Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 422 Still Unhappy Summer Vacation

In the evening, the afterglow of the setting sun crossed the mountains and seas, sprinkled on the white walls of No. 4 Privet Drive, and reflected a pink halo in the dark room through a window with curtains on the second floor.

There is still a little time before dinner, and the neighbors on Privet Drive are mowing the lawn and flowers and plants in the yard, and a few children are chasing each other on the fairly spacious street, or chasing a stray dog ​​together. The wild cats on this street left a series of crisp laughter like silver bells in the leisurely and comfortable air.

Through the gap in the curtains, Harry stared blankly at the children who were laughing as hard as they could under the care of their parents. After a long time, he fell down on the bed with a long sigh, and covered his head with the quilt.

The room full of blushes was a little messier than usual, mainly because there were many things in the room that would not exist in the room of a normal Muggle child.

At the foot of the bed was a large wooden chest, open to reveal a cauldron, broomstick, black robe, and various spellbooks. On the table stood a large empty cage in which Harry's white owl, Hideaway, usually roosted. On the rest of the table, several rolls of parchment were thrown around. On the floor opposite the bed was an open book that Harry had read before bed last night. The pictures in the book were all in motion, young men in bright orange robes on broomsticks whizzing around and throwing a red ball at each other.

Yes, there is an apprentice wizard living in the house at No. 4 Privet Drive. If the neighbors know that the well-behaved Dursleys hide a freak, their jaws will drop in shock, and the house Masters, the Dursleys would be ashamed to move overnight.

Harry didn't care about such things, and it wasn't that he wanted to come back here.

Nearly a month ago, Harry had to return to the Dursleys for the summer again. To be honest, this was probably the most unpleasant day of the year for him, and Harry couldn't tell if things had improved or gotten worse this year.

In the past, Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia would never allow him to play with these "magic" related things in the room during the summer vacation.

As soon as they got home, they would pack and lock everything related to Hogwarts in a cabinet, and they would reluctantly return it to him when school started again.

The current treatment was won by Professor Brian and Sirius, especially Sirius. The conversation before the summer vacation changed a lot for the Dursleys.

They did stop abusing him, at least materially.

Aunt Petunia wouldn't let him get up early in the morning to make breakfast for the whole family, or leave him alone after lunch while the Dursleys curled up on the couch that was about to explode watching TV. Washing the dishes in the kitchen, Uncle Vernon didn't have to yell at him twice to get his hair done every morning when he saw him, and Dudley didn't once hide in the corner of the stairs and sneak up on him when he was going downstairs. Stretched out his feet, in order to see his jokes.

This summer vacation, Harry has never been more free.

He doesn't have to do any housework, but he can enjoy delicious food that even Dudley, who is losing weight, can't enjoy.

The only problem was that the Dursleys thought he didn't exist at all. In the past, they would just pretend to outsiders that he didn't exist at home.

During the whole summer vacation, they didn't say a few words to him.

Aunt Petunia would take away his dirty clothes while he was out for a walk, and when he didn't go downstairs at meal time, Uncle Vernon would come to his door with a plate, put down the food and knock on the door, and he would Leave, and Dudley, basically as soon as Harry came into his sight, no matter what he was fussing about before, he would immediately go quiet and pretend nothing happened.

Harry wished the Dursleys had treated him this way if it had been the same way before. But when he gets his wish and enjoys this kind of treatment, Harry. He has to admit that he misses the past a little bit. At least, he feels that he exists.

He wrote to Ron and Hermione about these things, and as expected, they all expressed great indignation. Ron wrote back to him saying that he would tell his father about this situation and let Weasley Mr. took him out of the Dursleys at once.

Harry's heart skipped a beat, but after careful consideration, he still rejected Ron.

It's not because the Weasleys are not good enough to him. If he can have parents like Ron, Harry is willing to exchange everything he has. The problem is that he doesn't have no relatives now.

Sirius Black, this was his godfather, he'd said before the summer to come and pick him up at the Dursleys as soon as he'd taken care of a few things. Harry thought it best not to leave without permission, and he didn't want to hear Mrs. Weasley, who knew his situation, standing in the kitchen with her hips akimbo complaining that Sirius hadn't done his job.

Speaking of Sirius, there was another heavy sigh from under the quilt.

In the first few days of the summer vacation, Sirius sent him two replies. He told him that he was dealing with certain matters with Professor Brian. If all went well, he would be back in two weeks at the latest. There is no news at all.

All the letters he asked Hedwig to send to Sirius were brought back by Hedwig, which meant that it did not find Sirius himself.

This matter is very unusual, Hedwig is a very clever owl, she can always do things for Harry, never like this, repeated failures, which made Harry can't help but feel sorry for Sirius and Bray. Professor En's safety concerns.

Hermione suggested that Harry write a letter to Dumbledore explaining the situation, but Harry did not do so. On the one hand, he felt that maybe Sirius and Professor Bryan just walked a little far away, so Hedwig couldn't find them, and because of this, he wrote to Professor Dumbledore, and Harry felt that he was making a fuss.

On the other hand, Ron's point of view also makes sense. If Professor Bryan and Sirius couldn't handle the problem, then Professor Dumbledore might not be able to help.


The loud slam of the door downstairs caused Harry, who was listening carefully for any sign of trouble in the house, to jump out of bed immediately.

He rushed out of the room like the wind, went down the stairs in two steps in three steps and entered the quiet and silent first floor. He didn't even look at the steaming dinner on the dining table, and stood alone in the gloomy living room.

Apparently the Dursleys were out.

In the past, their family would often go out and leave him at home, but at least they would give him some warnings before leaving, for example, it is not allowed to turn on the TV without permission, it is not allowed to steal what is in the refrigerator, and it is not allowed to break into the refrigerator. Into their room and so on. In the end, he simply told him what they were going to do, and now, they went out without saying anything. Of course, his dinner had been thoughtfully prepared.

At this time, Harry suddenly noticed a note left on the coffee table, Harry jumped up, jumped over the sofa and grabbed the note on the coffee table.

Here is a passage left by Aunt Petunia:

Maggie came to visit us to see Dudley, we asked her to eat out, we thought you didn't like her, so we didn't call you, your dinner is on the table, the dirty dishes are left there, we will deal with it when we get back.

"Fuck you guys!"

Harry's face was livid, and he tried his best to resist the urge to pull out his wand and set the house on fire, and he curled up the note and threw it heavily on the ground.

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