Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 785: The Witch of Godric's Hollow

 Chapter 785 The Witch in Godric's Hollow

At seven o'clock, the guests came one after another.

Fred, George, and Ron were captured by Mrs. Weasley and became temporary waiters, responsible for standing on the road in front to greet them and lead them into the house.

“Kyle, what do you think of my appearance? I don’t look too shabby.” Hagrid asked in a low voice at the door of the room.

"Huh?" Kyle glanced at his furry brown suit and said firmly: "Don't worry, no matter who it is, you can tell at the first glance that you attach great importance to this wedding."

 In August, when the weather is the hottest, can we ignore wearing a thick fur suit that is only worn in winter?

Kyle felt that he definitely couldn’t do this anyway.

"Well..." At this time, Harry's voice sounded a little uneasy next to him, "I really don't need to do anything to hide my identity, such as drinking polyjuice potion or something."

He and Sirius had reconciled. No one knew what they said when they were in the room, but after they came out of the room, they reconciled as before.

"No need at all." Kyle waved his hand, "You don't look that scary, and you can't scare away the guests. You can just use your face."

"That's not what I'm referring to." Harry said hesitantly. "What if some Death Eaters know I'm here? Will it cause trouble?"

"There's no need to worry." Kyle said calmly: "As long as the mysterious man doesn't come in person, there won't be any trouble. And coincidentally, the mysterious man just had a fight with Professor Dumbledore a few days ago. He is probably recovering from his injuries at the moment and will not dare to appear in public for a short period of time."

"Is it difficult to understand?" Kyle said with a serious face: "There are not many occasions like this."

"Hello." Kyle stepped forward and shook hands with them.

"I'm also very surprised." Professor McGonagall glanced at the house not far away, "I really didn't expect you to choose the wedding venue here."

In a sense, Tonks was doing the same thing as her mother, but luckily, she didn't have to do it alone this time.

"Huh?" Hagrid blinked, "Wait, I don't seem to understand what you mean?"

Next to him is a man with blond hair and a big belly...

"She's fine. She's preparing some snacks for later," said Mr. Weasley.

"Please allow me to introduce you to you." He pointed at Fred, "This is my son Fred...well, it could also be George. They are twins, as you know."

Mr. Weasley hurried over and hugged the two of them.

 “Yes, that’s right.” Hagrid nodded.

Especially Professor Sprout, Kyle always thought she would never leave the school greenhouse.

There are not many things worth celebrating in the wizarding world right now, and participation is indeed very important.

"That was one of my happiest memories." Sirius said, "Okay, come in, Lupine will be surprised. He always thought you didn't have time to come."

There are some wizards who get married in this situation, but they don't know those people. They are familiar with each other and are ready to get married. For now, he only knows about Lupin and Tonks.

"Here, please, I'll take you there." After a brief introduction, Fred led them into the house to find Tonks.

Then came George. He brought with him all acquaintances, Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout, which surprised Kyle a little. He rarely saw them outside the school.

But they still came, and Mrs. Tonks should have played a key role. Just like she did in the beginning, she insisted on choosing Mr. Ted Tonks despite everyone's opposition and even not caring about being expelled from the family. .

"Long time no see, Arthur." Tonks' mother, Andromeda Tonks, said softly: "How is Molly?"

"Welcome, two professors." This time the person who greeted them was Sirius. “What a surprise you guys are coming.”

“Oh, sir, madam, please come with me this way.”

 “No problem.” Harry ran away happily.

"Yes, you were always inseparable when you were in school." Professor McGonagall's eyes were slightly red.

"Then what can I do?" Harry suddenly became more energetic. "Mrs. Weasley didn't arrange any work for me."

"It was Remus who insisted." Sirius rubbed his nose, "Because James said that when Remus gets married, he will come to attend no matter where he is."

 “Excellent.” Kyle said modestly.

“Decorate the seats?” Hagrid glanced at Kyle strangely, “If I remember correctly, isn’t this the task that Chris gave you?”

However, he also noticed that it was Mrs. Tonks who was always speaking. As for Mr. Ted Tonks, his face was a little ugly. Only when Kyle looked over, he forced out a smile. .

 “Oh, Kyle, they are Tonks’ parents.”

"Of course." Kyle glanced at him with a smile, "Just do whatever you have to do, and you don't have to worry about anything else."

"That's right." Kyle nodded, "But it's rare that Harry wants to help, so I'll take a small loss and let him do it."

