Hogwarts: The Most Decent White Wizard In History!

56. My Regret Follows You To The Grave!

In a cold basement.

Potions class has just begun!

"Oh yes."

Snape held the roster and stopped when Harry's name was called.

"The famous......... Harry Potter!"

I heard his obviously joking tone.

Draco Malfoy, who had long been enemies with Harry, and his younger brothers Crabbe and Goyle, sneered unabashedly.

In Harry's eyes right now.

Snape was like a poisonous snake staring at him. Wherever he looked, goosebumps would immediately appear on his skin.

Less than five minutes into class, Harry was on pins and needles!

But the more powerful thing is yet to come!


Snape suddenly asked him:

“What do you get if you add narcissus root powder to a mugwort infusion?”

“Where can I find bezoar!”

This is it!

Cedric next to him held the side of his face with his hands.

Silently remembering this scene in his mind, maybe one day, he would have the opportunity to explain the weight of this scene to Harry.

The answer to the first question is the water of life and death.

In the future, Harry Potter relied on this to obtain the elixir from Slughorn and learned the secrets of some Horcruxes.

The second bezoar can detoxify.

This knowledge later allowed Harry to save the life of his brother Ronald.

Of course, it cannot be said that Snape did this deliberately.

It's more Aunt Mei's arrangement.

But there is one thing that really represents Professor Snape.

According to Victorian Discourse.

The ASPHODEL in Snape's original words is actually a lily that looks like a narcissus. Its flower language is:

【My regret follows you to the grave!】

And WORMWO "four two three" OD means absence and bitter sadness.

Its scientific name is wormwood!

Meaning: distress, pain, and deep regret!

The lilies fall into bitter sorrow.

It also represents Snape’s heart:

I deeply regret your mother's death and have lived a hellish life ever since.

Meeting Harry for the first time.

Snape kept looking into Harry's eyes.

Those are the same eyes as Lily.

The owner of these eyes was one of the few warm colors in Snape's bleak teenage years.

It is also the existence that he cherishes the most in his heart.

Harry had eyes like Lily, and a face exactly like the person he hated the most.

His eyes were no longer warm.

Harry looked at the cold Snape, full of suspicion and strangeness.

See Harry.

Snape could think of his bond and his nightmare at the same time!

In the combination of the Iron Triangle.

Harry's eyes, Ronald's red hair, and Hermione's mixed blood, doesn't Tathagata happen to be Lily?

Thinking back to Snape's life wish.

Cedric couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Fate is so cruel to Sri Lanka.

In the future, let yourself give him some light.

It's a pity that only Cedric can understand this touching feeling now.

Harry's trio could feel it.

Only Professor Snape's sarcastic words and aggressiveness!

"Let me guess, you haven't read a page of the book before school started, right? Harry... Potter!"

Snape ignored Hermione's raised arms.

It wasn't until Harry was embarrassed that he asked, why didn't you ask Hermione?

He suddenly turned around:

"Cedric, tell them the answer!"

"Me? Of course!"

Cedric stood up quickly and spoke out the three answers one by one!

Wait until everyone suddenly realizes it.

Snape suddenly said loudly: "You understand, why don't you take out your quill and write it down? Do you know how to do it?"

This surprise attack was very effective.

Even the new students in Slytherin all lowered their heads and started picking up their schoolbags.

There was a rustling of quills and parchment.

Snape dealt another heavy blow to Harry's frustrated heart:

"Potter, for your ignorance, Gryffindor loses one point for this!"

Cedric shook his head.

Snape really hated James Potter. In all his conversations with Harry, he only called Harry for the first time before his death.

All the things before.

All shouting Mr. Potter!

Harry looked up.

He forced himself to look Snape directly in the eyes.

Unable to bear it, Harry hammered the table angrily:

"Are you going to ask us to memorize all the contents of [Thousands of Miraculous Herbs and Mushrooms]?"

