Homo sapiens

Chapter 300 Precious Metal Banks and Purchasing Boom

June 20th.

The precious metal bank, which has been in preparation for more than two months, was officially established within Homo sapiens.

The business of this subsidiary is mainly to exchange precious metals and rare raw materials such as rare earths and helium.

Raw materials such as silver, platinum, rare earths and helium are more widely used in industry than pure gold.

For example, for the rhenium element, the precious metal bank's listing price is 50 gold dollars per gram.

The retail price of rhenium in China is only 50 Chinese yuan per gram.

For many people, this is a good opportunity to make a profit from the price difference. Even if the price of rhenium in China increases, it is still very attractive to many companies and individuals who need gold dollars.

All parties in East Asia have yet to react.

Precious metal banks have attracted a large number of "tourists".

Flights from Yangcheng to Sing Tao, Thonburi and Manila are full almost instantly.

In order to avoid the outflow of gold, parties in East Asia have lowered the limit on gold exports. Currently, only 10 grams of gold can be carried out of the country at a time.

However, restrictions on other rare metals were not introduced in time.

Many people took the opportunity to purchase various rare metals, then processed them into jewelry, watch straps, and buttons, and sold them to people who needed to leave the country.

At Sing Tao International Airport.

Several young people grabbed their suitcases and headed directly to the local precious metal bank on Star Island.

When they arrived at the precious metal bank, they found that there were quite a few people in line and quickly walked to the back of the line.

"The weather is too hot." One of the young men in a white shirt spoke while holding a travel guide to fan the flames.

Another young man with dyed yellow hair waved his hand: "It's okay! It's hard to make money now. If you buy a few more bottles of Langfu Anning, you can earn a few months' salary."

These young people were Chinese who were engaged in purchasing on behalf of Sing Tao. After they saw the establishment of the Precious Metals Bank, they immediately smelled the business opportunities.

After all, the 2nd generation of Langfu Tranide is not on the market in China, and many patients need this drug, so overseas purchasing agents have been spawned.

However, due to previous restrictions on the export of gold, many people did not have many gold coins on their hands, which greatly limited the scale of purchasing agents.

The emergence of precious metal banks now gives many people the opportunity to exchange gold dollars.

After more than an hour, Bai Shirt, Huang Mao and others finally arrived.

The white shirt took out a box of rhenium jewelry and some platinum jewelry from his backpack, and handed them directly to the inspector at the counter.

The inspector placed the jewelry in a mass spectrometer and quickly determined its composition and net content.

"572 grams of rhenium, 32 grams of rhodium, 24 grams of platinum...the total is 53,700 yuan. Do you have a bank account?"

The white shirt quickly took out his Aoba Bank card.

After the two parties completed the delivery, Bai Shirt, Huang Mao and others hurried to the local pharmacy.

These local pharmacies actually serve foreign tourists. Employees of the Homo sapiens company do not need to go to the pharmacies themselves to buy medicines.

In the drugstore, Bai Shirt and others met many colleagues. Not only Chinese people were purchasing on behalf of others, but Japanese and Koreans were also purchasing on behalf of others.

In addition, White Shirt also saw a dozen people with Latin American faces who were also purchasing various drugs. These people were purchasing agents for the Aztec gang. The drugs they purchased were mainly for smuggling into North America.

"Langfu Anning... Huh? Why is there an extra style?" The white shirt was holding a bottle of Langfu Anning 3rd generation that had just been launched.

The shopping guide not far away reminded: "This is a new model, mainly for variants that have developed drug resistance. These variants are not popular over there, so you should buy the second generation! The price of the second generation has been reduced, and it now costs 300 yuan. .”

The white shirt was also familiar with the shopping guide, so he immediately picked up 20 boxes of Langfu Anning.

There were four of them, and each of them brought 5 boxes. They did not dare to buy more, mainly because they were afraid of being investigated.

