Homo sapiens

Chapter 132 The end of the road

May 1, 2020.

The Sapphire slowly moored in Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong.

at the same time.

As the delivery deadline is approaching, Donghua Group still has not found the cause of the equipment, causing the equipment to be delayed in passing acceptance.

In fact, at this time, various outside institutions and investors have basically determined that Donghua Group will not be able to deliver on time.

Because the final delivery date of the contract is June 12, there are only 41 days left. Subtracting the fixed 25 days of transportation time and about 10 days of disassembly and packaging time, the remaining time is 6 days.

At this time, the equipment still has not passed the acceptance inspection. How can it be guaranteed to pass the acceptance inspection in the remaining 6 days?

And this is the most ideal situation.

After all, the shipping time from Haiju Port to Manila Port takes 20 to 25 days in good weather. Once there is bad weather, delay is inevitable.

As for air transport, there is no way to transport large equipment of tens of thousands of tons by air, especially some of the parts that cannot even fit into the cabin.

Therefore, major speculative institutions immediately concluded that Donghua Group's default was a certainty.

At this time, the share price of Donghua Group in the Hong Kong stock market fell to a disastrous position, with only 1.32 yuan per share.

Li Qingye had already purchased a villa in Xiangjiang in a low-key manner as Andre.

In the villa on the top of the mountain, he leaned against the railing and quietly looked at the entire Victoria Bay.

"Boss, this is today's report." Fili said, handing over the earphones.

Li Qingye plugged in his earphones and immediately saw important reports from each branch. Among them was the share of Donghua Group shares held by the Financial Office of the Internal Affairs Department. At this time, it had reached 42.3%, which was basically the limit.

He rubbed his temples and wrote his instructions into the earphone memory.

As the sun sets over the harbor, people can't help but be intoxicated by the sparkling golden waves.

"Sir, juice." Sanji Badalayar put a glass of freshly squeezed juice aside.

Li Qingye looked at the red sunset, his eyes were calm and deep, and his low voice dissipated in the sea breeze:

"I'm really looking forward to our next meeting..."

Magic City.

The atmosphere is depressing in the headquarters building of Donghua Group.

Wu Heguang, Kong Zhaolin, Wu Xinlan and others all sat in the conference room with straight faces.

Tianwu and Guang's requests for help from Du Shuping and others were of no use at all. Instead, they only made the company more undercurrent.

"Uncle, I'm sorry for you!" Kong Zhaolin lowered his head and apologized in despair.

Wu Heguang shook his head: "It's not your fault. No one expected that the equipment would have so many problems. It was my eagerness for quick success that caused today's losses."

"Uncle, although the compensation is as high as 594 million U.S. dollars, the company can make up the funds by streamlining some industries." Wu Xinlan quickly comforted her.

But Wu Heguang knew in his heart that he was not optimistic.

Because now Donghua Group's capital chain has been broken.

Keeler withheld some of the money it was prepared to pay.

In addition to the 6.2 billion yuan that Donghua Group borrowed from banks in order to expand its business, the banks are already collecting the approximately 1.3 billion yuan due in June this year. As for applying for new loans, there is no need to think about it.

In addition, Donghua Group still owes money to its upstream parts and raw material suppliers. Now many suppliers directly refuse to accept Donghua Group’s commercial invoices and require Donghua Group to pay cash before they can continue to supply parts and raw materials.

Squeeze from all aspects caused Donghua Group's already very tight capital chain to directly break.

The current funding gap has reached about 6.2 billion yuan.

Even selling a property for emergencies takes time.

Wu Heguang calculated the current assets of Donghua Group.

It includes five subsidiaries: Donghua Chemical, Donghua Chemical Equipment, Donghua Machine Tool, Donghua Real Estate, and Donghua Investment.

Among them, Donghua Real Estate has its headquarters building in Shanghai, as well as office buildings and commercial buildings in other places. These are all assets that can be sold.

The question is who can spend 6.2 billion Chinese dollars to purchase these assets at once?

What's even more terrible is that Donghua Group's funding gap is constantly expanding.

Wu Heguang knew that banks would most likely not lend money to Donghua Group again. If he wanted to survive this crisis safely, he must collect about 8 billion yuan in funds before the end of this year.

This number made Wu and Guang despair.

Unless he is willing to sell chemical plants, equipment manufacturing plants, machine tool plants and headquarters buildings at low prices, there is no way he can raise 8 billion yuan in six months. But if he sells these industries, Donghua Group will go bankrupt. What's the difference.

Just when Wu Heguang was struggling with how to choose.

He suddenly felt dizzy and fell onto the table.



"Call the doctors and nurses!"

"Just call an ambulance!"

Kong Zhaolin, Wu Xinlan and others were startled, and then started to scramble.

After the two medical staff came over, they quickly examined and rescued Wu Heguang.

After a while, the ambulance came.

The emergency room of Modu Hospital.

Kong Zhaolin and Wu Xinlan were waiting anxiously. Suddenly the door opened and the doctor said to them: "Are you family members? The patient is out of danger..."

"Huh... great." Wu Xinlan breathed a sigh of relief.

But the doctor told some bad news: "It's just... you'd better be mentally prepared. Because of cerebral hemorrhage, the patient may become a vegetative state."

Wu Xinlan's smiling face suddenly fell down: "Why is this happening? Doctor, is there no way to treat it?"

The doctor shook his head: "Sorry, we need to remove the dirty blood from the patient's cerebral cortex. The patient is old and the risk of surgery is very high. I suggest conservative treatment and rely on the patient's own body to recover."

After the doctor leaves.

Gao Ming, who was in charge of Donghua Investment, suggested in a low voice: "Vice President Kong, Miss Wu, I have a doctor friend in Xiangjiang who is quite proficient in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular treatment. He has treated many vegetative patients. Why not send the chairman to Xiangjiang?" Give it a try?”

"This..." Wu Xinlan was a little hesitant.

But Kong Zhaolin quickly made up his mind. Now Donghua Group needs Wu Heguang.

If Wu Heguang is lost at this critical moment, Kong Zhaolin and Wu Xinlan will not be able to suppress other executives. After all, he will bear a large part of the responsibility for this crisis.

"Let's do this! Xinlan, you and Manager Gao will send your uncle to Xiangjiang for treatment, and I will stay to stabilize the company."

There was a hint of deep meaning in Wu Xinlan's eyes. She knew that Kong Zhaolin definitely wanted to take the opportunity to monopolize power and push her away as the first heir.

But when she thought about it, Wu Xinlan also sighed secretly. What's the use of her staying now? Is she going to compete with Kong Zhaolin for power? Still think Donghua Group didn’t die fast enough?

Now Donghua Group needs stability. She knows that once Donghua Group goes bankrupt, neither Kong Zhaolin nor her will benefit.

"Okay, and I will greet the others and ask them to try their best to cooperate with my cousin's work."

Kong Zhaolin also made a promise: "Don't worry, Xinlan, the top priority now is to get through the difficulties, and we will solve other things later."

Gao Ming on the side seemed to be in a daze, but secretly mocked in his heart: 'In the future? You have no future, haha, don’t blame me. If you want to blame me, blame you for provoking people you shouldn’t have provoked. ’

After compromising, Wu Xinlan followed Gao Ming to go through the discharge procedures and prepared a special plane to send Wu Heguang to Xiangjiang for treatment.

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