swords. The temples that came with them were staring at Seo Aran in horror. Five templates have already been disabled.

Boom, boom!

Inside the Arc Templar's bureau, the battle rages several times.

They were not sent here to fight the West Aran, but to defeat the strongest ranks within. Seo Aran stares at them with cold eyes.

“No one gets through. ”

Like the Seal guarding the Gates of Hell, Seo Aran does not take a step back in front of the approaching temples.

The five sums were sufficient for the destruction of Arslan's office. Every time Kangjun's Revolver threw up his incandescent light, the walls and utensils burst.

Choi Hyeong-jun did not do anything reckless against Arslan and Ethel Sword. The difference in power is so meaningless. That's why Kang Jun was so keen on chasing after Arslan's gap while avoiding all attacks.

- Blah!

“Do you think you can scratch me with Ethel Sword?! ”

The SS-rank rigid did not allow for injuries caused by Ethel Sword. Arslan greets the attacks of Gangjun as ticklish and pushes them to succeed in one way or another. However, Gangjun's weapon is not one.

- Boom!

Arslan, struck by Ethel Blaster, bounces back.

That gun is dangerous! ’

It was a shock that would blow my mind, and my whole skin would burst. Kangjun was that Ethel Blaster who caught SSRank Mutant Alexei, the Spetsnatz leader.

Kangjun smiles bitterly at Arslan.

“Why, do you think I'm going to lose? ”

“That's not a horse! ”

Arslan swarms again, and Kangjun lowers his head to the head of Arslan. And Arslan uprooted Ethel Sword to take the sword.

- Heave!

However, Kang Jun changed his posture at the same time that Ethel Sword's body disappeared, and cast the Crossing Slash.

- Blah!


Arslan, who was struck by Ethel Sword, bounces off his side like garbage. You've allowed a clean shot at the Trick Sword.

“If it's hard, what do you do fast? ”

Kang Jun smiled at Arslan, who was stuck in the corner.

“I can't touch it. ”

The attack does not listen, but the damage is clearly accumulating. And when his steel becomes unbearable, Arslan dies.

Definitely slow. All the best moves are captured. It was not hard to keep up with the best standards with his pupils of vision, but it was easier to eat. However, all of his movements were unusual, and he attacked in a way he never expected.

Dividing close to twenty, he has already allowed five attacks, but he has not touched even the highest level of defense, except for the first clash.

Arc templates. Arc templates, not just SSRank Knights.

‘I…. I can't even beat a fucking B rank hunter? ’

However, he didn't even share a few, but Choi Jun seemed like an absolute person. It's definitely catchable, but it's hard to follow, and I think I can wriggle my neck easily, but I can't even reach it.

Choi Kang-jun stood still and was lurking in front of Arslan.

Instead, Arslan feels as though the strongest barrier is the larger wall, because it does not follow predictable movements. There have been a few more clashes, and Arslan has allowed all five attacks.

“You rat! ”

You shout that, but the anxiety grows in Arslan. Kangjun knows Arslan better than Arslan.

Is it really so? His movements were too easy to spot. He was avoiding all attacks with a few steps, without even avoiding the heat and castle. Choi Kang Jun smiled bitterly.

“Amazing…. Awesome. Arc Templar, you're within five fingers of anything I've ever met. ”

Choi Hyeong-jun laughed and shouted.

“You're pathetic enough to fit within five fingers! ”

“How dare you! ”

Five fingers meant five fingers below.

Kangjun Choi fires three cascading Ethel blasters at Arslan, who seems to be waiting. His movements were too predictable. He had a high rank, but the fight was truly terrible. It was truly a miserable and dreadful reality of the Arc Temple.

- Boom!


After three plasma blasts, Arslan finally bounces off the building. At fifteen stories, the body of the free-falling arc templar fell.

- Kuang!


Of course, the arc templers were not soft enough to suffer a fall. The asphalt cracks, but the arc templar stirs up. At the top of the HQ, Kang Jun, standing on a breached wall, looks down at the fallen city of Arslan.

“Ah, the Arc Templar! Are you okay?”

The leader of the Templar unit, who had sealed off the exterior of the building, hurriedly shouted.

“What are the guards doing?! Come on, get him! You're gonna let me fight this thing alone? ”


“Wha.... What?”

“The templates that went to support the arc temples have been wiped out! ”

Arslan is absurd after hearing that. However, the words of the field officer in charge of the blockade were enough to frighten Arslan.

“To a bodyguard.... I was overwhelmed.”

After a miserable report, Arslan failed to speak.

Seo Aran lightly loosened in the corridor where the fallen temples were piled up like mountains. Zero casualties and an incapacitated state, with arms and legs cut off one by one, causing trouble when killed.

Despite the struggle, she managed to overwhelm all the templates she put in. In the hallway with no corpse but bloodshed, Seo Aran was looking at those who had fallen with a brutal look on their faces.

Just as Kang Jun did not allow any attack by the arc temples, Seo Aran was also never attacked by the temples.

