History's Strongest Manager

[298] I can't pick up shellfish when there is a hurricane (1)

Now that Arslan has become an irreversible fool, he is no longer to be considered. Even if it becomes public, it will only repeat the word that Arslan has gone mad. There is no powerful drug in the world that will drive the mind of SSRank Knight out. People won't know that there was external pressure because everyone knew that.

“... You crossed the line. ”

Liam Bradley looks at the templates and frowns. Versailles was also getting worse.

According to information gathered by Wynsor, Kang Jun was using unknown broad-spectrum hacking capabilities as well as unknown dimensional interference.

“As expected……. We need to recreate the Terraframe. ”

“Of course.... Having a Dimensional Transmitter means you have the skills. ”

Versailles said that in a calm voice. The series of actions that Choi Jun had done recently was not too cautious. This quickly prevents the attitude that it does not matter if revealed.

We don't know what else we're hiding, as well as our broad hacking capabilities in private dimensional transmission.

“Shall we strike?”

“No... Let's leave it at that for now. As long as the second red core is secured, there is no need to care about what Kang Jun Choi does. ”

The second GR is imminent. Energy potential calculations indicate that this time a more powerful level of portal is created than in the past. RCF is used to prepare for secondary GR, but it is a fact that there should be more allies available. In fact, Choi Jun is one of the most available men in the world.

It is also influencing the Korean regular forces and is the president of management, called Alpha-Sod, while also being under the highest standards of influence as far as the next Arc Template.

If you reactivate your TerraBrain there, you'd have to assume that a chaotic nation has built up enough power to easily overthrow it.

Since he was the strongest, he did not think that the defensive measures of the secret research facility, the heart of the conspiracy, could be wasted and could not be easily found.

If you touch it carelessly, there will be a war level conflict. Later on, the hurricane comes and catches the rat in this urgent situation.

“Maria's the problem, above all. ”

Maria, Union's strongest force, is unlikely to participate in the directive to hunt the strongest junction. Therefore, Choi Jun is no different from being in the realm of force.

“What are you up to...? Gangjun.”

Bradley raises the unanswered question. Reactivate the Terraframe, extract the Omega Project and see what else he wants.

The fact that Kang Jun Choi built such an armed system means that he is prepared to do what it takes to be armed.

If that level of force is needed, it is either way.

Or a contingency plan for secondary GR.

Or try to get rid of Union.

“Maybe it's payback for the noisy death. ”

At Versailles' words, Bradley nods slowly. It's been a long time, but Choi Jun is used to killing the most emotions of Union. He may have remained in Union with an unbearable vengeance.

With nothing resolved, the probability of a collision is only growing.

“Just in case. Maybe he's trying to get rid of the plan.... Or maybe it's 'reverse’.... ”

“In reverse.... ”


Bradley smiles bitterly. It was more about compassion and guilt than anger toward Choi Jun.

“It's a sad fate, whichever one Choi Jun chooses. ”

“ ……. ”

Versailles was speechless. Bradley smiles bitterly at her. They all knew betrayal, so they did not hate him. To be precise, I couldn't hate him. They had to take away the most precious thing from Choi Jun.

Rather, it was even weirder for me to remain calm without revealing such feelings until now.

“In the end, we all live by faith.... ”

Though he committed not to be intoxicated by his beliefs, none of the new Union Temperature Highest Standard was living under them. It wasn't because I decided to live like that.

I had to live like that.

The appointment of the Arc Templar required a vote by the Secretary General of the United Nations and the Security Council. Of course, all of the GAT team members, who were the next arc template, were involved in the crime and could not be targeted because they were missing.

Tillian Marek, who was completely opposed to the Arc Templar's policy, gained political symbolism because of that moment.

I was expected to be someone to innovate the template. Apart from Choi Jun's subtle threats, even if there were no threats, Tillian Marek would have to become the next Arc Temple. Apart from completing internal template maintenance, templates were whitened in each country.

The Templers have lost all reason they had. Apart from internal innovation, public opinion about templates has been the worst since its inception. Among the temples, there were more and more people who applied for preliminary relief.

