Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 602 Moody’s Fear

Harry simply thought that he had heard the wrong message. After Professor Moody opened his mouth to reveal the truth, he did not move and was still lying on the ground with a look of disbelief on his face. Hermione was not much less frightened than him, in fact, even more frightened. Even more so, because when she first thought about it, Professor Moody might not be as generous as Professor Blaine to let them go. Especially, Professor Moody might be angry now.

When Professor Moody came slowly from a distance on crutches and stopped exactly in front of them, Harry knew that he shouldn't take any chances.

"Professor Moody--"

Harry and Hermione stood up, losing the protection of the invisibility cloak. Their robes were stained with mud and water, and they were shaken by the cold wind. If they continued to be frozen like this, then I'm afraid they would have to fight in the cold tonight. Madam Pomfrey spent the night. Fortunately, Professor Moody took out his wand and pointed it at them. Then, a wave of warmth instantly surged through his limbs, and his frozen robes became dry again.


Hermione's hunched shoulders relaxed, and she felt much more comfortable. Perhaps it was Professor Moody's friendly gesture that made her feel less nervous.

"The invisibility cloak is good, Potter -" Moody laughed hoarsely, "I bet you have done a lot of great things with it -" Professor Moody seemed to be quite interested in this invisibility cloak. The magic eye turned around, staring at the invisibility cloak.

If possible, Harry is willing to lend this invisibility cloak to Professor Moody for a few days, if he can rely on it to investigate Hermione's warrior identity. Of course, there is also a prerequisite that he does not use it today. She closed herself and Hermione tightly at night.

"Well this is what my father left for me--"

But somehow, Harry hesitated and said this. He swore that he was definitely not saying this because he was worried that Professor Moody would confiscate his invisibility cloak.

"Very interesting, very interesting -" Professor Moody, who was focusing on the invisibility cloak, murmured, "This is not an ordinary invisibility cloak. I can feel the wonderful breath it hides. Oh, I am always very sensitive to smells. , I just discovered you two little guys through my magic eyes——"

Harry stared at Moody's blue eyes in awe. So far, he had only met two people who could see through the protection of the invisibility cloak, and that was Professor Dumbledore and Professor Blaine. However, tonight he met The third one.

Professor Moody seemed to realize that he was saying something difficult to understand. He came back to his senses alertly and grinned at Hermione and Harry.

"Come on, two brave little guys, we don't have to stand here and endure the cold wind, do we?"

brave? !

Hermione and Harry looked at each other. They really didn't expect that Professor Moody would give such an evaluation to their night walks and eavesdropping on the professor's conversations. Professor Moody ignored their confusion. He waved to them and led them up the marble stairs. After entering the foyer, he turned left and entered a deserted corridor.

Although the window holes in the corridor are still blowing cold wind into the castle, the torches on the wall are still burning tenaciously. This can provide some warmth, which is much more comfortable than standing outside just now.

Professor Moody looked around cautiously, and the magic eye was spinning so fast that Hermione felt a little nauseous just looking at it.

"I can't make the mistake Snape and Karkaroff just made, can I?"

Noticing Hermione's uneasy expression, Professor Moody said with a grin. But hearing this, Hermione and Harry both felt uneasy. After all, they had actually eavesdropped on the professor's conversation.

"As I said-"

Moody let out another hoarse dry laugh,

"I have to praise you two for your heroic and fearless behavior. You know, what you just faced. Dumbledore didn't want me to say this, but that's what it is. A conspiracy between two extremely dangerous people. You are very good. I have protected myself. It seems that not everyone has turned a deaf ear to what I repeatedly emphasized in class!"

Harry didn't know that Moody's perspective on the problem was so unique, but in any case, he still very much recognized Professor Moody's definition of Snape, so he grinned shyly.

Moody patted him on the shoulder and said in a rough voice.

