Homo sapiens

Chapter 112 Poverty (please subscribe)

Victor, who was on Star Island, looked as dark as the bottom of a pot.

He received a notice from the Black Ship headquarters that two members of the Knights had lost contact without warning while performing support missions in Luzon.

Victor was very dissatisfied with the knight's behavior. Why didn't he notify him in advance of such a mission? Was it because he doubted his loyalty?

It's fine now. The person disappeared directly and came to find him again.

But now Black Ship's manpower in Luzon has suffered heavy losses, and many converts and watchmen have entered a state of silence. Now asking him to find people, wouldn't it expose the few remaining manpower?

Headache! Victor has a huge headache now.

I also thought about what happened in Hongsawady some time ago, where we also lost some manpower.

Coupled with entry restrictions from various countries, it has become more difficult to adjust and deploy additional manpower.

But what can he do? The orders from his superiors must be carried out, so he could only temporarily dispatch three teams from the people who were still lurking in Luzon at this time to investigate Anthony and Christine.

However, in order to avoid being exposed, he issued an order this time to ask the people of these three groups to act carefully. He also asked the American Embassy in Manila to come forward to organize an investigation team openly.

Obviously this time Victor has learned a lesson and no longer does any secret investigation. Instead, he does it openly and then asks his people to cooperate secretly.

Victor did not hold out much hope for this investigation. After all, so far, his black ship had not found any clues about the other party. He only knew that the other party was operating in Luzon.

The question is, what if we know that the other party is in Luzon?

We can't interrogate all the people in Luzon, right? He cannot use the aircraft carrier fleet to directly attack, so now he can only rely on some personal connections to delay the matter.

After a while, the superiors forgot about the incident, so he just wrote a report on the accidental death and handed it in.

After all, such unsolved cases appear every day around the world. It is impossible to investigate every case clearly. This is not a filming of Bones. Do you really think that the truth will be revealed in all cases?

the other side.

As various countries are gradually initiating entry restrictions, Hongsawady is no exception. Three days ago, a three-month entry restriction order was announced, and all persons who have recently entered the country from abroad are required to cooperate with immigration management.

Fang Xinwu, who had just arrived in Mandalay, reluctantly moved into the classroom of Mandalay No. 1 Middle School.

This school, which just had its winter vacation, is being used as a temporary hospital.

The two younger brothers who came with him were no exception.

This large-scale investigation was a collaboration between Hongsawady officials and Qingye Group. The main reason is that the public health problem in Hongsawady is very serious, and it has affected social production and life.

For example, AIDS, hepatitis B, tuberculosis, malaria, dengue fever, cholera, rabies, parasites, etc. are really too serious.

It’s not that many people don’t know they are sick, but they don’t have enough medical resources and money.

Fang Xinwu also understands this very well. At least Hongsawadi is still trying to solve these problems.

Next to the large desk made up of desks, Fang Xinwu looked at his mobile phone boredly, and his two younger brothers were also playing with their mobile phones.

Suddenly the class bell rang, and then the loudspeaker in the classroom sounded:

"Gentlemen and ladies, medical personnel will come to check later. Please be prepared and wait in the room for a knock on the door..."

More than twenty minutes later, there was a knock on the room where Fang Xinwu was located.

Five medical staff wearing full-body protective suits, as well as two security guards with guns who were also tightly wrapped, entered the classroom.

There are a total of 10 people living in their classroom, and they use wooden boards to temporarily separate small rooms.

"Come here one by one and bring your ID."

Fang Xinwu sat across from the medical staff. The medical staff took out a syringe and inserted it into a special sterilizer. Then he wiped his fingers and inserted a needle directly, drawing out a little blood.

Smearing blood drops on a row of test papers, Fang Xinwu could understand the characters in Hongsawadi. These test papers were marked with [AIDS], [Hepatitis], [Cholera], [Flu], [Tuberculosis], and [Dengue Fever]. , [rabies], [plague], [typhoid], and [Japanese encephalitis], a total of ten items.

Some of the test strips were tested and their saliva was collected.

After a while, the medical staff looked at a row of test strips, then took out a reference board and compared the conditions on the test strips.

Another ten minutes passed, and the medical staff wrote on Fang Xinwu's test report: None detected.

The medical staff reminded: "Go aside and wait."

"The inspection was completed so quickly?" Fang Xinwu held the test report in his hand with a look of disbelief on his face.

But the medical staff ignored him and started testing the next person.

In fact, it is quite normal for Fang Xinwu to have doubts. After all, there is no rapid test kit of this type on the market. With the backward medical level of Hongsawady, it is really unbelievable that such rapid testing technology is available.

It's just that Fang Xinwu was wrong. He knew nothing about Li Qingye's technology research and development speed.

Especially in biotechnology, Li Qingye developed a rapid detection test strip within a month after obtaining the patient's blood sample.

After all, it has genetic testing technology that can produce results in seconds. As long as it locks the entire genetic sequence of the virus or bacteria and selects some of the target genes suitable for testing, the Homo sapiens company can easily complete the large-scale mass production of test strips.

The accuracy of this kind of test paper is very high. For the currently popular strains, it can basically achieve an accuracy of 99.99%.

Therefore, after Qingye Group obtained the technology, it completed the adjustment of the production line through more than a week of emergency adjustments. It is now able to produce 20 types of specialized rapid detection test strips, with a current daily production of 500,000 test strips.

Now that rapid detection test strips are available, Qingye Group naturally wants to apply and promote them.

Otherwise, how can we sell it if we don’t use it? After all, the level of medical technology in Hongsawady is very low. Now when it comes to the international market, it is basically difficult to obtain market access qualifications from other regions.

Therefore it must be used internally on a large scale before fishing can begin.

After more than an hour of testing, one of the 10 people in Fang Xinwu's group was found to have hepatitis B and two had dengue fever, and the others were normal.

Their physical examination information will also be entered into the newly established Hongsawady Information Network.

The reason why it is done on such a large scale is that on the one hand, the Qingye Group wants to gain legitimate financial resources, and on the other hand, it is to suppress public health problems within the country.

For example, chefs, waiters, and workers in the food processing industry will be in big trouble if they have infectious diseases.

After all, the story of Typhoid Mary is real, and this kind of person is the real poison king.

Through this comprehensive investigation and information entry, Hongsawady can at least find out how many patients there are in the country, which will also facilitate subsequent management.

Fang Xinwu looked at the few people who were found to be sick and were temporarily detained. Qingye Medical seemed to have given them a discounted treatment plan, but the price was that they could only use new drugs produced by Qingye Medical.

He could only sigh secretly. Qingye Medical's behavior was indeed taking advantage of the situation, but he could not persuade these people not to treat them.

Maybe there is only one disease in this world.

That is poverty.

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