Many people did not expect the templates to change at all.

Separately, eventually the template is not disassembled. Utah was completely sealed off, and the anomalies were increasingly frequent. All residents of Utah have escaped, and a makeshift shelter has been constructed in neighboring states.

[The incidence of special anomalies in Utah is increasing. In one sense, even though this is a prelude to the second GR, the U.S. government has called it an unsubstantiated rumor. But as the United States caught the situation in which they were sending requests for Hunter team aid to SNAA countries, diplomats argued that the U.S. government doesn't seem to have any solid information on the situation yet.]

[The U.N. Security Council has decided that the GM class template, Tillian Marx, is the next arc template. On August 9, the inauguration of the three Arc temples will take place at the United Nations headquarters. Each one notices how the new template will move.]

“It's hot... ”

Kang Ju glanced at the TV and sighed.

“What's hot without being affected by the weather? ”

“I'm just not sweating. Hot is annoying... ”

He muttered as he gave more lectures on the face of support. It was actually hot, but the air conditioning was turned on, so it couldn't be hot.

“Just looking at that hot landscape is heating up.... ”

Outside the window was an eagle burning city. The city in summer was so frustrating that I thought it was not a place for people to live. Even though the heat was fine, in the end, there was more support and performance.

“I got ice cream! ”

“My sister is the best! ”

“Woo, woo! It's pouring! ”

Choi Jina stood up in horror to bring an ice cream bag and hugged Gina. In the news about ice cream, Seo-young ran to catch one. Support and lead breathed while watching three people suck on ice cream, and passing through it deliciously.

“Why do I have to buy ice cream in the first place? Shouldn't one of you be more free in the weather? ”

“Thirsty people find wells. I don't care about the weather, do I? ”

“Didn't Ju-yeon whine that it was hot before... ”

“I'm supposed to be entertaining. ”

Kang Ju-yeon laughed with a smile about what is so fun. Seo-young was watching TV eating melon ice cream. In fact, the weakest thing in the heat is snow. Since he hasn't done anything lately, Seoyoung was living freely with her head tied in a convenient clothing at the accommodation.

He was a completely free man.

“I want to live like Julius.... ”

He muttered as he looked at Snow Young, and he tilted his head.


“I want to play... ”

“You're playing, aren't you? ”

“That's not it! ”

He clenched his fist.

“Now that I've earned enough, I don't want to play for a while, I want to play for a living! Above all, the pinnacle of living while playing is right in front of your eyes, so your desire for white people is just too high. It's flooding! ”

His will burns fiercely, and Seo-young shakes his head. Seoyoung was strapped to her head in a wide, grey dress. I was incredibly free, even though I was a writer with glasses.

“You can't make fun of white water. Sad?”

“You're not sad at all! Well, I want to emulate that attitude in life. You can't cook, you can't clean, all the household chores are done! ”

“Joo-yeon's words are getting worse... ”

Seo-young frowned at the language violence in the lead and laughed again.

“But, you know, it's comforting. You know what, Joo-yeon? ”


“I also get allowance from Kang Joon. ”

When Seo-young smiled and said, as well as the lead, Gina and support were astonished.

“What's the matter? I have to pay for my life, right? ”

“You can't just let a third-year moneymaker live off his staff! ”

Seo-young is the third year of the reign. However, I live with a subordinate for allowance. Seoyoung had no money, so there was no money when something was wrong or needed to be consumed. So, Kang Jun said briefly when he saw Seong-young who was thinking about looking at the computer.

‘Use this. ’

It was more of a flashing golden card than spare money, to be exact.

“Jules, something…. You're becoming more and more confused... ”

When Gina said that she was worried, Seo-young smiled as if it was something.

“Hmmm, but you can't help it because Gangjun won't let you go even if you want to work. ”

In fact, what he wanted to buy was what Emily needed after all. How much money can we spend on this cramped place, though it's spacious? After all, most of the money he spent was for Emilia.

“Kang Jun and Aran must have arrived safely. ”

It was Seo Aran and Kang Joon who were not here. But I wasn't at work yet.

