Homo sapiens

Chapter 102 Insights (4) (Please subscribe)

The next day, early in the morning.

Fang Xinwu, who was still sleepy, was woken up by the alarm clock on his cell phone.

Rubbing his eyes, he picked up the phone. It was only seven o'clock.

Yawning, he opened the curtains and picked up the notice on the table. This was given to him by the hotel attendant when he returned to the hotel yesterday, informing outsiders like him to go to Aoba Hospital to receive free medical treatment. Physical examination.

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, he took his two younger brothers and had a meal of steamed buns and fried dough sticks in the restaurant on the second floor.

The street where the Jade Hotel is located is called Jade Street, which is about two kilometers away from Qingye Hospital. Fang Xinwu and others chose to walk there.

By the time Fang Xinwu and the others arrived at the scene, there were more than 200 people in front of them.

There were also many internal security soldiers with guns on guard at the scene, maintaining order at the scene.

Du Bing, another younger brother of Fang Xinwu, complained softly while waiting in line: "Brother, do you think this Qingye Hospital really gives us free medical examinations? Are you planning to defraud us?"

"Don't worry! I don't need your three melons and two dates." Fang Xinwu shook his head and joked.

In fact, he didn't know what Qingye Group was thinking in his heart. If this was just employee benefits, then forget it, but it was still a free physical examination for all. Although he had to queue up every day, according to Lao Ma, it was really free.

They don't understand very normal.

In fact, Qingye Group does this kind of free physical examination not to make money, but to collect human body data and case samples and build a large medical and human body database.

Why are doctors in China so experienced?

Without him, the more patients are seen, the more experienced they will be.

The foundation of Hongsawady is not good, and the number of medical talents is even pitiful. There is no way to recruit a large number of doctors from China, so we can only find a solution on our own.

As Li Qingye's stand-in, Ma Chi thought of a good way, which was to pass a free physical examination and quickly "refresh the questions."

At this time, Qingye Medical Company had more than 3,000 doctors.

You read that right, more than 3,000 doctors.

How come there are so many doctors?

The answer is the Golden Triangle scum, death row inmates, and Wu Kaile's group of diehard loyalists. These people total about hundreds of thousands.

By remaking these guys, the Hongsawady branch has gained hundreds of thousands of loyal and high-quality "talents."

Even in order to allow these reborn talents to better reintegrate into society, Aoba Group also specially established "Aoye Comprehensive University", through a crash course, these people will be reborn in batches, and then justifiably Arrange in various positions.

As for whether soldiers can become qualified doctors, judging from current practice, with a little adjustment, they perform well in all aspects.

After all, Bingren's biochip currently has a floating-point computing power of 12,000 teraflops, a running memory of about 200T, and a storage capacity of about 2,000T.

What is the concept of this performance?

Its floating-point computing power is equivalent to one-third that of Tianhe-2.

Its 2000T storage capacity is equivalent to a large library with tens of millions of books.

The capacity of the human brain to store data is actually very powerful. If calculated based on the fact that all neuron cells can store it, it can almost reach about 7.7 billion terabytes, and the running speed is also incredibly fast.

The problem is that the human brain has limitations.

After all, the human brain cannot be used 100%. On the other hand, most of human memories are invalid memories and life memories. One of the characteristics of these memories is that they are incomplete and vague.

The advantage of biochips lies in their accuracy and professionalism.

No matter how good the memory is, it is difficult for a human being to memorize a book verbatim, but a biochip can.

Ma Chi suggested that Li Qingye establish a comprehensive and classified database to sort out all the books, journals, and imaging materials currently available to mankind.

For example, the current military doctors at Qingye Hospital have specially downloaded medical books and journals in various specialties, coupled with the experience data of natural doctors and free physical examination questions, and quickly became highly professional and qualified doctors.

It is precisely with these more than 3,000 professional doctors that Qingye Hospital can quickly merge with dozens of hospitals in Hongsawady.

This is simply a forced improvement of the medical level of Hongsawady from the last century to the advanced level of the 21st century.

Aoba Group is in a similar situation in other industries. A batch of graduates from Aoba University's crash course have made Aoba Group's strength in various fields grow by leaps and bounds.

This is one of the reasons why Qingye Group's business expanded so rapidly but did not collapse.

With the blessing of hundreds of thousands of loyal and high-quality "talents" and the full support of the black and white factions of Hongsawadi, if the Qingye Group does not take off, it will not be able to bear the efforts of so many soldiers.

Fang Xinwu feels that Qingye Group's behavior is difficult to understand. In fact, it is because he does not understand the core operating model inside.

As for Aoba Hospital's medical equipment, medicine, and consumables.

The current solution of Qingye Group is to purchase part of the drugs from Tianzhu, Huaguo and Siam next door. After all, there are a large number of pharmaceutical companies in these places.

Especially for Tianzhu's generic drugs, Hongsawady does not need to comply with international patent laws, so it is natural to import them desperately.

On the other hand, Aoba Group produces its own products.

The equipment and consumables are similar, with one side imported and one side developed independently.

For example, vitamin tablets, penicillin, oxytetracycline, etc. This kind of technology has long been on the market. It can be directly copied from the production line from China, and large-scale production can be achieved.

Importing vitamin tablets of international famous brands is simply taking advantage of others.

The most serious public health problems in Hongsawady now are actually cholera caused by unclean drinking water, malaria and dengue fever caused by mosquito bites, hepatitis B and AIDS, and widespread malnutrition (vitamin deficiency). ).

This is also one of the reasons why Qingye Group has large-scale urbanization.

This is because cities tend to centrally build water purification plants, sewage treatment plants, and garbage treatment plants. At the same time, there are no large areas of stagnant water, and there are large hospitals.

As for rural infrastructure, there is no way Hongsawady can reach the level of China in a short period of time. Therefore, attracting the rural population to the city has become a solution.

As for whether there will be a large number of urban poor, Qingye Group does not need to worry about this problem, because Qingye Bank holds the right to issue currency, and controls a large number of industries and farmland. Qingye Group can also absorb a large number of labor force, which is simply a piece of cake. things.

For example, the current large-scale urbanization has brought about an infrastructure industry that is enough to absorb millions of laborers.

In addition, after the transformation of large-scale farms, a large number of truck drivers, cargo ship captains, sailors, sorters, packers, and porters will be needed.

As long as the industrial scale increases and the industrial chain is extended, Hongsawady's population of more than 50 million will not be enough.

Some people may ask, where does the money come from?

Money, for ordinary people and ordinary businesses, can only be obtained through transactions.

But for giant companies, money can be printed by itself. As long as the supply of goods anchored by the currency is sufficient, the currency has value.

For example, the gold dollar that Qingye Bank is preparing to issue recently will anchor various products and services of the Qingye Group. If the Qingye Group says that the gold dollar is valuable, the entire Hongsawady must recognize its value.

Is currency that complicated?

It's just that some people want it to be complicated.

Thank you all for your support (ω`), and I would like to thank book friends "Yu Jingfu", "Tigerhill", "The Lamb of Lost I", and "天 retreat Feihong" for their rewards. Let’s talk about the future update rules, there are three chapters every day, and the times are fixed at 8 a.m., 12 noon, and 6 p.m.

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