Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 73 Chapter 73 Halloween Eve

Destiny must have exquisite gears, otherwise everything would not be so clever.

Voldemort knew that trolls would riot on Halloween because he was a time traveler.

But the heavy schoolwork, the study of banned books, the search for trolls...

Too many things were entangled together. The next week after he asked Porchis to set up a research laboratory, and at the urging of Professor McGonagall, he entered the Forbidden Forest to look for trolls, everything still happened...

This time Ron made Hermione cry for a different reason than in memory.

In his memory, Ron uttered evil words because he was jealous of Hermione's learning ability. When Hermione heard him passing by, he made Hermione cry.

And this time, he was jealous of Hermione and Harry being so good...

Ever since the last duel incident, Harry was very grateful to Hermione, because she not only helped Harry find the principal despite his injuries, but also continued to encourage him and support him afterwards.

Harry has been having a very hard time recently. In the past, he could still endure the admiring looks from his classmates, but now, his classmates would only look at him with strange eyes, which made him very uncomfortable.

The smart know-it-all gave him a lot of help in the process, which made the relationship between the two very good, and Ron became jealous.

So, one day before Halloween, he spoke harshly to Hermione, calling her:

An arrogant person who has no female friends and can only hug the savior's lap.

Miss Know-It-All had never heard such vicious words before. She froze on the spot and skipped class for the first time. She was still crying in the bathroom until dinner.

And Voldemort, who knew nothing about his destiny, just drove the giant monster forward at a brisk pace - he deliberately missed that day in the book, which made him feel very safe.

All Hallows' Eve was chosen in the book because on that night, students would gather in the dining hall for a Halloween dinner.

The corridor without people is just suitable for Professor Quirrell to drive the troll to the fourth floor.

In order to stagger the time, he ignored Professor McGonagall's complaints and asked to get rid of the monsters in advance. For this reason, Professor McGonagall had to find a reason to let the students gather together during the dinner.

Voldemort nodded happily and walked into the empty main entrance of the castle. He was even in the mood to sing:

"Buddy you're a boy make a big noise."

"Playing in the streets gonna be a big man someday."

"You got mud on your face."

"You big disgrace."

"Kicking your can all over the...fu~k, fu~k, fu~k..."

A series of curse words interrupted the humming rhythm.

The premonition of the impending curse made Voldemort instantly panic.

"The curse stops, the curse stops, the curse stops..."

Without hesitation, he left a series of magic spells on the bracelet, and then Voldemort looked around warily.

Thanks to my strong request, there was no one in the corridor, and then...

Before he could make any more moves, Quirrell's soul began to steal the show.

"The campus is silent and there are no complete guards. I know how to deal with that three-headed dog. My master needs the magic stone."

Voldemort, who had been robbed of his position, was deep in his soul and looked helplessly at the demonic Quirrell.

Helpless, but he was not panic at all.

"Just release the troll, what a perfect idea..."

After thinking for a second, Quirrell directly cast a spell on the troll. The troll, which had been treated very docile, became furious and rushed to the women's bathroom nearby - Voldemort only noticed it at this time, but he didn't notice it. I think Hermione will still be in there.

Quirrell, on the other hand, turned around and prepared to stumble into acting, and then...


The first hand bead exploded, the curse suddenly appeared, and Quirrell instantly regained his sanity.

"Oh, Master, what have I done? There is still something to be redeemed..."

Before Quirrell could finish speaking, Voldemort had already spoken.

"Shut up, Quirrell, and listen to me now."

Voldemort said calmly, "Use the Patronus to inform Professor McGonagall that an accident has occurred and ask the students to stay in the restaurant for a while. The accident will be solved quickly."

After he said this, he was not in a hurry to control his body, because he couldn't use the Patronus Charm - even if he could use it, he wouldn't be a goshawk.

The goshawk rushed out of the wand in an instant and flew towards the restaurant at an extremely fast speed. After a brief pause in the restaurant, it flew back again.

Seeing the return of the patron saint, Voldemort regained control of his body - he was not in a hurry, he was just dealing with a giant monster anyway.

If the troll hadn't destroyed the bathroom door, he wouldn't have bothered to tell Mag.

Just as he was about to step into the bathroom, a scream suddenly came from inside, which made Voldemort stop in surprise.

"Who?" he asked loudly.

"It's me, Professor, there's a troll here." Hermione's voice came out, with a cry caused by terror.

Why are you here... Voldemort had no idea what was going on, but he had to act.


Rushing into the bathroom, he waved the wand with a "swish" sound, and with the roar, he poured more magic power into it - the troll had magic resistance.


The magic stirred up the wind and rushed towards the troll who was holding the stick upside down and heading towards Hermione.


The magic light exploded, and the giant monster turned to look at Voldemort, his eyes full of confusion, and then fell to the ground.


Voldemort, who was choked by the smoke and coughed, waved his wand to disperse the smoke, and walked towards Hermione who was deeper inside.

"A troll, a little trouble, isn't it?" Voldemort said comfortingly.

He saw Hermione's frightened eyes moving from the fallen troll to him, and her eyes looked a little dull.

"Eat some chocolate to soothe your mood." Voldemort forced a smile.

He felt that fate was playing a joke on him. He had clearly arranged everything, but everything was back to where it started.

"Oh, thank you, Professor, I mean, thank you... wow..."

Hermione suddenly started crying again, and threw herself into Voldemort's arms, hugging him tightly - the little guy actually had a runny nose, and the snot fell on Voldemort along his collar.

Damn it, my Fengya wizard robe... he thought painfully.

"Sorry, Professor, thank you, I'm feeling better."

Finally, Miss Know-It-All calmed down, let go of him and lowered her head shyly.

"Wipe it. Oh, if you hold me and cry again next time, please don't leave snot on me."

After Voldemort finished speaking, he handed her a handkerchief, used magic to clean up the snot on his body, and then used the repair spell on the broken bathroom.

"I need to go to the fourth floor, where you saw the three-headed dog. Do you want to come with me?" Voldemort asked.

"But...is that okay?" The little guy was still a little ashamed, maybe because of the runny nose.

"Of course, if you enter the restaurant now, I'm afraid everyone will be watching you, and that would be very uncomfortable."

Voldemort said, waving his wand to make the troll levitate, "Of course, you can also choose to go back to the lounge or the dormitory, it's your choice."

Hermione almost didn't think much and immediately chose to go with Voldemort - she liked the Dark Arts teacher very much and had a simple teacher-student relationship.

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