“I don't know if we're going to get a house in America. ”

She shrugs, and Gina replies.

“I'm going to the inauguration. ”

It was rushed to New York like a bean-roasted lightning bolt, but as the Arc Templar arrived at the inauguration ceremony, Kangjundo left for New York to attend the inauguration of Arc Teffler.

Apart from the inauguration of the Arc Templar, news about Utah was filling the news. Recently, Kang Jun's behavior has been strange. It's a scorching hot summer. Members were eating ice cream whilst complaining that it was hot in their homes.

“By the way, Ju-yeon, you can rest if you want to. ”

The Hunter Contract was not a lifetime contract, but if you wanted to rest, you could terminate the contract with Alpha-Shad.

“Just do it. You want me to call it a conscience? ”

“I thought Joo-yeon said that, and you grew up a lot. ”

“Sis! What are you saying...? Chet, well. Yeah, I've grown up. ”

At the end of Choi Na's speech, Kang Ju briefly raised a pair of hearts, but soon I sighed. It was the main character that I thought was only me if I lived well. The performance of wanting to be a S-rank Knight achieved that goal and was ranked as a genuine rank because of the night that the strongest rank was built.

It was a performance that didn't have a grand sense of purpose anyway. So I wanted to make a lot of money and live comfortably. Kang Ju made so much money that it was hard to imagine.

So, it was time to retire.

“I can't rest because I feel betrayed. ”

However, the decision to leave Alpha-Shad and leave Kang-Jun felt like a betrayal to Kang-Jun himself, so the performance was unable to make that choice. Everyone on the H-1 team felt that way. He wanted to have a comfortable day of radio silence, but he was reluctant to make that choice.

The lead was still selfish and desired, but it certainly changed. Seo-young smiled at the starring figure with a crooked look on his face.

“We're family. No wonder we're together. ”

“Eek…. It's disgusting... but yeah. I think so, too. ”

He laughed.

“We think of ourselves as family. ”

Now I am able to say these strange things. Then Seo-young tilted her head to see what came to mind.

“Or do you want to take a year off and reinstate? ”

It's not just for now anyway, and I won't be scolded for coming here for a year or so. But in the end, of course, both Gina and Gina made a clumsy smile. I don't know about Seo-young, but these three knew. During his sleep, these three stayed with Gangjun.

“I don't know about the other times, but I can't right now. ”

I was not sure what it was, but all three knew that something was coming. So, if it's different times, we can't rest now. To help Kang Jun, they knew they had to be with Kang Jun right now. It's not because you think logically and rationally.

It's because everyone trusts Kang Joon that much, relies on him, appreciates him, and loves him. The three of them knew the moment was coming when they would face a great battle.

You may rest someday, but not now.

Alliance with templates, alfahad become international management, new arc templates, and numerous special anomalies in Utah.

Seoyoung looked around everyone's face once. She also notices that this is a sign of some great misfortune. She saw the conflict between Mary and Choi Jun, and knew that just because she left didn't forgive Kang Jun.

“Nothing will happen, right? ”

The answer was support.

“I don't think so. ”

“ ……. ”

At that, Seo-young made a dark face. Support is now mature.

“Something must have happened. There will be.”

“Yes…. Probably…."

Seo-young smiled sadly, and support held his hand still.

“But to make it look like nothing happened. This is as far as I go. ”

So trust us, trust the best. That's what backup was saying. Seo-young saw such support and cried.

“You've grown up. Our support.”

Support is no longer a child. He had the overwhelming experience that he was comforted over time by the child he cared for, and eventually he had to cry. Gina and Joo were also looking at him with a smile.

Something's going to happen.

But no matter what happens, we have to make it look like nothing happened. Everyone started hunting for a different reason, but I was determined to help Kang Joon to the end. Even if it means giving your life.

Now I'm lying on the couch eating ice cream, but when the signal goes off, I can use extreme violence where the body of the beast is lying around, fully armed.

Now is not the time to doubt, but the time to trust one another.

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