"Okay, that's enough chatting, two little guys, I guess you must have experienced this conspiracy completely, right? Tell me, tell me everything you heard. Who speaks first, Granger Miss, I think you should start first, Minerva kept praising me for your clever mind, you will definitely not miss a word, right?"


Hermione said in surprise that she didn't expect Professor Moody to ask her to tell her what she had just overheard so bluntly. Professor Moody would ask someone who knew Professor Snape and Karkaroff were talking. The content is not a strange thing, but Hermione always feels that something is not quite right——

"Why do you think I just let those two guys go, Miss Granger -"

Moody said gruffly,

"Snape and Karkaroff are both good at sophistry and deception, but Dumbledore always likes to see the good side of people. If I don't have concrete evidence, then they may make up lies to hide the truth! "

Understanding flashed in Harry's eyes, and the confusion just now was finally answered.

If Professor Blaine had asked, Hermione would have said it without hesitation, but Professor Moody. Yes, he is a great Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and he is currently teaching them how to resist the Imperius Curse. Many young wizards still admire him for his spirit of taking the risk of being sued to teach.

However, they have no personal relationship with Professor Moody.

Hermione was hesitant, and then, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Harry looking at her eagerly.

"Sirius thinks Moody can be trusted--"

Hermione understood the words conveyed by Harry's eyes.

"Actually -" Hermione took a deep breath and finally made up her mind, she said to Moody, "We didn't hear Professor Snape and the Headmaster of Durmstrang plotting any conspiracy. In fact, this is - -Professor Snape said, the, ahem, storage room in his office--"

Hermione blushed a little, remembering that she had also visited Snape's storeroom in private.

"--On the night Beauxbatons and Durmstrang came to Hogwarts, they encountered a thief and lost the powder of the bicorn horn and the skin of the African tree snake, based on the Halloween night between you and Professor Blaine The speculation in the room behind the auditorium, Professor Snape suspected that it was Professor Karkaroff——"

As Moody said before, Hermione remembered the dialogue verbatim, and she quickly recounted the contents of the two conversations until Karkaroff tried to persuade Snape to help him find out about the Triwizard Tournament. The content of the first competition event, and Snape hadn't had time to reply.

After saying these things, Hermione and Harry stared at Professor Moody. They both wanted to know what Professor Moody, an experienced Auror, had in mind.

To be honest, as far as Hermione is concerned, Snape did not reveal any flaws tonight. Perhaps the biggest problem is that he asked Principal Durmstrang out, but Professor Moody does not seem to be so I think his expression was solemn, and the blue magic eyes stayed motionless in their sockets as if they were stuck.

"You're saying that Snape guessed that someone was brewing Polyjuice Potion, and that he had told Dumbledore and Brian about it?"

Hermione nodded first, but then immediately shook her head,

"Karkaroff questioned this, but Professor Snape did not answer."

Hermione said hesitantly. She looked at Professor Moody. Inexplicably, she felt that Professor Moody seemed a little scared. But the moment the thought came up, she killed it. Professor Moody had nothing to be afraid of. Maybe it was just Her delusion.

Harry's eyes were earnest. He hoped that Professor Moody could analyze some factors that could cause Snape's bad luck.

"Karkaroff thinks that Dumbledore or Blaine sent him to investigate him. Oh, stupid idea. If they really suspected that Karkaroff used Polyjuice Potion, they wouldn't bother Snape to come and ask. "

Did Snape tell Dumbledore and Blaine that someone was secretly brewing Polyjuice Potion in the castle? If so, why didn't they make any move--

Moody fell into a long silence, and it wasn't until Harry and Hermione, two little guys who were disturbed by his worried look, couldn't help but remind him that he came back to his senses.

"Oh, I'm fine, Miss Granger, and Mr. Potter, thank you"

Professor Moody regained his energy,

"The information you provided is valuable, very valuable - now, go back to your dormitory, I will keep an eye on Snape and Karkaroff -"

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