There was silence in the Potions classroom.

The coldness in Snape's body spread like substance!

Everyone is like falling into an ice cave!

Even Malfoy, a Slytherin who had visited Snape with his father before going to school, was too nervous to breathe at this moment!


Snape's voice was full of anger:

"Start reciting from the second paragraph on page 36 of [Thousands of Miraculous Herbs and Mushrooms]!"

Why are you taking me with you when you are playing?

Cedric stood up helplessly: "Blackroot is a powerful plant that can counteract spells after being eaten. This is a plant with black stems and white flowers..."

Countless Slytherins in the audience were turning the pages of books.

With disbelief in his eyes, he watched Cedric recite the contents recorded in the book word for word, silkily and fluently.

Until five minutes later.


Snape shouted stop.

He announced to Harry contemptuously with a victor's attitude:

"Mr. Potter, because you rudely contradicted and questioned the teacher, Gryffindor has been deducted two points for this!"

Good, good!

Cedric nodded secretly in his mind.

It was not in vain that he became a teaching assistant. At least Snape deducted a lot of points from Harry in this class.

It’s already three times the original size!

With this boss helping Gryffindor score points, it will be easier for him to win!

Harry was speechless.

He even looked at Cedric with an almost desperate look.

In his heart.

Snape may not even be able to recite it, but why is there Cedric!

After meeting Harry's eyes.

Cedric shrugged innocently.

He understood the other person's meaning and said sorry in his heart first.

One can imagine.

In the following days too.

Harry may ask himself countless times in the future: Why is there Cedric?

There's nothing he can do about it, he can make people speechless!

After suppressing Harry.

Potions class continued.

But the Gryffindor students' nightmare is not over yet.

Snape was constantly patrolling like a vampire bat. If anyone made the slightest mistake, he would undoubtedly receive his ridicule and points deduction.

The Slytherins were only slightly better.

Except Malfoy.

Snape cursed everyone with Cedric's name.

In response, Cedric frantically called the Sri Lankan coach.

Just make me hate you!

It would be best if the Slytherins hated me, to dispel Dumbledore's suspicions.

I really want to see his character template!

Apart from being happy.

Cedric didn't forget another thing.

Just when Snape asked everyone to look at Malfoy and imitate his method of cooking slugs with tentacles.

"Armor Protector Protego!"

Cedric suddenly stood up.

In a thick puff of acidic green smoke, he aimed his spell at the source of the hissing sound.


A horrified Neville screamed.

On a shadow of yellow energy in front of him, there was a thick green liquid sticking to it, making corrosive hissing sounds.

Not only that.

The crucible fell lower and fell directly to the ground, and the purple potion immediately splashed all over the floor.

Thick green smoke suddenly appeared everywhere in the Potions classroom.

"Don't be afraid, my spell will protect you!"

Cedric's voice is smooth and full of warmth.

He waved his wand again to clean up the purple pus on Neville's external curse.

[Rescue classmates and gain 1,000 experience points. 】


at the same time.

Professor Snape also wiped away the potion spilled on the ground.

He roared angrily:

"Why did you put the porcupine quills in the pot without taking it off the fire!?"


He glanced at Cedric first: "Five points for Hufflepuff!"

Then he glanced at Harry and Ronald, who were operating next to Neville.

After a while.

Snape spoke without any suspense!

"Potter! Why didn't you warn Neville?"

"Are you making him make mistakes to show how good you are? Another point from Gryffindor!"

Cedric almost laughed.

Professor Snape still treats the flowers that are played differently!

The gap between the entry and exit widened to six points again, and Gryffindor was about to run out of points.

This is so unfair!

Harry raised his head angrily, and then kicked Ronald with his heel.

"Don't do this nonsense," Ronald lowered his head and persuaded in a low voice:

"I heard that Snape is so unreasonable, and Fred and George often get points deducted from him!"

Cedric shook his head silently.

