Homo sapiens

Chapter 324: Killing indiscriminately

The other side of the earth.

Far away South America.

The vast redwood plateau, La Plata plains.

AMD, Bunge, and Cargill in the ABCD teamed up and invested US$3 billion in research funds. They finally selected a dozen varieties with better disease resistance from some wild soybean varieties and carried out genetic modification on these varieties. Transformation.

As spring arrives in the Southern Hemisphere, soybean planting season has entered.

These genetically modified varieties, which have been tested on a small scale in North America before, are very effective in resisting bean mold.

Therefore, ABCD can’t wait to promote planting in the Redwood Plateau and La Plata Plains. The Redwood Plateau will be planted in early September, while the La Plata Plains will be planted at the end of September.

After more than a month of growth, the soybean seedlings on the Redwood Plateau are growing very well.

Bergman, the AMD manager in charge of the South American business, took a dozen of his subordinates to the soybean fields to inspect them in person.

Bergman pushed aside a few bean sprouts and looked at the condition of the leaves. He felt relieved when he found that there were no spots.

Anthony, a genetically modified agriculture expert, said with a smile: "Mr. Manager, you have to believe in our technology. There will definitely be no problem this time."

Bergman was noncommittal, as if he didn't want to raise a flag, but continued to check the growth of the bean sprouts.

Suddenly, a brown bug jumped on his shoulder.

Huh? Bergman subconsciously caught the bug.

This was a brown locust. His expression changed and he quickly asked: "Hook! How big are the locusts here?"

Hook, who is responsible for managing the surrounding 500,000 acres of soybean fields, was stunned for a moment and then replied: "I have not received any reports from workers about locusts."

Bergman roared very angrily: "Fake Squid! Send it to investigate as soon as possible."

"OK! OK!" Hook hurriedly picked up his cell phone, called his subordinates, and sent someone to check the situation of the locusts in the surrounding areas.

the other side.

Clover Oak is in a secret location in the Redwood Plateau.

Fundy Fernando, head of the South America region of the Field Division, is playing with a locust.

Providing pheromone induction, he easily controlled the locusts.

"Reported that 37 pheromone control stations have released locust breeding pheromones."

Hearing this, Fundy Fernando narrowed his eyes and crushed the locust to death in an instant: "Haha, ABCD, I will crush you to death this time."

Throw the locusts into the auxiliary digestive sac behind your back.

The South American branch of the Field Division can be said to be on the most dangerous front line. It confronts the black ships and America's lackeys almost every day.

Therefore, the employees of the field division here are equipped with various auxiliary equipment, such as auxiliary digestive sacs, which allow the employees of the field division to survive by eating grass and insects in the tropical rainforest.

After suffering so much, Fundy Fernando has long wanted to do something big.

Since an article has been made on bean mold before, the field division will naturally not use the same method to do it again.

If you continue to use bean mold to cause trouble, America will be aware of the problem no matter how slow you are.

Therefore, after research and discussion, Fundy Fernando and a group of executives from the South American branch formulated another inconspicuous but very efficient method - locusts.

Since last year, Fendi and the others have been secretly planning to use pheromones to induce locusts to lay a large number of eggs in the mountain forests and wastelands around agricultural areas. These eggs are hidden underground.

Now it's finally time for those eggs to hatch.

37 pheromone induction stations are activated simultaneously to release special pheromones in all directions.

In South America in October, the temperature and air humidity are suitable for the growth of locusts. Once induced by pheromones, they immediately hide in the soil and hundreds of millions of eggs begin to hatch.

Almost at the same time, these eggs hatched.

The overwhelming locusts quickly attacked the fresh and juicy corn and soybean fields.

Bergman, who was still inspecting the field, saw more and more locusts around him, and his face turned black.

Hook on the side was even more anxious and kept calling.

Dr. Brownie, a biological control expert, also frowned:

"Mr. Manager, based on this scale, there are at least hundreds of millions of locusts in the surrounding area. We must arrange insecticides as soon as possible, otherwise the soybean seedlings here will be eaten clean, and these locusts reproduce very quickly."

However, before Bergman could speak, his cell phone rang. He glanced at the number: "Hey, Jamie, what's up?"

An urgent voice came from the other side of the phone: "Mr. Manager, locust plague! A large-scale locust plague in Bahia."

"What? There's a locust plague over there too?"

"Also? Manager, are there locust plagues in other places too?"

"I'm in Sao Paulo state now, and a large-scale locust plague has broken out here. We quickly used pesticide airplanes to spray pesticides."

"I have made arrangements, but the locusts are very large. I'm afraid..."

The two communicated for a few minutes, and after hanging up the phone, another call came.

Within half an hour, Bergman received seven calls, all from farm directors in the Redwood Plateau area.

The contents of the reports were highly consistent, and they were all about the locust plague.

A pesticide plane flew slowly over at low altitude, spraying large areas of pesticides along the way.

However, employees of the field division hidden in the surrounding mountains and forests are regulating pheromones to allow locusts to quickly avoid pesticide aircraft and reduce the number killed by pesticides.

At the same time, another employee controls some locusts and hides them in the mountains and wilderness. Instead of attacking agricultural areas, they eat desperately and lay eggs.

After all, ABCD is not a fool. They will definitely spray pesticides on a large scale to suppress the spread of locusts.

At this time, the part of the locusts hidden in the mountains, forests and wilderness are needed to serve as the Zerg barracks to continuously produce new locusts.

Sure enough, as time passed, the local branch of ABCD quickly sprayed pesticides on a large scale, which greatly suppressed the spread and destruction of locusts.

However, behind this human-insect war, the Homo sapiens company provided tactical guidance to the locusts.

Many locusts do not gather in agricultural areas at all, but cover all areas, including cities, residential areas, mountains, forests, wilderness, wetlands, etc.

This has brought serious troubles to ABCD's insecticide operations. After all, pesticides can be sprayed on farmland at will, but in residential areas and mountains and forests, pesticides cannot be sprayed at will.

So a very fatal situation arises.

After ABCD sprayed pesticides, the number of locusts in the agricultural area dropped rapidly in the first day or two, but locusts from surrounding areas soon replenished.

What’s even more frightening is that some locusts are beginning to develop drug resistance, and low-toxicity insecticides are becoming less and less effective.

In the branch building of Redwood Federation, Bergman watched the locusts killing indiscriminately throughout the Redwood Plateau every day, and he almost collapsed.

The loss reports left everyone in the South American branch with a shadow that was difficult to get rid of.

Just when Bergman was discussing with the headquarters how to solve the problem of locust plague in South America.

His secretary hurriedly opened the office door.

"Huhu...Mr. Manager, urgent report from La Plata."

Bergman's eyes widened: "Where have the locusts spread?"

The secretary looked a little frightened: "Yes, and the scale is very large. The La Plata branch has made every effort to organize pesticide aircraft to kill it, but the effect is very poor."

"Damn it!" Bergman slumped down and looked at the map of South America on the wall with dull eyes.

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