Once a year, the Quidditch competition that involves the hearts of all the teachers and students in Hogwarts is finally about to start, whether it's Black who blatantly surpassed from Azkaban, or returned to Hogwarts and served as the student security office. Amosta Bryan, the master, must give in to this exciting moment.

Ever since Slytherin took advantage of it last school year, the entire Gryffindor team, including Harry, has been suffocating.

Especially Oliver Wood, who is about to graduate this year, if the devil really exists in this world, then Wood will not hesitate to sell his soul in exchange for this year's Academy Cup champion!

"Listen, Harry!"

The morning before the game, the wind was howling, the rain was falling faster than ever, and the dark corridors were full of puddles of water. The castle administrator Filch was so busy that he ran around to clear the waterways.

But Peeves, the most annoying elf, really likes to make trouble at this time. He flew through the corridors with a shrill smile, throwing water-filled balloons here and there, and Filch, angry, yelled and cursed. There was no way, until in the end, he threatened Peeves to disturb the order of the school day if he messed up like this, and he would ask Professor Brian to come out to deal with it, and then managed to calm Peeves back.

"It's about time, Harry!"

Wood blocked Harry in the stormy corridor for the third time today, his roaring voice overwhelmed the raging wind and waves outside,

"You have to forget about those cowardly and despicable Slytherins and concentrate on dealing with Hufflepuffs, their new captain, Digory, and you have to be careful with him, Harry, he turns very fast. Don't—"

The drowned Harry didn't hear what Wood said at the end. He was about to ask again, but a figure unexpectedly appeared in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom twenty feet away, which surprised him.

"Do you have anything special about Slytherins, Mr Wood?"

Even though the wind was blowing and the rain was roaring, the words spoken by Professor Brian in a calm and smiling tone still fell into the ears of Oliver and Harry with precision, leaving them dumbfounded.

"No, nothing, sir, oh, I mean Professor Blaine!"

Wood stammered and said,

"I just praised Slytherin's wisdom. They obviously expected that such bad weather would not be suitable for the game, so they came up with a clever excuse, which is very commendable!"

Amosta nodded in satisfaction, and looked at Harry who was still dumbfounded.

"So, Mr. Potter, Defense Against the Dark Arts class has started for two minutes, would you like to stop by and listen?"

He staggered into the classroom until he sat down, looking at Professor Brian who was taking roll, Harry still had a dazed expression.

"very good!"

After confirming that no one was absent, Amosta rubbed his palms happily, took two breaths of heat, and said to the young wizards who were confused about the situation,

"Please don't get me wrong, everyone, Professor Lu Ping is a little unwell temporarily, so let me take a substitute class temporarily."

The classroom fell into an eerie silence, and all the little wizards looked at each other, not knowing how to evaluate what they encountered. There has never been a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts who abdicated and came back alive and healthy to teach them again.


Instinctively feeling that the smile on Professor Brian's face was not quite right, Harry raised his hand tremblingly, and his trembling voice attracted Malfoy, who was scrambling to remove the bandages on the other side of the classroom, laughing so hard that he almost fell under the table.

"Professor Blaine, what are you going to teach us?"

"Well, I learned from Miss Granger that according to Professor Lupine's teaching progress, you should learn how to deal with Hinkpunk, because I am only teaching temporarily, so I have no plan to disrupt Professor Lupin's teaching progress .”


In an instant, there was the sound of exhaling in unison in the classroom, and for a while, it faintly overwhelmed the wind and rain outside.

After class, Neville collapsed like a leaking ball. Ron, whose legs were weak, also wiped away the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead. He raised his freckled nose and looked forward again in surprise. row hermione,

"But, Professor—"

Hermione raised her hand high and asked timidly,

"But you came empty-handed, didn't you?"


Amosta said cheerfully,

"Because the classroom where we have class today is not here, everyone, I arranged those poor little guys in the staff lounge, um, compared to following the script, I think it will deepen your understanding of Hinkpunk in actual combat. Oh, what's up Potter, look at that pained look on your face?"

Amosta's eyes widened, and he looked at the frowning Harry in bewilderment,


Harry said pitifully,

"Can you confirm that we're dealing with a Hinkpunk. Not some dark creature with a knife in its heart? No offense to the professor, I mean, tomorrow is the first Quidditch match of the year and I can't absent."

Harry was still muttering something like I am the hope of the whole village, Wood will kill me, etc. Amosta didn't listen very carefully, but looked at Mal who was hiccupping while laughing. blessing,

"You seem to be recovering well, Mr. Malfoy?"

Amosta raised his eyebrows and smiled,

"I think later, you certainly wouldn't mind showing everyone your extraordinary skills first?"

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Slytherin and Gryffindor showed utterly opposite attitudes towards Professor Brian’s return to take over the class. Basically, the little wizards in Slytherin all had joyful expressions. I really like Professor Lupine who wears poor robes all day long and speaks softly, as if he hasn't had a few full meals.

The little wizards of Gryffindor are also very happy to see Professor Brian appear. Very few, like Hermione, can even be said to be very happy, but the reason why most people are so reserved The reason is actually the reason Harry said before.

"Relax, Harry!"

On the way to the faculty common room, after discussing with Seamus and others, Ron said with a 'face of determination', "I've made an agreement with them, don't try to be brave if anything happens, Harry, Leave everything to us, at this critical time, we must ensure your safety!"

Ron's words were unanimously agreed by the little wizards of Gryffindor. Whether it was Neville who was ready to go to the school hospital, or the heroic girls in the girls' dormitory, they were all ready to protect Harry's safety at all costs.

"Haven't you considered it?"

Hermione said abruptly,

"According to Professor Brian's habit, he likes to break up people from various colleges, Harry, there is a high probability that your teammates will be Malfoy or Nott."

"Can't you say something nice?"

Ron rolled his eyes and said angrily.

Hermione, who has re-established her inner defense, is not a glass vase that will break at the touch of a touch. She stared at Ron with powerful eyes, and said bluntly until Ron looked away,

"I just think it's very likely, Harry, you'd better be prepared."

Malfoy was chatting with his Slytherin classmates, and from time to time, he looked at Harry with a smirk on his face. Without much thought, Harry could roughly figure out that Malfoy must be confessing to those people. If anyone will team up with Porter, they must try their best to hold Porter back, or make Porter get injured.

All the chirping discussions among the little wizards could not be hidden from Amosta's ears. He pretended not to hear, but sighed in his heart, no matter the age or the occasion, indeed, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

At the beginning of the semester, Professor Lu Ping led them to the staff lounge, and this time they were already familiar with the way. Not long after, they stood at the door of a large office.


Standing in front of the door, Amosta turned around and looked at Slaterin, who was determined to make trouble, and Gryffindor, who was fighting against each other, with a smile on his face.

"I worked overtime last night and changed the layout of this room. Next, I want to show you the results of my hard work all night!"

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