It's normal for Mr. Tonks to be unhappy. Would it be a problem if he came here happily... Even if he doesn't come to the wedding this time, Kyle can understand.

Fred's voice came not far away. He was following a middle-aged couple.

 “Andromeda, Ted, I’m so glad you’re here.”

 The woman is a wizard who looks somewhat similar to Tonks, but her hair cannot be changed, it is just a soft light brown.

Hagrid nodded in understanding. He still felt something was wrong, but after thinking about it carefully, what Kyle said seemed to make sense.

 “Is that so?” Harry scratched his hair.

"Then you go and see how the guests' seats are arranged." Kyle thought for a while, "Also, remember to decorate each seat with some decorations, such as flowers and ribbons. After all, it is a wedding, or It’s better to focus on it.”

"I have heard of you." Mrs. Tonks said in surprise. "You are the youngest recipient of the Order of Merlin, Second Class, and the champion of the Triwizard Tournament. You have made the British Ministry of Magic very exposed in the world. Face it.”

“So, the more you do on such occasions, the more you feel involved. What a rare opportunity. Isn’t this a good thing?”

Mr. Weasley ignored the angry Fred and pointed at Kyle again, "He is Chris and Diana's child, Kyle.

"Okay, I'll help too," Hagrid said, and then followed Harry towards where the chairs were.

But it is understandable, after all, no matter in terms of appearance, age or financial resources, Lu Ping does not look like a good son-in-law, and he is even a werewolf.

"I really didn't have time, but Filius took over part of our work." Professor McGonagall said, "Remus is one of my favorite students. When he gets married, he always comes to witness it."

“Same goes for Nymphadora,” Professor Sprout said with a smile.

“What about me?” Sirius seemed to be in a good mood and asked jokingly: “What is my impression in your mind?”

"If possible, I really hope you can be assigned to another house." Professor McGonagall blurted out: "In this way, maybe Gryffindor can win a few house cups that year."

I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but when Professor McGonagall said this, she glanced at George next to her without any trace.

 “That’s really sad to say.” Sirius clutched his chest, but his smile grew wider.

“Follow me, professors, Remus will be very happy to see you.” After Sirius left, George was not in a hurry to go back, but came to Kyle not far away.

"When I get married..." He tugged on the tie around his neck and said, "I won't engage in these tricks. I will hold a party from morning until late at night. Everyone can come whenever they want. Come, you can join at any time, and you can leave at any time.”

"Then you have to get past Mrs. Weasley first." Kyle handed him a bottle of ice-cold pumpkin soda, "She will definitely not agree to what you do."

"It doesn't matter." George raised his head and took a sip of soda. "I can cast a full-body binding spell on mom until the matter is finished."

"In this case, please remember to tell me in advance." Kyle glanced at him, "I can go to your grave the next day to lay a flower." "Then she will have to catch me." George laughed and said, "Okay, I have to tell the band to start playing."

After saying that, he walked towards the largest tree nearby, where the wizards of the band were sitting and smoking pipes. It was said that it was a very famous band, but Kyle didn't remember the name, and he didn't recognize it either.

This time there were fewer people attending the wedding than expected. By 7:30, the guests had already arrived, and most of them were acquaintances.

However, they had already anticipated this situation before.

Tonks's mother was expelled from the family a long time ago because she married a wizard from a Muggle family. One of the hot holes in the tapestry of the old Black house was hers.

 Because of this incident, she has lost contact with almost all the people she is familiar with. In addition, even if she had contact, those people would not be able to attend the wedding of her daughter and a werewolf.

As for Ted Tonks, most of his relatives are Muggles, and it is not appropriate to invite them to a wizard's wedding.

 Besides them, the other strangers Kyle met were Lupine's parents.

But they came in the middle of the wedding. At that time, the host was reciting the vows, and Lupine suddenly jumped off the stage. Tonks thought that this guy regretted the marriage, and his hair turned red with anger.

 It wasn’t until she and others looked in the direction in which Lu Ping was running that they discovered the belated couple.

  It is also a combination of a wizard and a Muggle, but unlike Tonks, Lupine's father is a wizard.

Lyle Lupin, an expert in dark magical creatures. Kyle had heard this name from Newt, and Newt also admired him very much.

If Kyle remembers correctly, he is probably only about sixty years old, but he looks much older than his actual age.

Having a stooped figure and a head full of white hair, Newt, who is over a hundred years old, looks more energetic than him.

