Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 694 Review

"I think there's no need for us to be so reserved, right? This isn't the Inquisition of the Wizengamot -"

Looking at the three silent little guys, Amosta smiled softly and said,

"Unless, what other 'big things' did the three of you do while Principal Dumbledore and I were away from school?"

Harry's face suddenly turned pale, and his body trembled slightly. He did not dare to respond to Professor Blaine's gaze at all. Even Ron and Hermione moved their shoulders unnaturally.

Although the three of them tried their best to conceal their strangeness, in front of Dumbledore and Amosta, this self-proclaimed look was still too dazzling. Dumbledore shook his beard and looked slightly helpless. Even Amosta sighed secretly in his heart.

Never expect these three little guys to stay safe.

"Sit down first and then talk--"

As long as the Harrys and the others don't blow up the school, everything can be put aside. Amosta took out his wand and waved it, and three round stools with thin legs appeared from the distortion in front of the Harrys and the others. behind.

"As Professor Blaine said, Harry, Ron and Hermione, we hope to understand some situations, and the truth is most likely hidden in some things that happened in the past. Everyone who has experienced that event so far In the school, you are the only ones who have experienced it personally, so Professor Blaine and I have to sacrifice your happy dinner time——"

Dumbledore said in a gentle tone, and Harry looked dazed for a while facing the smiling Dumbledore.

Before the second semester of the second grade, Principal Dumbledore was undoubtedly the wizard he admired most. However, one fact is that after Professor Braine came to Hogwarts, Professor Dumbledore's sense of existence suddenly became It was much weaker, and he basically never communicated with him alone.

Of course, Professor Dumbledore is still one of the wizards Harry admires most. He will not forget that in the first grade, if Dumbledore had not used his extraordinary wisdom to strategize, Nick Flamel's Philosopher's Stone would probably have been destroyed. It fell into the hands of Quirrell, who was controlled by Voldemort.

Neither Dumbledore nor Amosta expected the three Harrys to talk to each other at the same time, so Amosta asked directly,

"I think you should be deeply impressed by what happened on the night of the Quidditch final this summer. Of course, I am not referring to the period when the riot occurred, but after everything was over."

After it's all over?

Harry blinked, a little confused, but Hermione soon woke up and out of instinctive habit, she raised her hand timidly,

"If you mean, after you left Sirius's tent, we went to the Quidditch field to look for Harry's wand and came across the Dark Mark!"

Hermione's expression suddenly turned expectant,

"You, and Professor Dumbledore, are you going to clear Winky's suspicions?"

"Oh, you can think so, Hermione -" Amosta pursed her lips, "But before that, Professor Dumbledore and I need to know all the details of what happened that night, three of us - then, Who’s going to say it?”

Will Professor Dumbledore and Professor Brain clear Winky's suspicion?

This thing sounds more magical than Hagrid finally seeing clearly that the Blast-Ended Skrewt is a disgusting and dangerous creature. Harry and Ron moved their lips, but neither of them spoke, but Hermione, who has always been keen, was very surprised. ,

"Winky was wronged, Professor. That night -" Hermione gasped a few times, trying to calm down her excitement, and then said with a slightly trembling voice.

"That's right, Professor Blaine, after you left the tent, we originally planned to take a rest, but Harry suddenly found that his wand was missing, so--"

"Tell me what happened after you rejoined the Quidditch pitch, Hermione -"

Amosta interrupted loudly.

"All right--"

Hermione grunted with dissatisfaction, took a deep breath, and spoke quickly under the gaze of Professor Dumbledore and Professor Blaine,

"Relying on Harry's invisibility cloak, we broke through the Ministry of Magic's blockade in the woods and entered the Quidditch pitch. We didn't find anyone, and the Quidditch pitch was badly damaged. We didn't waste time and got there. Underneath the box where we stayed that night.

Because the stairs were also in disarray, Harry thought it might be dangerous for all three of us to go up, so he planned to go up alone."

Harry glanced at Hermione sadly, there's no need to describe such details so clearly, right?

"--We had a little disagreement, and just as we were discussing what to do, a voice suddenly read--"

"Is there a sound?"

Dumbledore intertwined his fingers into a fist and placed it on his chin, and asked with great interest,

"You mean you heard the sound of a curse, Hermione, what was that sound like?"

Hermione blinked, not quite understanding Professor Dumbledore's question, but Ron raised his hands tremblingly.

Ron's expression was slightly frightened, as if he had returned to that night, when he was frightened after suddenly hearing that fearful voice among the ruins.

"Sounds painful. Probably hurt -" said Ron.

"Any more, Ron?" Amosta said gently.


Ron frowned and thought hard,

"That voice sounds like that of an adult, but not too old. It's definitely not the voice of the house elf named Winky."

Amosta turned and looked at Dumbledore, and then Dumbledore raised his chin at Hermione.

"Please go ahead, Hermione—"

"After the sound of the mantra appeared, we saw a flashing green thing flying out from the box where we were watching the game, forming a pattern in the air. I recognized it. That pattern was what the book said. , the pattern of the mysterious person——"

Hermione continued to talk while taking a breath,

"The officials from the Ministry of Magic reacted very quickly. It took them only about twenty seconds for them to appear. They thought we were the murderers who had created the Dark Mark and attacked us. Fortunately, Ron's father recognized us. We. Then officials from the Ministry of Magic interrogated us as to why we were here and how we escaped the blockade--"

As Hermione told him, Harry's memory became clearer. He remembered that the wizard who took Winky out of the box and found his wand was named Amos.

"What was Barty's reaction?"

Dumbledore interrupted Hermione again, "I mean, when he found out that the elf Amos found was Winky?"

"Mr. Crouch was surprised. He couldn't believe it was Winky, so he immediately apparated into the box after being discovered by Winky -"

Recalling the unfair treatment Winky suffered that night, Hermione said angrily,

"Mr. Crouch probably thought that Winky should evacuate like everyone else, but in fact Winky was just following his order. It was Crouch who ordered Winky to stay in the top box to occupy a place for him. Winky couldn't resist this order, so it It just stayed there and Mr. Crouch didn’t even acknowledge that it was afraid of heights!”

"Was Barty in that box when you showed up, Amosta?"

Dumbledore discovered something keenly and asked, but Professor Blaine didn't need to answer. Harry took the lead and said,

"No, Professor Dumbledore, Mr. Crouch's seat has always been empty."

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