Homo sapiens

Chapter 333 Wave (3)

Da Yuan Island.

Hsinchu Industrial Park, TSMC headquarters.

Even after retiring, Zhang Zhongmou still has a strong influence in TSMC.

At this time, he participated in management meetings as a special advisor.

Listening to the discussions among the management, Zhang Zhongmou remained silent. He couldn't understand TSMC's troubles today.

North American capital forces took advantage of the stock market crash to purchase a large number of TSMC shares at low prices. Currently, the shareholding ratio of Wall Street financial consortium has increased to an absolute controlling level of 67%.

At this time, it is a certainty that the Wall Street financial consortium requires TSMC to open a chip factory in North America.

After all, the Wall Street financial consortium has absolutely controlled TSMC at this time. Even though they have repeatedly explained the difficulties of relocating to North America, Wall Street still refuses to let go.

Now the management has no choice but to hope that Zhang Zhongmou will come forward to convince Wall Street.

But who is Zhang Zhongmou? He is an old coin who broke the backbone of SMIC with one hand. Wall Street's plot is already obvious, and there is no use in opposing it now.

‘Globalization is dead. ’ He sighed secretly in his heart.

He flipped through another document in his hand, which was news about the cooperation between Honor Company and Homo Sapiens Company.

In order to cope with the European and American blockade of Huawei in the chip industry, Huawei has previously sold Honor mobile phones.

The so-called cooperation this time is for Honor to use its strength to force Europe and the United States to unblock semiconductors and introduce optoelectronic chips to replace some traditional electronic chips.

According to the cooperation agreement announced by both parties, Honor plans to hand over at least 33% of mobile phone chips to Nanyang Electronics for production, including the most important mobile phone CPUs and storage.

Zhang Zhongmou has seen a huge crisis. In the style of Homo sapiens, he must be planning how to attack the North American chip system.

Although he is retired, he is not blind to what is happening outside the window.

Recently, Homo sapiens has launched a heavy attack on the iron ore-steel industry, grain-feed-edible oil industry, but the attack has been extremely ruthless. It has launched an all-round suppression against ABCD, BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, and Vale.

That ferocious style is not the kind of business war that hides the needle in the past at all, but slashing with a butcher's knife.

At this time, the semiconductor industry is precisely one of the advantageous industries of Homo sapiens. He has been paying close attention to the related technologies of optoelectronic chips since the launch of optoelectronic chips by Homo sapiens.

From the purchased pineapple mobile phones, they disassembled the optoelectronic chips on them and conducted comprehensive research.

Through these studies, Zhang Zhongmou discovered that although the optoelectronic chip technology of Homo sapiens Company is only 100 to 120 nanometers in terms of manufacturing process, its hexadecimal switching mechanism, coupled with the speed of photons, energy consumption, single-channel mixed light and other technologies, are all Bring qualitative changes to optoelectronic chips.

Although Homo sapiens' optoelectronic semiconductors are not compatible with traditional electronic semiconductors, this incompatibility is relative.

For example, for Honor's mobile phone chips, Nanyang Electronics can design a compatible converter specifically for Honor phones.

Of course, Google can also honor the company through the Android system.

But Zhang Zhongmou knows that Google will never dare to block Honor Company now, because Honor Company now has two backup plans.

One is to find the old employer Huawei and use the old employer’s Hongmeng system.

The other is to find Yemai Company, a subsidiary of Homo Sapiens Company, and use its Fuxi system.

In fact, Honor is already using the Fuxi system, and the 33% of mobile phones that plan to use Nanyang Electronics chips will be equipped with the Fuxi system.

In this way, once Google forces Honor to make a comprehensive replacement, Google will burst into tears.

This is also the reason why Zhang Zhongmou feels helpless and bitter.

North America is now in a dilemma. On the one hand, it hopes to return manufacturing to North America and revitalize North American manufacturing.

On the other hand, North America also knows that once the semiconductor industry in the Far East is taken away, the semiconductor market here will become the world of Homo sapiens companies.

Zhang Zhongmou has already felt the hesitation in North America. He wants to bring back manufacturing but does not want to lose the market in the Far East. How can there be such a good thing in the world?

The current industrial war has entered a new stage.

Homo sapiens Corporation, America, the Far East, the Europa Commonwealth, and Lucia are all fighting in this industrial war.

He looked at the management and sighed: "I will talk to Citigroup and let fate take care of everything!"

"Old CEO! You must save the company! Once it moves to North America, the company will be finished." The person in charge of the marketing department looked miserable.

Zhang Zhongmou calmly ordered: "I will do my best, you first appease the company's technical workers."

But the person in charge of the human resources department smiled bitterly: "Old president, many grassroots employees are already getting upset when they hear the news that the company is relocating to North America."

Then he said another more troublesome thing: "Nanyang Electronics, Singtao Semiconductor, and Manila Optoelectronics have recently poached our technicians. This month, 372 technicians have left for Southeast Asia."

After hearing this data, everyone took a breath.

The next words of the person in charge of the human resources department poured cold water on them.

"Now that the news of the company's relocation to North America comes out, it is estimated that the scale of resignations will further expand. These technicians are the essence of the company. It will be difficult for us to retrain so many semiconductor technicians in a short period of time."

As for recruiting semiconductor technicians in North America, everyone present is not unaware of the current situation of the North American semiconductor industry.

Since the hollowing out of the industry in the 1990s, a large part of the North American semiconductor industry has flowed to the Far East.

Companies such as Texas Instruments and Intel have also moved their North American manufacturing departments to the Far East and Southeast Asia.

The semiconductor manufacturing industry in North America has been hollowed out for more than thirty years, and now it can no longer find a large number of supporting industrial workers and technicians.

In this relocation plan, TSMC will have to bring thousands of technicians there. Otherwise, TSMC would simply not have to rely on North American industrial workers and technicians.

And now they face another problem.

Because many technicians don’t want to go to North America at all, especially those who are thoughtful, they can see at a glance that North America is strong on the outside and hard on the inside.

Now that the global electronics and semiconductor industry is shrinking, Homo sapiens' optoelectronics and a large number of refurbished machines continue to enter emerging markets in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

What does North America use to feed the semiconductor industry?

North American and European markets alone? These two markets are already saturated. Will Intel, North American semiconductor companies such as Apple and Texas Instruments agree to allocate the market to Samsung, TSMC, MediaTek, and LG?

I am afraid that when the time comes, when local semiconductor companies in North America see a significant decline in performance, they will probably take action on Samsung and TSMC to squeeze them out of the North American and European markets.

They cower when they fight Homo sapiens company.

These guys will not show mercy when dealing with TSMC and Samsung.

Therefore, many technicians with a clear conscience simply packed up and left. They would not accompany TSMC to serve as cannon fodder in North America.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a Homo sapiens company so close at hand?

In the past, it was 10,000 times better for the Homo sapiens company to eat and wait for death than to go to North America.

After all, North America is a world of capital. Once a factory goes bankrupt, they will definitely be laid off. And these technicians have spent most of their lives working in semiconductors, so it will be difficult for them to find other jobs.

What's more, when the nest is overturned, there are no eggs left intact.

Once the semiconductor industry slumps, they don't believe that other industries in North America will fare much better.

It is really difficult for many technicians to accept the idea of ​​starting over in an unfamiliar place, and they are also pessimistic about the future of North America.

In the past, when they had no choice, they might compromise for the sake of life.

Now there is Homo Sapien Company, a good place where you will never be unemployed, and a group of technicians will vote with their feet.

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