Homo sapiens

Chapter 155 Changes in Situation

With the end of the rice war in Southeast Asia.

Hongsawady suddenly surpassed Annan and became the world's third largest rice exporter. At the same time, the international rice price that had been rising rapidly was suppressed to a certain extent.

This has even given the gold dollar a certain premium in international trade.

In fact, Jinyuan has been performing very strongly in the past six months.

Mainly, Hongsawady's rapid testing test strips and new drugs are in short supply in the international market. Many regions and companies now don't care whether gold dollars can be exchanged for gold, but hope to purchase more new drugs and testing test strips.

Aoba Bank is also constantly issuing additional gold coins.

From January to September, there were eight consecutive months of additional issuance, with a total of 31 billion gold dollars issued. September had the largest number of additional issuances, with 12 billion gold dollars issued in a single month.

The reason for so many additional issuances is mainly because Luzon promised that all the gold dollars would be eaten by the Homo sapiens company, and promised that they would not be exchanged for gold, but would be used to purchase rice and soybeans from Hongsawady.

Therefore, this part of the gold dollar is actually linked to rice and soybeans.

Through the signing of this trade agreement, Luzon directly surpassed China and became the country that holds the largest amount of gold and dollar foreign exchange.

at the same time.

Grain merchants in Siam, Annam, and Tianzhu also suffered considerable losses due to this rice speculation.

They previously cooperated with ABCD to lower rice prices, just so that they could eventually harvest Luzon with ABCD.

Now that Luzon has defeated ABCD's offensive and gained a stable food supplier in Hongsawady, the price of rice in other regions cannot be increased.

Not being able to eat meat made me starve and lose weight.

A strong competitor has been added.

The grain merchants in Siam, Annam, and Tianzhu are now crying without tears.

Of course, rice prices have not fallen. After all, the world is generally short of food this year.

This is mainly because North American soybean production has been reduced by more than 50 million tons, and it is not known whether planting can be resumed next year. After all, after the fungus infects the crops, the land has not been disinfected, and there is a risk of secondary infection.

What is even more frightening is that after the outbreak of soybean downy mildew in North America, researchers discovered that this newly mutated soybean pathogen seems to have a soft spot for genetically modified soybeans.

Even if natural soybeans are infected, as long as they are sprayed with bactericidal pesticides in time, the yield will only be reduced by 30% at most, unlike genetically modified soybeans, which will be completely wiped out.

Therefore, worried about the spread of soybean downy mildew in North America, soybean producing areas in South America have planned to temporarily stop planting genetically modified soybeans and switch to natural soybeans, or simply switch to other food crops.

The disadvantage of natural soybeans is that the yield per mu is relatively low.

In this series of chain reactions, corn and rapeseed, which are substitutes for soybeans, have the highest growth rates.

Other grain varieties are also rising. Rice prices will certainly not fall, but it will be difficult to rise.

After all, the global rice consumption market is relatively small. Except for Asia, other regions rarely use rice as a staple food. Even if it is purchased in regions other than Asia, it is estimated that it can only be used as feed.

This is why a group of rice speculators felt that the sky was falling after they saw that Luzon's food supply had stabilized.

Because Luzon is one of the few regions in the world where rice is the staple food, but local rice production is insufficient and a large amount of rice needs to be imported.

Without this market, the impact on the rice industry will be extremely serious.

As for Japan and South Korea, although the self-sufficiency rate of grain in these two regions is very low, they have grain distribution all over the world, and many procurement contracts are long-term.

To cut the meat from these two areas, they must obtain the consent of their wild father, America. Otherwise, small grain merchants such as Siam Annan will not be able to shake the entire rice market.

Without an easy target to bully, these small rice merchants seemed to lack confidence when negotiating with various purchasers.


After this rice war, a lot of people went bankrupt again.

It doesn't matter if ordinary people go bankrupt, because Homo sapiens companies and the various families controlled secretly will quickly absorb these labor forces.

But many of those little rich people have directly suffered financial losses.

For example, Jollibee was once the largest Western-style fast food chain in Luzon.

The Chen family behind it, because they participated in the rice speculation, not only lost their reputation this time, but the family's liquidity was also exhausted.

Ike, the manager of Manila Commercial Bank, personally brought people to the headquarters of Jollibee Company and directly showed off to its chairman Chen Ming.

"Mr. Chen, can your company repay the 4.2 billion loan before the end of the year?"

The pale-haired Chen Ming showed a bitter expression: "I lost, I completely lost. Jollibee is on the verge of bankruptcy."

He originally did not want to participate in this rice war, but unfortunately, under the temptation of a few friends and his son's persuasion, he was still obsessed with it.

In fact, Chen Ming had no choice but to do so.

Because Jollibee's Western-style fast food not only faces competition from KFC and McDonald's, it has also been strongly suppressed by Fenggao Fast Food in the past two years, and its market share has continued to decline.

The number of Jollibee's fast food stores has decreased by 32% compared to two years ago; its annual turnover has decreased by 48%; in the first two quarters of this year, it also suffered a loss of 1.2 billion pesos.

Faced with such a predicament, Chen Ming finally chose to give it a go and borrow money to speculate on rice.

Then he was targeted by the Homo sapiens company and was directly trapped in a trap.

Ike took out a document: "Mr. Chen, since your company is unable to repay the loan, I can only forcefully freeze all of your company's assets in accordance with the contract, and then conduct an auction and liquidation."

Chen Ming just remained silent.

Business war is so cruel.

If you are not careful, the results of decades of hard work may be wiped out in an instant.

There are many rich people who have suffered the same fate as Chen Ming.

Some people couldn't accept this cruel reality and committed suicide directly; some people felt as if their spines had been removed, and they were dejected; some people went crazy and tried to retaliate against the bank's collection clerk, but were directly shot to death by security guards.

Through this harvest, the wealth within Luzon has been further enriched in the hands of the Homo sapiens company.

In the underground meeting room of Neihu Manor.

"Cheers!" Garfield shook the champagne in the glass.

Xu Yingming took a sip of champagne: "This time we won a big victory. ABCD will definitely not dare to look down upon us again in the future."

"It's almost done here. With the help of this east wind, many converts and external forces have been eliminated." After Zhang Jierui finished speaking, he put a piece of fragrant lamb chop into his mouth.

Garfield put down his wine glass: "The boss is very satisfied with our action this time, but this time we are also at odds with America. We must be careful of them causing trouble."

Jerry Zhang wiped his mouth and reminded with a sneer: "They are already making trouble."

"Oh? Do you have any information?" Garfield asked with concern.

Zhang Jerry nodded: "The Security Department has received accurate information. The Southeast Asian black ship planned by Victor is planning to target Medan Island. They also used 7 very deep-hidden converts to cooperate. , 200 seals will infiltrate by then."

"What arrangements does the boss have?" Xu Yingming asked.

Zhang Jierui replied calmly: "The boss asked the Blood Blade to cooperate with me and keep them in Medan."

Hearing the news of Blood Blade's attack, Xu Yingming joked: "Blood Blade's attack? It seems that they will become the nourishment of the tropical rainforest."

Thank you for your support (ω`), and thank you to book friends "taodafu2008", "Useless Big Banyan Tree", "Tigerhill", "古丶石", and "20141827" for their rewards.

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