"I really envy you. This medicine is prescribed in your hospital and only costs 20 yuan per box." Huang Mao held a box of Langfu Anning 2.

The shopping guide smiled but said nothing. The company had huge discounts for its employees in terms of medical services.

This is one of the reasons why many locals would rather give up immigrating to Kangaroo Country and Europa and stay to work for Homo sapiens companies.

After all, although those developed countries claim to have free medical care, the problem is that you have to queue up for free medical care, otherwise you can only go to expensive private hospitals. If you don't buy insurance, the cost of treatment in private hospitals can definitely break a middle-class person's bones.

And waiting in line for free medical treatment in public hospitals sometimes takes several months, which is very frustrating.

In the event of an emergency, there may be a long queue and no one will be there.

The Homo sapiens company is different. For the company's employees, it only charges a cost price and labor fee.

Many drugs unique to Homo sapiens companies have very high external sales prices, but very low internal prices.

For things like surgery appointments, the medical division has a dedicated management office that can reasonably arrange surgery time based on the severity of symptoms.

In fact, the hospital scale of Homo sapiens Company is very dense among the first batch of full-power branch offices established.

For example, the Hongsawady branch has 120,000 medical staff among 56 million employees, as well as about 200,000 backup medical staff, 450,000 general hospital beds and 45,000 ICU beds.

This scale is extremely huge.

Moreover, the medical care provided by Homo Sapiens Company is independent of family members. In other words, both doctors and nurses are qualified to practice medicine.

This is mainly due to the biochips of new human employees, which can quickly train professional doctors. The nurses in the hospital are naturally first-come-first-served. Through biochips and learning, these nurses have also acquired good medical technology.

As for the spare medical staff, it is because institutions such as nursing homes, infant care homes, kindergartens, sanatoriums, and rehabilitation centers have a large number of medical staff in reserve.

This situation has resulted in the Homo sapiens company's medical resources being very sufficient, and there is basically no need to worry about runs.

Xingdao's medical resources are relatively sufficient. After the establishment of the Xingdao branch of Homo Sapiens, the local medical resources have become even more abundant.

Huang Mao and Bai Shirt had been running around in Xingdao and Hongsawady before, so they were naturally aware of the welfare within the Homo sapiens company.

If Huang Mao hadn't thought that purchasing agents could make a lot of money, he would have wanted to join the Homo sapiens company.

After buying Langfu Anning, they bought 8 boxes of Ai Qingling. Recently, the price of Ai Qingling has also been reduced, and a single box only costs 5,000 yuan.

When they purchase Ai Qingling, they don't buy it casually. They purchase it only after they find good customers in China and ask them to pay a deposit.

Otherwise, once this kind of expensive medicine with a unit price of 5,000 gold yuan is dropped into your hands, your wallet will be damaged.

White Shirt swiped his card directly and paid 46,000 yuan.

Seeing that there was still 8,600 yuan left in the card, the white shirt suggested: "Let's go have a seafood dinner!"

"No, just eat ordinary steak. After all, making money is not easy." Huang Mao shook his head.

In the restaurants of the Homo sapiens company, the price of seafood is still quite high, especially those that are not artificially cultured, which are more than ten times more expensive than beef.

The white shirt smiled and said: "Making money is not just for spending money, I'm treating you today."

"That's what you said." Of course Huang Mao has no objection to freeloading.

Many of the overseas purchasing agents like them are international students. When it comes to spending on food, drink and entertainment, many international students are quite lavish.

After all, the people who can study abroad are often families with certain assets.

After the seafood dinner, the group did not rush back to the country. Instead, they mailed the medicine back to the country. They had dedicated response personnel in the country.

This kind of overseas purchasing agent active in the Southeast Asian headquarters of Homo sapiens Company involves people from almost all regions of the world.

There are official purchasing channels similar to those in Saudi Arabia and Persia.

There are also private purchasing agents like White Shirt and Huang Mao.

There are also smuggling channels like the Aztec gangs.

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