 The same goes for Lupine's mother next to her.

They didn't seem to believe that Lupine was getting married at first, and thought it was a prank. It wasn't until they confirmed it with their own eyes that they finally couldn't control their emotions, hugging each other and crying with joy.

However, Kyle always felt that the relationship between them and Lupine was a bit strange. They were not close, but it could not be said to be bad. It just had a vague sense of distance that only existed between strangers and relatives.

 After the brief excitement, the atmosphere between them quickly became silent again.

 After that Lupine returned to the stage.

 Fortunately, the host was well-informed and ignored this episode and started reciting the unfinished oath from the beginning.

“Ladies and gentlemen, today we gather here to celebrate the union of two devoted souls…”

“I didn’t expect them to be like this.” Fred, who was sitting on Kyle’s left side, suddenly muttered in a low voice.

 “What do you mean?” Kyle asked.

 “It’s the relationship between Lupine and his parents.” George on the other side said.

 “The relationship between them is not good?”

“It’s not that bad.” Fred thought for a while, “This was more than thirty years ago.”

“Lupin’s father said something that offended the werewolf Fenrir Greyback, so Greyback broke into their house on a full moon night and bit the young Lupin.”

 “Yeah.” Fred nodded. "Because of this incident, Lu Ping's father fell into deep self-blame. From then on, he became taciturn and did not dare to talk to Lu Ping."

“Coupled with Lupin’s status as a werewolf, he also began to gradually become alienated from his parents, and then he became what he is now.”

Kyle looked at the two of them doubtfully, "Why do you know so well?"

"Of course I overheard it." Fred said matter-of-factly: "When they were chatting last night, we were outside listening for three hours. Lupine also said that his parents would definitely not come to the wedding. of."

 “But now it seems that he guessed wrong.” George said with a smile.

"Three hours?" Kyle smacked his lips, "You guys really have enough time."

"It's worth it, isn't it?" Fred raised his eyebrows, "After all, other times, they wouldn't tell us such secrets."

 Then he turned to look at the two people on the stage.

“That’s great, but I still think it’s too much trouble. Anyway, when I get married, I won’t let someone talk endlessly on stage.”

 “Again, you have to convince Mrs. Weasley first.” Kyle said.

As the oath was read out, some of the more emotional people began to cry. Mrs. Weasley and Hermione kept wiping their eyes. Mrs. Lupine and Mrs. Tonks also cried with joy. There were waves of trumpet blowing coming from behind. noise.

That was Hagrid. He was covering his face with a tablecloth-like veil, and the sound came from the position of his nose.

“…I declare you to be life partners.”

Hearing these words, Fred and George jumped up from their seats, took out the latte art cannons they had prepared, and let them explode above the heads of Lupine and Tonks.

This time it’s not a Christmas stock, but something they specially made.

A large field of silver stars fell above their heads, and flowers of various shapes fell from the sky. They were all real flowers, and some had bees on them. They flew into the air in panic, and in the blink of an eye they rushed excitedly to the flowers below. garden.

Then Kyle also waved his magic wand, and the surrounding flowers began to grow wildly, becoming as tall as a person in the blink of an eye. Various different, furry animals jumped out from all directions, and three phoenixes fell behind the two of them and sang. A melodious song.

 “It’s a really good transfiguration.” Professor McGonagall at the guest table nodded approvingly.

“Yes.” Professor Sprout nodded, “But I think golden hydrangea can be used instead of orchids and roses. That is the most beautiful plant.”

 The two professors were discussing with great interest.

 “Hey, Kyle, this was not part of the previous plan.” Fred said dissatisfied.

 “And you’ll make us look stupid.”

 “It was a last-minute decision, so don’t be angry.” Kyle said with a smile.

He just thought of it. After all, it was Lu Ping who was getting married. He couldn't do anything but stir up the atmosphere.

 And this sudden scene also caused everyone to cheer.

Then the garden turned into a dance floor again, the band played cheerful music, and drinks such as pumpkin juice, butter beer, and fire whiskey flew in from all directions and were placed neatly on the table.

“It’s really good.” George picked up a glass of butterbeer and took a sip. “But I have a problem.”

 “What?” Fred asked.

 “Who is that person?” George pointed.

Not far from them, a stooped witch was standing there. She looked very old and seemed out of place in the lively wedding scene.

“I don’t know him.” Fred shook his head, “Maybe he’s a neighbor nearby.”

 (End of this chapter)

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