The disciple of the commotion is Choi Jun Choi. Of course, Choi didn't call the commotion Teacher. Noise did not refer to Kang Jun Choi as a disciple. After the commotion, Choi Jung remembered her as a teacher.

Choi did not have a disciple.

However, just as the commotion did not call Kang Joon a disciple, Seo Aran is a disciple of Kang Joon.

Apart from what he was doing as a manager, Seo Aran received all of the best combat skills. Although she also learned some lessons, Seo Aran embraced all of the most powerful know-how and skills.

Noise and Gangjun are human beings, but West Aran is different. The strongest combat skills used as the Srank Knight's body made it impossible to find the enemy itself. If it was a hand-to-hand combat, Seo Aran would never lose against a sword.

That's why she didn't sweat a drop while destroying all the temples that came with the reinforcements. Seo Aran was a little surprised at how much she didn't expect herself to reach this level.

Kang Jun believed in that, so he confronted the arc templar and gave her a role in shutting down the reinforcements.

- Yuck.

Kang Jun came out after opening the door of the office that became a mess. The fall of Arslan leaves a brief combat gap.

“That's unfortunate.”

Kang Jun briefly said, looking at the hallway full of screams and groaning with bloodshed.

‘You've already surpassed me. ’

Kang Jun crossed his mind by looking at the numerous temples that Seo Aran had suppressed in a short while. West Aran's talents were outstanding, and her tenacity was stronger than that. Seo Aran could be seen as a night raised entirely by Kang Jun Choi. Kang Joon taught me everything he could to teach Seo Aran.

Apart from the proud growth of West Aran, seeing the disciples who had already jumped over themselves a long time ago was a subtle emotion that could not be summarized in one word.

“But if we fight like this, we're allies. ”

Even if I didn't kill him because of the order not to kill him, the alliance must have been terminated as long as the collisions were visible. So Seo Aran felt this unnecessary violence.

Seo Aran did not only learn combat skills, but not the most conspiracy mindset. That's why, even though Seo Aran had already surpassed Gangjun, in some parts, the Gangjun still had the upper hand.

“You'll see. ”

[Template internal line hacked. I was able to manipulate PCs and displays.]

There are available ways for Elves to be together. Kang Jun smiled.

“Well, play back what you recorded earlier. ”

This is not a conflict between the template and the alpha code.

This is a breach of the current arc templar.

Soon, all the PCs inside the template, as well as broadcast audio devices, began playing the same content simultaneously. Every display was showing the abduction of River's team.

[Choose. Destroy the alliance of the Templar and Alpha-Shad in public.]

The voices of Arslan, the kidnapped River team and the GAT team, who are preparing to execute them at any time, were being replayed throughout the Templar Headquarters.

How templates will take this situation.

The answer was already on the faces of the fallen templates.

The joyful voice of the arc templar was repeated several times. Tillian and his men, who were preparing for deployment upon request by the Arc Templar, watched the video playing on the video equipment and forgot to speak.

When he tried to sacrifice an ally to kill River's team, he abandoned his love for the Templar. I didn't want to stay in this disgraceful group where morality had fallen.

However, wherever the video is coming from, the voice is true. It was as true as the fact that Arc Templar threatened President Kang Joon Choi.

‘Then, the battle began when angry President Choi Kang Joon attacked the Arc Templar. ’

Such conclusions are naturally drawn. We don't know how this video is being broadcast. Of course, I know that playing this video is only to show that President Kang Joon is right.

It is not unlikely to be a manipulation.

But I think this is a manipulation....

The templates at the HQ are too familiar with the recent actions of the arc templates.

He made no hesitant choices about throwing his allies to kill River's team, dismantled them to kill them, scattered them around the world, and became aware of the extreme outcropping of their actions. They knew the faces of the GAT team, and they couldn't believe they put Ethel Sword in the neck of the River team.

Tillian looks at the templates of the squad's stone-hardened commanding officer. The request for Arc Templar's support has continued to be heard. The deployed people were annihilated, but knowing that the Arc temples were overwhelming enemies they could not defeat, they are still instructing them to send templates to Seo Aran and Kang Jun.

Things that knew and remained silent were regenerating fiercely before their eyes.

[If you don't accept that, River's team will all die here. One by one, I'll show you the throat dropping.]

This is the "evil" the templar exclaims? The radio cried loudly.

[Arc templar speaking! Every video that's playing right now is from President Kang Joon! I'm telling you again! This is….]

- Qasim!

Tillian throws the radio wild and smashes it. Tillian's henchmen glance at him for his violent actions.

“Is this a template? ”

“ ……. ”

Everyone was silent.

“Is this really a template? Order your men to die on their own terms! Take hostages. Threaten someone. This is a template that focuses only on your own well-being without the attention of words! This is... Such filthy, such filthy.... If this shit is a template! ”

Tillian's body is full of energy, and there's blood around his eyes.

“I will no longer live as a templar! ”

His team stares at him with a wall-like cry.

“Our biggest enemy is not the monster, nor the strongest enemy! We're on our own! ”

Tillian cries out in tears, and the heads of his minions nod.

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