Homo sapiens

Chapter 307 All-in-one

August 5th.

Manila Branch.

Lilith Lopez on an island in Laguna, Manila.

At this time, the entire island in the middle of the lake had been transformed into a large park. He took a group of internal media reporters and a dozen specially invited reporters from foreign news media and walked into the sign with [Manila-Lake Center Park Station] hanging on it. In a huge building.

Robert, the BBC reporter, and his old acquaintance Catherine from the Mirror were invited. He smiled at Catherine and whispered:

"Is it necessary to build such a huge bus station on such a small island? Is this to scare us? Haha..."

Catherine had not yet spoken.

Yomiuri Daily reporter Inoue, who was walking in front, turned around and said, "Maybe this is some kind of secret base?"

"Really?" Robert said noncommittally.

But when Lilith Lopez led a group of people into the elevator that can accommodate 50 people, these reporters did not realize that it was an elevator and thought they were in a small room.

Lilith smiled and explained: "Don't be nervous, this is just an elevator."


Before they could react, they felt a slight vibration under their feet and the large elevator began to descend.

Robert's eyes were filled with surprise and he muttered in a low voice: "Is it really a secret base?"

Two minutes later, the elevator door opened.

The sight that greets you is a Spanish-style station hall.

“Welcome to Manila Lake Park Station.”

Catherine raised her glasses: "Is it a subway station?"

Lilith stopped and waved her hand to her assistant to send a route guide to all reporters.

Then Lilith signaled to the media within the Homo sapiens company that it could begin.

The reporter from Manila TV picked up the microphone and said to the camera: "Good morning, viewers. I, reporter Sang Ye from Manila TV, am currently at the Manila Lake Park Station, which is one of the stops on the Southeast Asia Ring Railway..."

"The company has used new technologies to build railways connecting the Luzon Islands. Currently, the Balabac Strait Undersea Tunnel, Karimata Strait Undersea Tunnel, and Malacca Strait Undersea Tunnel have been completed..."

"Southeast Asian Ring Railway..."

Robert and others who were looking at the route guide at this time were stunned.

This Southeast Asia circular railway is entirely built underground and under the sea.

Starting from Apali City in the north of Luzon Island, it passes through Luzon Island, Mindoro Island, Palawan Island, Borneo Island, Sumatra Island, Star Island, Malay Peninsula, Kra Canal, Thaniantawang On the west side of the mountain range are the Tanintharyi Coast, Shan State Plateau, Kachin State, and the final terminus is Myitsitchi City in Kachin State.

The total length is 8,137 kilometers, and all four lines are parallel.

"Is this a joke?" Robert's eyes were filled with disbelief. After all, the length was too long, and the entire route was underground and under the sea.

The amount of work is simply terrifying.

Even if a certain infrastructure fanatic comes here, he can't handle such an exaggerated scale of underground facility construction.

However, Mitsui of the Yomiuri Daily touched his chin and looked around thoughtfully. This underground station did not seem to have been built recently, but seemed to have been in operation for some time.

Mitsui thought of Assam again.

The entire Assam region is now basically deserted. At least judging from satellite images, there is no obvious human activity on the surface.

If Homo sapiens can really complete the construction of the Southeast Asia Ring Railway within a few years, then the situation in Assam will have another possibility.

That is, the local people in Assam have really gone underground.

Just when a group of foreign media reporters were thinking wildly.

Six media outlets within Homo Sapiens also completed interviews and reports.

Finally came to the foreign media.

Catherine picked up the recorder immediately: "Ms. Lilith, does Homo Sapiens Company plan to officially operate this large railway?"

Lilith nodded: "Yes, starting from today, the Southeast Asia Ring Railway will be connected to the underground railways in various regions, serving employees of Homo Sapiens Company, and will also be open to tourists from outside."

"Then, how did Homo Sapiens Company complete more than 8,000 kilometers of four-line underground railway in a short period of time?" Catherine asked hurriedly.

"Our company has developed some brand-new technologies. Of course, I am not a professional on technical issues."

Catherine asked again: "How can the safety of this railway be ensured? As far as I know, Southeast Asia is at the junction of tectonic plates and is prone to earthquakes and volcanoes. If there is a major earthquake in the future, can this railway withstand these natural disasters?"

Lilith shook her head: "Don't worry, our company has made all preparations. Even if a magnitude 9 earthquake occurs, the impact will not be too serious."

A magnitude 9 earthquake?

Is the impact still serious?

Are all your Homo sapiens companies so confident?

Other foreign media reporters secretly complained.

The three questions have been passed, and next it is Mitsui from the Yomiuri Daily. His question angle is very tricky:

"Excuse me, does your company have any intention to undertake foreign projects?"

Lilith smiled and replied: "Of course, technology is developed to benefit mankind and the whole world. If other regions have the idea of ​​building underground railways, they can consult the Coral Construction Group."

"Second question, two of the lines of this large railway built by your company are sub-vacuum pipeline railways. Can its transportation speed really reach 750 kilometers per hour?"

Lilith nodded: "750 kilometers per hour is the maximum speed. These two railway lines are mainly used for cargo, and they are also driverless."

Mitsui narrowed his eyes: "I see, then will your railway connect Assam and Ceylon in the future?"

Hearing this question, other reporters' eyes lit up and their ears pricked up for fear of missing something.

Lilith opened her eyes and told lies: "Ceylon will definitely be connected to the railway in the future, and the issues in Assam are a matter for the Assamese people and have nothing to do with the Homo sapiens company."

Haha, it doesn't matter?

Without the support of your Homo sapiens company, Assam would have been trampled by Tianzhu long ago.

Robert took advantage of the opportunity and asked: "If Tianzhu attacks Assam, will the Homo sapiens company intervene?"

"As long as it does not infringe on the interests of Homo sapiens company, then there is no need for Homo sapiens company to intervene." Lilith spread her hands.

The implication is that Assam has interests in Homo sapiens companies. Do you want to intervene?

"Does your company have any response to the recent independence petition in Java?" Robert continued to ask.

Lilith's smile became even brighter: "We have solved their demands and they are very satisfied."

"Does the solution to the Homo sapiens company mean throwing them on the high seas?" Robert continued to ask.

"Mr. Robert, I need to educate you on common sense. Everything in Homo Sapiens Company belongs to our chairman. Why do they ask for those private lands?"

"Their ancestors..."

Lilith smiled: "You are wrong again. From the moment Java agrees to cooperate in depth with our company, all local assets in Java are owned by Homo Sapiens Company. Since they are unwilling to work for the company, then the company will naturally not Isn’t it natural for private companies to waste resources on them and fire their employees?”

Robert didn't give up yet: "But they didn't get the compensation they deserved."

"You can tell them to sue Homo sapiens."

When everyone heard this, they almost yelled.

Sue the company? Who will be the referee?

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