Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 715 Step by step

After walking out of the majestic door of the ice castle, the two people stood in front of the door for a while, quietly watching the playful little wizards in the square.

Fred and George, who were tired of playing with fireworks, turned their business to the 'foreigners'. They took out the recently hot-selling canary biscuits, and Lee Jordan selflessly stood up for everyone Beauxbatons and Dem Strong's little wizard demonstrates the results of the joke product.

After a rapid trembling of his body, Li Qiaodan suddenly turned into a beautiful canary under the eyes of many interested people. Then, he walked up and down in front of the crowd of onlookers with his head held high. His weird look attracted everyone's attention. Gabrielle couldn't stop giggling, and even Fleur's eyes shone as she took out a large number of galleons from the small pearl bag she carried with her.

Amosta secretly warned that if he receives a snack gift box from the little wizard at school recently, he must remember to check it before eating.

After watching for a while, Amosta took the lead and walked forward, while Professor Moody turned around and glanced back at the castle that seemed to be built with the purest crystal, and then followed silently.

On the right side of the square, there is a flowerbed of vines and beautiful flowers on the ice, which was the work of Professor Sprout.

And this undoubtedly provides a good place for those students who are so passionate that they cannot restrain themselves. Amosta and Moody, who walked through the flower garden towards the lake shore, noticed that the brilliance of the ice castle could not touch them. In the shadows, at least seven or eight couples were kissing passionately, and even those who were deliberately infatuated even 'accidentally' fell off their dance skirts.

Amosta walked softly through the flower beds, his face as usual, and he didn't make any movement. It was because Moody's lips moved when his magic eyes observed more details, and his expression was slightly unnatural, and he deliberately relaxed his expression. The sound of prosthetic legs and crutches hitting the ice.

When the two people were about to walk out of the range of the light emitted by the ice castle, they were caught off guard. Amosta stopped at the junction of light and darkness. Moody's reaction was slower, and it was only later that his magic eyes noticed the movement in front of him. .

It was Harry and Hermione. They didn't know when they ran to the shore, and they didn't know what happened. They ran towards the ice castle out of breath.

They didn't expect to meet Professor Blaine and Professor Moody suddenly. They couldn't brake quickly enough as they were running, and they suppressed the urge to scream. One of them ran into Professor Moody's arms, and the other fell headlong into Professor Moody's arms. Mosta's arms.

"Nice socks, Potter--"

Professor Moody grinned and said roughly, his magic eye piercing Harry's robes.

"Oh - yes, Dobby the house elf knitted it for me, um, for Christmas."

Harry said breathlessly. He seemed to be in a hurry to leave, and kept winking at Hermione who seemed to be stunned.

"Careful, Miss Granger--"

Amosta looked at Hermione who was crying with pain as her nose hit her chest and said with a smile,

"I think Madam Pomfrey drank a little too much tonight. If something goes wrong with your nose, you'll have to live with it -"

"Oh, sorry, Professor—"

Hermione rubbed her sore nose, feeling guilty and not daring to look at the expressions of the two professors. She racked her brains to think of a reasonable explanation for her and Harry's panicked behavior. However, Professor Blaine got out of the way extremely considerately. He took the road and seemed to have no intention of pursuing it.

Harry and Hermione secretly exchanged glances, and both noticed the surprise in each other's eyes. However, they had no time to delay. After hurriedly apologizing, they supported each other and ran towards the ice castle, and soon merged into the happy crowd in the square. .

Amosta and Moody watched the two people merge into the crowd, and then turned around. Before they could take a step forward, there were rapid footsteps in the darkness.

"Amosta and Moody?"

Professor Snape was wrapped in his robe and ran over with a livid face. He frowned and looked at them suspiciously.

"Did you see anyone pass by, Amosta?"

"Oh, sorry, I didn't see anything, Professor Snape--"

Amosta said with a smile,

"Where's Professor Karkaroff? I saw you going out with him?"

"Back on the ship -" Snape said in a low tone, "He may not like the tricks you and Dumbledore pulled off. What are you going to do?"

"Professor Moody and I plan to patrol the grounds to prevent any trouble."

Amosta still smiled,

"Want to go for a walk together, Professor Snape?"

Snape did not look at Moody, but looked deeply at Amosta. Then, after coldly saying "not interested", he quickly walked away from the two people.

Potter and Granger most likely followed Snape and Karkaroff and were discovered eavesdropping on their conversation.

A faint sense of crisis arose in Moody's heart, and a few traces of absurdity emerged unconsciously.

The last secret meeting between Karkaroff and Snape was accidentally interrupted by Potter and Granger, and this time it was the same situation. For a moment, Moody didn't know how to lament Snape and Kaka. Love was unlucky, but he should have laughed at Potter and Granger's unfathomable courage and exuberant curiosity.

But what on earth were Snape and Karkaroff talking about?

Last time, he deceived key information from Potter and Granger who overheard the conversation between the two. Since then, she had never been to Snape's storage room again.

The blue magic eyes in Moody's eyes moved, and he looked at Amosta Blaine, who seemed to have no extra interest in this matter, and doubts arose in his heart. This is not Blaine's style.

"What a surprise to me—"

After walking out of the magic envelope, the roar of the wind and snow suddenly became deafening. In the blinding wind and snow, Moody raised his voice,

"Eavesdropping on the professor's conversation is no small matter. Blaine, when did you become so tolerant?"

"Maybe the truth is not what you think, Professor Moody——"

In the howling wind, Amosta's steady voice fell into Moody's ears,

"Perhaps it was just that Potter and Granger mistakenly entered the place where Professor Snape and Professor Karkaroff were whispering, and in order to avoid embarrassment, they hid it. However, the two little guys probably overheard something interesting. I made some noise and was noticed."

Amosta looked at Moody and smiled pointedly.

"If that's the case, it can't be regarded as Potter and Granger's problem. They are also in trouble."

These words seemed to have touched Moody a little. His steps stopped and he stood motionless on the shore. It was not until Amosta jumped on the shore that he turned around and stretched out a hand to him, and he took advantage of it and stepped forward.

The little wizards had previously walked over from the castle, and the sparse footprints left on the grass had been smoothed by the snowstorm. The two people standing on the shore looked at the way they came, and were momentarily distracted.

"What do you think of this party?"

Amosta asked in a brisk tone as he looked at the ice and snow castle he had built.

"Very astonishing, impressive—"

Moody said in a hoarse voice, staring at the fairy tale castle in the warm light and shadow,

"I bet, Amosta, this will be a new legend at Hogwarts. People will remember what they witnessed tonight for many years to come. Those who participated in the ball will never forget this night in their lifetime."

"Oh, thank you--"

Amosta smiled with satisfaction,

"Sometimes, I am amazed by the genius little ideas in my head--"

Amosta has always been low-key and humble in front of others. Like Dumbledore, he has never been arrogant because of his extraordinary strength. It is rare for him to show off himself. Therefore, when he heard Amosta act like this When speaking, Moody was slightly surprised, but after seeing the smug smile on the corner of Amosta's mouth, and because of this slender smile, his face finally showed a bit of the high-spiritedness that a young man of this age should have. After feeling refreshed, Moody somehow felt that his tense mood relaxed a little.

"Oh, seriously, why are we standing here?"

Amosta, who seemed to have just realized what it was like to stand in the snow, muttered. He took the wand that slipped into his palm and moved it deftly. The light screen that appeared the same color as the snow blocked a circle of calm for the two of them. space.

After rubbing his stomach, Amosta realized that he had only drank some wine and had eaten nothing. A light flashed in his lavender eyes. Amosta turned to look at Moody,

"Would you like some food, Professor Moody?"

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