Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 4 Activating Skills: Darkest Hour

"Little Shulek, long time no see."

Voldemort took over the body in an instant, and at the same time looked at the vampire who greeted him.

In addition to the little Shulek he knew, there was also a strange figure.

Voldemort looked at the figure's ears curiously:

The auricles are forward and the whole body has front pockets.

"I don't know what to call this vampire from Mount Cristo."

Voldemort asked, curiosity rising in his heart.

According to the information he got from the remnant soul of Voldemort, there are three camps of vampires:

The ears with pointed back pockets belong to the Nosferatu faction. They are the most primitive vampires, powerful and evil.

The auricles with forward large and round ears belong to the Dracula faction. They once followed the Nosfetura faction and fought against Muggles and wizards.

Those with forward auricles and front pockets belong to the Monte Cristo faction, which can also be called the modern faction. They live in the Muggle world.

Of the three factions, Dracula is the mainstream and has many contacts with the other two factions.

The Nosferatu faction and the Cristo faction despised each other.

The former feels that the latter has lost the glory of the vampire family and is lost in the world of Muggles.

The latter feels that the former is unreliable and destined to be abandoned by the world.

But now...

"His name is Xue Ni."

Young Shulek introduced with a smile, "You happen to be traveling here. As one of our most distinguished guests, he should come out to greet you."

Voldemort smiled and nodded, and said without any dissatisfaction on his face: "I thought this would be a secret meeting."

With a smile, he walked up the mountain without any intention of waiting for their guidance.

Little Shulek twisted his body in embarrassment, while Xueni looked confused - he obviously didn't understand the confrontation between Voldemort and Count Nosferatu.

"Father asked me to take him to say hello to you. He has something to do outside and can't come back in time."

Little Shulek took a few steps to catch up with the striding Voldemort and said.

The Great Shulek, the son of Count Nosferatu and the closest friend of Voldemort's vampire camp, chose to escape.

"He is gradually losing the friendship between me and him. You can convey my words directly without any concealment and tell him: When I was in trouble, he chose to stand by and watch. This was not the right choice. .”

Voldemort's voice was low and majestic, and Quirrell's excited soul, hiding deep in his mind, trembled:

Look, look, look.

This is the master I worship, this is the master I respect.

He set foot on the majestic Orikino Mountain, as if he was inspecting his territory, and in front of a son, he mercilessly criticized his father, the crown prince of the original blood clan——

And his son didn't dare to refute at all.

"Are you really Voldemort?"

"I mean...you don't look like..."

Xueni, who was following behind, seemed to not want his friend to be insulted, which made what he said sound a bit careless.


As if to intentionally offend.

Voldemort stopped and glanced at the gray text in the lower left corner.

He was hesitating, waiting...

"I don't mean to offend, but we in the Cristo family have many friends in the wizarding world. According to the information we received from them, you have been confirmed to be dead, and now you seem to be of the wrong age, and..."

The rambling words did not stop when Voldemort stopped.


Xue Ni's face showed the arrogance unique to vampires.


Count Nosferatu did not want to help him easily, at least until he saw his own power.

So, how to choose?

The pros and cons flashed through one by one, and he already had the answer.

"Darkest hour."

Voldemort murmured softly, causing Xue Ni to stop speaking.

The two vampires looked at Voldemort's back in confusion, and then seemed to shudder when they saw that back.


A dark light and shadow slowly rose from the back.

"Oh...master...oh...my master..."

Quirrell's soul was trembling in his body.

Voldemort's soul was immersed in endless darkness.

Ten years of struggle, ten years of pain, ten years of perseverance...

In the darkness, come to life.

When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were filled with darkness.


Voldemort turned his head and looked at the two vampires.


Staring at those black eyes, they couldn't help but swallow together.


"That's the smell of hot cheese..."

Voldemort murmured, slowly took out the wand, raised it carefully, and then...

"Avada~~King of Life~~~"

Amid the wails of fear and admiration from Quirrell's soul, Voldemort used his terrifying dark magic.

For a moment, the unicorn's wail came from the alder wand, but the green spell did not stop at its wail.

Unicorn Taima, who refused to use black magic, painfully accepted everything at this moment.

And that green light, in Xue Ni's panic, went straight to his head.

At this moment, the terrifying murmurs of countless wizards sounded:

Voldemort is the most feared dark wizard...

Never mess with the Dark Lord, trust me, never...

He was born for black magic, or rather, black magic was born for him...

"Get away, Xueni, get away..."

Little Shulek roared in horror. He had no idea that Voldemort would do this.

This is Mount Oricino, Mount Saint Oricino of the Vampire Clan.

Crazy Voldemort, crazy death curse, crazy...

Blood nun.

Little Shulek's shout awakened the sluggish Xueni, but when faced with the killing curse that was coming at a rapid pace, he had no idea how to avoid it.

The murder seemed to happen immediately.


A bat flew over diagonally, blocking Avada's Kedavra and using his own life to save Xueni's life.

"Dark Lord, are you going to start a killing spree here?"

A cold voice was accompanied by a thin figure.

It was Count Nosferatu, and his appearance made the suffocated little Shulek breathe a sigh of relief, and also made the sluggish Xueni recover from his shock.

"Are you crazy? Just because of my words, you..."

"Avada Kedavra."

Without any expression or hesitation, Voldemort waved his wand again.

"Stop, Dark Lord."

Count Nosferatu's voice was full of fear. He quickly transformed into a big bat and dragged Xuni away - if he had been half a minute slower, he would have dragged away only a corpse.

However, this did not stop Voldemort.

Darkness falls and the feast begins.

The life of a bat is obviously not a feast.


Passing the wand to his left hand, his right hand quickly took out the revolver from his waist and raised it to his chest.

"There are many obstacles~~"

The range spell was cast, and Count Nosferatu's figure slowed down.

"Pah, pah, pah, pah..."

A stream of silver bullets stained with holy water poured out.


Xue Ni's screams were heard, and the big bat transformed into a human form in the magic, tore apart the magic with his bare hands, and dragged Xue Ni to escape again.


The bullet casing fell to the ground at an angle. While watching the movements of several enemies, Voldemort stirred his wand and reloaded the bullet in the air.

"One old vampire, plus two younger ones."

"It doesn't matter if you are young, the main thing is that you are an old vampire. Even if you were in your heyday... then he would definitely have no chance, but now..."

"The alder wand is wailing, the unicorn tail hair is already dying, and I don't have much time left."

"The magic power in Quirrell's body is not as rich as imagined..."

"Then, that's all."

Countless ideas emerged almost instantly.

But this did not affect Voldemort's movements, and soon the bullet was reloaded.

"The darkest hour..."

"Bless Legilimency..."

Following Voldemort's decision, his thoughts were instantly revealed, covering a hundred meters in radius.

Just two words to ask for votes

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