Homo sapiens

Chapter 180 Aerospace


Chin State in the west.

Due to the limitations of the mountainous terrain, the previous development here was very poor.

It was not until the sudden change in Honsavady that another arm of Homo Sapiens Corporation, the Honshavati Development Group, invested part of its funds and energy here.

However, unlike the development strategies of other places, in this kind of terrain surrounded by mountains, the Homo sapiens company has never done anything hard, but chose to forcibly relocate the local mountain people from the deep mountains and old forests to the plains.

Unless there are very important strategic resources, there is no city planning in this kind of mountainous area.

Most of the terrain in Chin State is a mountainous plateau, the main body of which is the Longgarang Mountains. The existence of this mountain range separates the core areas of Chin State, Rakhine State and Hongsawady.

In order to solve this problem, Homo Sapiens Company has planned a railway and road across the central part of the Longland Mountains. At present, the railway has been built in half.

But this kind of mountainous area is not without its benefits.

Many secret bases of the Hongsawady Branch are established in such mountains.

For example, on the south side of the Longgrand Mountain Railway, in a small mountain plateau about 7.2 kilometers away from the railway, there is a mining town called "Longerang Gold Mining Town".

There is indeed a small gold mine here, with reserves of about 21 tons, but the reserves disclosed by the Development Group are 288 tons.

This is obviously a deliberate smoke bomb to provide an excuse for the increase in gold reserves in Hongsawady and to cover up bio-mining technology.

Most of the more than 2,500 employees and their relatives in Mining Town are new humans. Coupled with the strict management of the mine, it is difficult for outsiders to enter here. Naturally, they do not know the real gold reserves.

But this town has another purpose.

That is to build a space launch site. The launch site is built on a mesa on the east side of the town. It is a mesa with a height of about 820 meters and an area of ​​4.7 square kilometers.

At this time, a large part of the trees on the platform were covered by the green umbrella system.

The residential area of ​​the town is about 3.5 kilometers away from the launch site. There is a repaired mountain road that can pass large trucks.

However, ordinary residents don't know what's going on over there, and they all think it's a big gold mine. With the presence of the barrier and patrols, the family members have no idea of ​​finding out.

Chief Engineer Wang Dayou, who came as a "miner", is one of the few new immigrants who has obtained a new human status. He is not from the Chinese country, but a Chinese from the Kangaroo Country.

Immigration to Honsawady from kangaroo country is very rare.

In fact, he had no choice but to do so. Wang Dayou is a second-generation immigrant from the Kangaroo Country. He immigrated to the Kangaroo Country with his parents when he was a teenager, and his life has been smooth sailing since then.

After his father died in a car accident, he just graduated from college and successfully found a job as an engineer in a construction company. His income barely covered the hole left by his father's loss.

After five or six years like this, he also got married and had children.

Until one day, a brave act for justice put him into huge trouble. Not only did he not receive praise, but he lost his job and was imprisoned.

He was imprisoned for three years. During this period, the old mother and his wife continued to appeal and spent almost all their family property, but they still did not allow him to be released.

After he was released from prison, he cried when he saw his wife, who had to do odd jobs to support the family, and his old mother with white hair.

The illusion I once held was completely shattered at that moment.

Putting down the cigarette in his hand, he looked at the mountains in front of him: "Creating a new world with your own hands is not a romantic thing."

As for the young man who left him with nothing and was blamed for the Kangaroo Kingdom.

Wang Dayou had already forgotten about the other party.

After all, he personally tied the iron chains and lead balls to the other party, and then kicked him to the bottom of the sea while the other party looked at him in horror and pleading.

"Wang Gong, we will go to District 7 in the afternoon. That is the fuel reserve area. You need to check the construction requirements." Base Director Wu Gang said while putting the dinner plates and glass bottles in the recycling bin.

"District 7? Okay."

The layout of this space launch base is carried out around the middle platform.

Its layout is like a big spider, the platform is the launch site, and the external passage and other parts are like six legs.

Area 7 is located in one of the valleys, the farthest from the launch site at 4.1 kilometers. It is mainly for safety. After all, the fuel of the launch vehicle is flammable and explosive.

Half past two in the afternoon.

Wu Gang drove an off-road vehicle, carrying Wang Dayou and several other engineers to the construction site in District 7.

The road is built halfway up the mountain and is covered with a green umbrella system, so lights must be turned on even on sunny afternoons.

In the construction of this kind of highway, Homo sapiens companies now use bioerosion formation technology and formation fluid boiling technology to artificially create debris flows and directly flatten the mountain.

For areas with risks of landslides and mudslides, we use preemptive measures to destroy the hazardous areas in advance.

Although it will damage the ecology of local areas, this once-and-for-all transformation does reduce subsequent maintenance costs.

Vehicles driving on this kind of mountain road do not have the twists and turns and frequent ups and downs of traditional mountain roads.

With a distance of 4.1 kilometers and good road conditions, the group reached their destination quickly.

It is also a small valley.

Dozens of employees are already doing preliminary exploration and laying out the green umbrella system.

Wang Dayou held a topographic map and looked at this area.

It is sandwiched between three mountains, and in the middle is a lowland area of ​​0.3 square kilometers. This kind of lowland has no development value in mountainous areas with a tropical rain forest climate, and is mainly prone to being flooded.

Therefore, when they plan the construction area, they usually choose a relatively gentle mountainside.

Wang Dayou pointed to the mountain on the left and said: "The Cishu Mountain side is better. With some modifications, it can form a flat land of about 0.6 kilometers."

"Huh? Engineer Wang, there's something wrong with the magnetic field here!" Another engineer said, holding a compass.

Everyone also discovered that the compass was indeed a bit abnormal.

Wu Gang called the technician in charge of exploration work.

“Were any metallic minerals found in the drill cores?”

The technician shook his head: "No, our underground pillars are usually 200 meters long. The abnormal magnetic field may be due to the relatively high iron content of the surrounding rocks!"

Wu Gang, who was not satisfied with the technician's words, directly reprimanded him: "Be careful next time. If you find a problem with the magnetic field, you must report it in time."

"Sorry! I'll be careful next time." The technician was startled.

Wu Gang ordered: "Reorganize the exploration, drill a 500-meter well, and open a few more points around it."

When encountering this kind of thing, Wang Dayou and others also looked at each other. This kind of abnormal magnetic field area is usually a characteristic of metal ore veins, but they don't know what kind of metal ore it is.

If it is precious metals, rare metals, or rich ores, then the planning and construction plan of District 7 will definitely be affected.

Therefore, their inspection could only end in a hurry.

The exploration team increased the drilling depth and conducted a more thorough exploration of the surrounding mountains and strata.

For these mountainous and non-actually controlled areas in Hongsawady, previous explorations were not comprehensive, and some were even blank.

Therefore, the Homo sapiens company is prepared for the exploration here.

On the one hand, a formal exploration team is formed, and on the other hand, various engineering projects in the mountainous areas are used to conduct rough exploration in the surrounding areas.

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