Homo sapiens

Chapter 191 Progress (Additional update)

The manuscript of Carl et al. is actually very simple.

That means that the aerodynamic layout of the MiG-25 will not be changed, but the materials of the MiG-25 will need to be comprehensively upgraded.

They spent a week at Feiyu's headquarters before heading to Sea Snail New Materials in Negros Island.

Karl met Li Qingye here.

Li Qingye is currently conducting experiments here and at the same time guiding the company's technology transformation work.

Karl, who looked a little excited, held Li Qingye's hand: "Mr. Chairman, it's a great honor to meet you! I am Karlovsky."

"Hello! Are you Carl who came from Antonov Company before?" Li Qingye has a very good memory.

Karl woke up as if from a dream and quickly let go of his hand: "Yes, I will come here soon to learn and communicate."

"You should have already thought of the improvement plan for the MiG-25, right?" Li Qingye pointed to the breeding pond behind him.

Karl nodded: "Yes, I have understood Mr. Chairman's intention. After discussing with several colleagues, I plan not to change the aerodynamic layout, but to upgrade the materials of the parts."

Bang bang bang...

Li Qingye applauded with satisfaction: "Very good, Engineer Karl, you have understood my idea. At this stage, the company does not have much energy and scientific research power, so we need to make use of our strengths and avoid our weaknesses."

His encouragement and recognition made Carl and others even more excited.

After talking for a while, Karl looked at the rows of cultivation ponds of different sizes: "Mr. Chairman, are these ponds where parts are produced?"

"Well, these breeding tanks can cultivate spare parts of various specifications. Currently, this base can produce 15 kinds of materials. This is the material list. You can take a look."

Li Qingye gave a look to a scientific research assistant.

The assistant quickly took out his tablet and handed it to Karl.

Karl was not polite, he took it and looked through it skillfully.

[Wave-absorbing type - nanometer high carbon steel...], [Heat-resistant type - nanometer high manganese molybdenum steel...], [Strength type - nanometer high manganese chromium steel...], [Ultra light - titanium manganese steel...] , [Heat-resistant type—iron-molybdenum nanoceramics...], [Comprehensive type—nano-titanium-zinc-aluminum...]

He looked at it very carefully, and looked at almost all the characteristics of each material before passing it to others.

"These materials are very good and can basically be used to modify engines and airframes, but we need to make secondary adjustments to the production line."

The transformation and adjustment of the production line is inevitable. After all, it is an antique from decades ago.

Li Qingye didn't pay too much attention: "It doesn't matter, just follow your own pace."

"Mr. Chairman, please rest assured that I will go all out to complete the integration of the production line before June." Carl replied very seriously.

Li Qingye didn't mention a fixed time because he didn't want to put too much pressure on them: "Pay attention to your health and don't force yourself."

"My health is still good, and I can serve the company for at least another twenty years." Karl said like a soldier.

"I feel your loyalty, but the vacation will continue as usual. This is an order."

"Yes, Mr. Chairman."

Li Qingye patted him on the shoulder: "Let's take a look at the production process of the parts of these breeding tanks!"

"It's a great honor." Karl quickly followed.

These breeding ponds are divided into areas and divided according to specifications.

Inside are a large number of genetically modified corals, which are growing tirelessly. Under the induction of sufficient nutrient solution, various specific hormones and pheromones, plus genes and molds, they can grow rapidly along specific shapes.

It can grow several dozen centimeters thick every day.

Some small parts can grow out in just a few hours.

Especially ceramic-based materials have the fastest growth rate.

The scale of the entire factory is also expanding rapidly.

However, in order to reduce attention, the factory here has been fixed, and the new factory is set up on the other side of the mountain, connected through underground tunnels, and the factory there is also arranged under the green umbrella system.

At the same time, a second branch factory was opened in the mountains of northern Luzon Island.

In the future, the demand for parts and components in Hongsawady will be met by setting up a third branch factory.

While looking at the flowers along the way, Carl suddenly came up with an idea: "Mr. Chairman, can these genetically modified coral polyps make composite materials?"

"Yes, is there any problem?" Li Qingye turned his head slightly puzzled.

"Then in the future, can complete products be cultivated directly in the breeding pond? This can reduce many unnecessary production lines." Carl replied with a bright idea.

Li Qingye smiled: "This is a technological development direction, but it is too complex a product. In a short period of time, there is still no way to fully generate a breeding pool."

"I believe in Mr. Chairman's talent." Karl was full of confidence in Li Qingye.

The group investigated new material cultivation technology, which was a very good trigger for their future design of new aircraft.

It's like taking a piece of tofu to make a meal. No matter how well you make it, it's still just a piece of tofu.

And take a piece of snowflake beef, even if it is simply fried, it can become a delicacy.

Material foundation actually has a huge impact on product design. Human beings have many exquisite designs, but because the materials do not meet the requirements, they can only settle for the second best.

There are so many good materials now that even ordinary designs can achieve great results.

After having dinner together at noon, Li Qingye returned to his temporary manor.

As soon as he returned to the manor, Sanchi Badalayar appeared in front of him.

"Sir, the sleeping cabin is ready."


He went to the shower room to rinse off and appeared in the underground hall wrapped in a towel.

There was a sleeping cabin on display here. He handed the towel to Sanji Badalayar, walked into the sleeping cabin, and then slowly lay down.

Set to release hibernation at 2:30 pm, and then start the hibernation system.

The transparent hatch of the dormant cabin slowly closed, and a special light blue liquid suddenly flooded Li Qingye's body.

The special symbiotic virus hidden in his body was quickly activated by pheromones and began to produce a special polysaccharide. Every cell in his body quickly fell silent, minimizing life consumption.

At this time, Li Qingye was like a dormant tardigrade.

He used this method to replace sleep. The advantage of this kind of hibernation is that his cells enter a state of minimal consumption. With the maintenance of various drugs and nutrient solutions, there is almost no damage to the telomeres of chromosomes during hibernation.

This can effectively extend his life. Li Qingye had about 16 years of life before. After this kind of conditioning, he can live for about 21 years now.

In addition, his high blood pressure, color blindness, and organ failure problems were partially solved through biochip and new drug control, as well as reconstructive surgery, at least the symptoms were treated.

Now Li Qingye has not taken action on his own genes, mainly because gene therapy technology is too risky.

He also has clones as a backup plan, so he doesn't need to go all-out.

And he also wants to try to reverse the telomere length of chromosomes so that the body can recover. This is currently the most promising solution.

The hibernation cabin only borrowed from the special life mechanism of the tardigrade, and could only barely regain part of its lifespan from sleep time.

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