Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 16 Voldemort’s teaching philosophy

"Talk about the blood curse."

Dumbledore said with concern, "This is a rare curse."

"The trouble occurred during a hunting trip. At that time, I was too close to Mount Oricino..."

Quirrell began to tell the story he had already made up. Dumbledore listened patiently and nodded in response from time to time. He did not speak again until the end.

"Then, can I take a look?" He looked at Quirrell through his crescent glasses and asked.

"Uh... Of course, it would be great if you could directly help me lift the curse." Quirrell said as if he was surprised.

Voldemort, who was hiding in the blood curse and paying attention to all this from afar, instantly chose to fall asleep and no longer revealed any information that might be detected.

"I'm not proficient in curses." Dumbledore stood up, his purple floor-length robe trailing behind him as he moved, "But I can help you see, maybe there is some way."

Quirrell kept nodding, but at the same time he had activated Occlumency - this was naturally not to prevent Dumbledore from seeing the blood curse, but just to prevent him from seeing his true memories.

"You may feel a little dizzy, but it will be quick." Dumbledore said softly, swinging the Elder Wand twice in the air, and then placed it on Quirrell's head.

This should be a magic similar to Legilimency, but it has obviously changed. At least he did not recall Quirrell's memory, but just made the mark of the blood curse flash in Quirrell's eyes.

"This vampire is more powerful than I expected." Dumbledore leaned forward and looked closely at Quirrell's eyes.

He used the hand without the wand to pull out Quirrell's eyelids, allowing the texture of the blood curse to appear more - the curse looked like a bite mark, with the upper and lower canine teeth particularly prominent, and the evil aura was hidden deep in Qi Luo's eyes. Luo's eyes were deep.

"It should be a female vampire. This is good news."


The Elder Wand was waved again, and the blood curse was hidden again.

"Based on my understanding of the curse, the blood curse has been implemented and there is no way to remove it. If someone can solve this problem... maybe the person who cursed the Defense Against the Dark Arts class can do something."

Dumbledore's words made Quirrell shudder. He seemed to be frightened, but he gritted his teeth and said nothing.

"It is said that he is also in the Black Forest. You haven't seen him?" Dumbledore asked seemingly casually.

"You mean...the mysterious man?" Quirrell asked, holding back his chills.

"Voldemort, that's what I like to call him." Dumbledore stared at Quirrell.

Quirrell shrank back like a frightened rabbit, but in the end he gritted his teeth and didn't scream - thanks to the teachings of the acting class teacher, he did a good job, at least Dumbledore didn't see anything unusual. .

"I haven't seen... the principal, please don't say his name again." Quirrell said.

Dumbledore smiled and changed the subject instead of dwelling on the issue.

"Maybe you can try to get along with that vampire. Love can influence her and her spell."

Dumbledore said, looking at Quirrell up and down, and said, "It seems that you have already started to try."

Quirrell smiled awkwardly and twisted his shoulders, as if he was relieved from his fear.

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Dumbledore stopped the topic that made Quirrell uncomfortable. "It's time to talk about the curriculum."

Quirrell immediately straightened his back, looking like he was fully prepared.

"First of all, I will increase my practice." Quirrell said loudly. "The experience in the Black Forest made me aware of my own shortcomings and also allowed me to see the shortcomings in the defense class."

Dumbledore nodded and gave Quirrell an encouraging look.

"My lack of proficiency in resisting and attacking magic spells made me suffer a lot in the early stage. If I hadn't prepared a lot of magic potions, I even thought I would die there."

"It's a dangerous journey. Be more careful next time." Dumbledore warned.

"Yes, I will pay attention." Quirrell responded, and then told his thoughts.

"Secondly, I want to create a linkage with the two professors of Charms and Herbology, and of course, preferably Professor Snape."

"Magic spells are used to resist and attack, and there are many plants in herbalism, which are themselves sources of danger in dangerous places like the Black Forest. As for magic potions... they are really life-saving things."

Dumbledore nodded in approval.

"at last……"

Quirrell looked at the Sorting Hat, with some hesitation in his expression.

"If you have any ideas, just say it, we are discussing it, aren't we?" Dumbledore said encouragingly.

Quirrell nodded, organized his words, and then spoke again.

"Finally, I think not all students are suitable for head-on combat... Of course, I'm not saying that I'm timid or anything else, it's just..."

Quirrell looked a little embarrassed. He was often teased for being timid in the past. Although he was much better now, he was still not very used to mentioning things that made him ashamed.

"I understand, please continue." Dumbledore lit the Elder Wand on Quirrell's water glass and refilled some drinks for him, which greatly relieved Quirrell's embarrassment.

"Thank you." Quirrell took a deep breath and said after calming down.

Dumbledore nodded slightly, indicating that there was no need to rush.

"I think different students should have different fighting styles." Quirrell calmed down and began to explain his thoughts.

"Brave Gryffindors, they are suitable for duels and frontal battles. They can even join in close combat - their founder has a wand in one hand and a sword in the other."

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows, seeming surprised by the novelty of Quirrell's idea.

"Another example is our Ravenclaws. Most of us memorized a lot of spells when we were students, but we lack practical skills. I think we are more suitable to win with wisdom."

"Like your trip to the Black Forest?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes." Quirrell nodded affirmatively and said, "If I hadn't read enough travel books and made sufficient preparations - especially potions - I think I might not be able to get out of the Black Forest."

Dumbledore nodded in agreement.

"Slytherin... In my opinion, their magic is stronger than ordinary wizards. Pure blood does have such benefits, so powerful magic is more suitable for them."

Quirrell's words caused Dumbledore to frown slightly. He obviously didn't like this statement, but he finally nodded.

"The magic power of most pure-bloods is indeed better than that of wizards born in the Muggle world, but I hope you will not ingrain this idea into the minds of students." Dumbledore said after thinking.

"Of course I won't do that. What's more, I am not a pure-blood, but with constant practice, my magic is not weaker than most pure-blood wizards." Quirrell said proudly.

Dumbledore nodded again, and then asked curiously: "What about Hufflepuff? There are always people who think they are not good enough."

"Teaching to create a fixed fighting style."

Quirrell answered without hesitation, obviously he was prepared.

"Hufflepuff is not as brave as Gryffindor, not as smart as Ravenclaw, and not as magical as Slytherin, but... they are not afraid of hardships, and they are the most perseverant among the four houses. student."

Dumbledore nodded slowly in agreement.

"Let them find their own fixed combat routines, and then continue to strengthen them. They don't need too many magic spells, and they don't have to choose powerful magic spells. As long as they are easy to use and coherent enough, that's all."

Quirrell said excitedly, "Coupled with their persistent practice, I even think that when they continue to study like this until they graduate, most students from other colleges will not be able to defeat them in a sudden battle."

"A very clear idea." Dumbledore praised loudly. "I even think that if it can be implemented well, the combat effectiveness of Hogwarts graduates will be improved as a whole."

Quirrell was quite excited after hearing this. Although this was Voldemort's idea, he felt quite honored to be recognized by Dumbledore.

"It's just that it's not without trouble..." Dumbledore spoke slowly to calm down the excited Quirrell.

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