Homo sapiens

Chapter 144 Press Conference (Part 1)

Li Qingye stayed in Black Tiger Canyon for more than a week, then disguised himself as another person and went directly to Binmana.

As the capital of Hongsawady, Pyinmana is currently developing well.

Originally, there were no direct connections by road, railway, or waterway between Kayah State and Pyinmanak District.

However, Qingye Group built two expressways in the two places during the wave of large-scale infrastructure construction at the end of last year.

At present, Li Qingye's motorcade is on the highway from Loikaw, the capital of Kayah State, to Pyinmana. In fact, the distance between the two is very close, with a straight-line distance of only about 105 kilometers.

This expressway directly crosses the Bennongshan Mountains, reducing the original detour distance of about 300 kilometers to 127 kilometers.

The convoy arrived in Pyinmana in less than two hours.

Li Qingye, who was sitting in a special minibus, looked at the prosperous scene outside the window: "It seems that there is a lot of prosperity here."

As a guide specially sent by the Hongsawady branch, Maang Siqiang replied in a low voice: "This is all supported by the company."

"I heard there is a new drug launch conference today?"

"Yes, just over there at Emerald Square."

"Go over and have a look."

The convoy soon arrived near Emerald Plaza, but instead of driving directly there, they first settled at the Emerald Hotel.

After changing into a small off-road vehicle, we headed to Emerald Square in a low-key manner.

Entering Emerald Square, there is a lot of traffic here, but many people are wearing masks. Although the new test strips prevent many infectious diseases from entering the country, many people still choose to wear masks.

This square is very large, with 40,000 square meters of open space alone. It is surrounded by the headquarters of Qingye Medical Company, Qingye Hospital, the headquarters of Qingye Bank, the headquarters of Hongsawady Mining Company, and the headquarters of Hongsawady Investment Foundation. , the headquarters of Hongsawady Chamber of Commerce and Industry and other institutions exist.

Mao Siqiang introduced to him: "Due to the restriction of terrain, Pyinmana will focus on financial services, medicine and health, and transportation hubs in the future."

"Let's go!"

Entering the headquarters building of Qingye Medical, it is a regular 20-story building, but the area is a bit large.

Through the special passage at the back door, the group entered the small box on the third floor.

Through the single-pane glass window of the small box, you can see the press conference hall on the second floor.

At this time, in the press conference hall below, there were probably more than 2,000 practitioners and news media who came to participate in the press conference.

Li Qingye flipped through the list of participating companies in the internal documents and discovered something interesting: "Have European pharmaceutical companies such as Sanofi, Novartis, Roche, and Bayer come here?"

"Johnson \u0026 Johnson wanted to come through the Huaguo branch, but it was canceled later." Feili explained in a low voice.

"Forget it, they are competitors after all." Li Qingye was not surprised by this.

Regarding these European and American pharmaceutical companies, Homo sapiens has a very cold attitude, and the two parties have very little cooperation business.

Especially recently, Qingye Medical has made tens of billions of dollars in supplies around the world by selling rapid testing test strips, which has made European and American pharmaceutical companies envious and jealous of Qingye Group.

Many regions and companies were forced to recognize the value of the gold dollar, and even developed specialized re-export trade.

For example, Chia Tai Company in Siam has recently purchased a large number of special medicines and test strips from Qingye Group through re-export, and then sold them to other regions and companies, while also helping Qingye Group purchase designated materials and equipment.

By making the difference between the two sides, he made hundreds of millions of dollars in profit.

However, Zhengda Company is not without rivals. For example, Homo sapiens Company is also openly reselling test strips and special medicines.

This time at the new drug launch conference.

Xie Bin from Zhengda Company and Harry from Homo sapiens Company both came to participate in person.

At around 3:30 in the afternoon, the press conference officially started.

The person in charge of the announcement on the stage was Tian Hemeng, the vice president of Qingye Medical Company. After she said some scene words, she went directly to the topic.

"The company has been committed to developing drugs to fight diseases. Recently, the scientific research team led by the company's chairman and technical executive Mr. Li Qingye successfully developed two new viral antibiotics through whole-gene sequencing and supercomputer simulation calculations. …”

Martin, the general manager of Roche's Southeast Asia branch, was a little surprised. Is it this new type of viral antibiotic again?

Viral antibiotics are a new term currently discussed in the global medical community, mainly referring to special antibiotics such as "Ai Qingling" and "Rabies Buster".

As the developer of this type of antibiotics, Li Qingye has established his position in the medical field with this technology and is known as the "Father of Viral Antibiotics".

Of course, the praise from Western academic circles is not all well-intentioned, but more often contains greed and malice.

For example, assassinations in the name of academic exchanges, or technology theft, or even some medical scientists with ulterior motives shouted the slogan "This technology belongs to all mankind."

Li Qingye sneered at these so-called flattery, he would not be a fool.

When they were studying at Jiangcheng University, a few tutors who were somewhat angry young people taught them some painful lessons from the past century.

For example, the new penicillin culture medium technology and cheap vitamin synthesis technology developed by Chinese scientists were directly "learned" by European and American pharmaceutical companies for free because they did not pay attention to confidentiality and patents.

Of course, Li Qingye understands the urinary nature of Westerners. When someone praises you, there is a high probability that they are up to something evil.

For example, at this time, the Nobel Prize was still in the Western medical community. It seemed that as long as Li Qingye disclosed the technical principles, the Nobel Prize would be within easy reach.

Indeed, if Li Qingye is willing to disclose his technical principles, the West will definitely not be stingy with a medal, and may even erect a statue of "Hanging the Pot to Help the World" for him.

But the question is, does Li Qingye look like the kind of fool who can be fooled?

After he suffered a series of changes, his personality has become extremely selfish. Coupled with the existence of a large number of ancestral memories, Li Qingye has become extremely rational, even rational to the point of being ruthless.

Even if the Western medical community praises him, he will not feel grateful. He will only feel that these guys are up to no good.

Just when Roche's Martin was thinking secretly.

People from other companies are also speculating on what Qingye Medical’s new drug will be this time.

Among them, Xie Bin from Zhengda Company is the most enthusiastic. After all, their company has made a lot of money through re-export.

As for Harry from Homo Sapien Company, he looked calm and composed. As a relatively high-level spider web manager, Harry knew the secret relationship between Qingye Group and Homo Sapien Company, so he naturally knew what the new drug would be at this conference.

Tian Hemeng did not show off and directly announced the first new drug:

"This is developed based on the gene target of Ebola. It is an antibiotic specifically targeting Ebola - Anti-Virus No. 3. The therapeutic effect is similar to that of Anti-Virus No. 1 - Ai Qingling and Anti-Virus No. 2 - Rabies Buster. .”

Ebola? Everyone looked at each other, or a little disappointed.

Although Ebola is incredibly lethal, it is only very contagious and usually only occurs in small-scale outbreaks in Africa.

Obviously this is a niche drug, similar to the rabies killer used to treat rabies, and the market is very small.

And considering the economic situation in Africa, it is estimated that there are only a few patients who can afford the anti-drug No. 3.

Of course, some charities, international health organizations, and the Red Cross may purchase some and go to Africa to win people's hearts.

Tian Hemeng was not surprised by the reaction of everyone present, but she still introduced the price. As expected, the price was very high, with the retail price of a box reaching 10,000 gold yuan.

"Next I will announce the second new drug..."

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