If you see Gemini operating in class, you will understand that Snape is targeting you!


You didn't put slugs on the back of your classmates' necks!

after an hour.

The Gryffindors left the Potions classroom dejectedly.

Cedric walked straight towards Hagrid's hut.

He knew that Hagrid had also made an appointment with the trio of Harry today, and it was just a good time for him to officially get to know the trio.

Hagrid's cabin is very remote.

Except for Fred and George, who have been coveting this place, few people usually come back.

When Cedric knocked on the door.

Hagrid thought it was Harry and the others coming!

"Oh! Cedric! What a coincidence, why are you here today!"

Hagrid first gave him a warm hug and then invited him into the house.

Yaya rushed over.

He lay directly on Cedric's lap.

"OK OK!"

"I know you welcome me, but...there's no need to be too enthusiastic!

Cedric finally avoided Fang's tongue and sat down.

There was another knock on the door.

"It must be right this time!"

Hagrid opened the door a crack and let Harry and Harry into the room.

"This is Ronald!"

Harry had just finished his introduction.

Finally, when I looked up, I saw Cedric holding Yaya in his arms!

"why you!"



"This is Cedric, my good friend and a very good wizard. If you have any academic problems, you can come to him!"

Hagrid introduced to Cedric:

"This is Harry Potter!"

He blinked:

"You must know who he is, and by the way, Ronald!"

"Of course, I know everything!"

Cedric smiled:

"Especially Ronald, actually Fred and George and I are very good friends!

Facing Cedric, the light is enough to crush him.

Ronald nodded very cautiously: "Oh, oh!"

"Don't be too nervous!"

Cedric continued to comfort him: "During class just now, I noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with your wand, right?"

"It's not bad!"

When it came to his own poverty, Ronald immediately blushed:

"Although the unicorn hair has come out, but...

"No need to explain."

Cedric continued to comfort him: "Actually, I mentioned this just because I wanted to give you a gift!"

“This weekend!”

He glanced at the calendar on the wall: "I will apply for a number with Professor McGonagall and ask her to take you to buy a wand over the weekend.

Cedric finally nodded to himself: "I'll pay for it!"


Ronald was knocked unconscious by this incredible wealth.

From small to large.

What he used were other people's old, small, and unwanted ones. This was the first time that someone other than family members had given him such an expensive gift.

Ronald was simply flattered: "This, this is not good!"

"Please don't refuse." 1.4

Cedric insisted:

"I said before, this is my meeting gift to get to know you. If you refuse, you will be looking down on me!"

"You can take it!"

Hagrid also signaled Ronald to accept it: "This is Cedric, he is selfless and generous, he can be friends with anyone, and you will like him in the future.

He joked: "Maybe even can't live without him, haha!"

Ronald kind of likes Cedric now.

"Thank you!"

He thanked her with a huge smile on his face.

I'm finally going to have my own wand.

Harry saw the happy Ronald and secretly blamed himself, why didn't he realize that his good friend's wand was broken?

I can afford this money myself.

Of course, it's not his fault. Harry's transformation from a bullied eleven-year-old to the savior of the wizarding world has only happened in the past few months.

He hasn't gotten used to it yet.

Not to mention the thought of paying attention to your friends’ needs!

It didn't matter at first, after all, Ronald's family didn't even buy it for him!

But how to say that sentence?

But why is there Cedric!

After such a comparison, Harry suddenly felt a little ashamed.

[Ding, touched Ronald Weasley succeeded. 】

[You receive a bonus talent point +1, the Ronald* Weasley template card has not been generated yet and cannot be viewed for the time being!]

Cedric was not surprised by this result.

Ronald doesn't even have his own magic wand and wants him to confirm his life wishes.

This was a bit difficult for him.

After finishing Ronald.

Cedric turned his gaze to Harry again: "Hello, Harry Potter, nice to meet you!"

"I've heard about your deeds!".

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