Homo sapiens

Chapter 342 Being smart

"Kiel, speed up."

"OK." Kiel pushed the putter to the limit.

The engine accelerated to drive the propeller, and the small boat of more than 200 tons hurtled toward the coastline of the Sand Kingdom at a speed of 22 knots.

Chelsea, who obviously has a guilty conscience, also knows that the Homo sapiens company is not something to be trifled with.

the other side.

On the sea in blazing fire.

The five security guards who were blown away just now have sunk into the sea.

Inside the exoskeleton on the seabed, the exteriors of those "security guards" are melting away little by little, revealing the mechanical parts inside.

As for the patrol ship that overturned and sank, the bodies of the security guards inside were melting away little by little at the same time.

Twenty minutes later, three patrol ships that rushed to the rescue arrived at the burning sea.

Susan, wearing sunglasses, stood on the bow of the boat facing the salty sea breeze.

“What a nice fireworks show.”

The person in charge of the patrol ship asked in a low voice: "Captain Su, the signal of patrol ship No. 6 has been detected."

"Then let's start salvaging!"


A dozen security guards wearing diving exoskeletons quickly jumped off the sea and swam down to position 6 of the sunken patrol ship.

Although the water depth in this area is between 200 and 1,000 meters, this depth is not difficult for new human employees equipped with biological exoskeletons.

Through the pheromone transmitter on the patrol ship, a dozen security guards easily determined the specific location of the sinking.

In the dark seabed, the patrol ship that had just sunk had a hull built using new materials and integrated manufacturing technology. It was not exploded by 15 tons of TNT. The hull and various facilities inside the hull were basically intact.

The location was remarked, several additional pheromone signal transmitters were installed, and the security personnel removed the black box storing the data from the cabin.

Then they quickly evacuated.

Return to the surface and give the black box to Susan.

Susan glanced at the black box, and an inexplicable smile appeared on her face: "Okay, leave two patrol ships here to continue searching, and we will return to Hongku Port immediately."

"no problem."

at the same time.

Chelsea, who was in the cabin of the small boat, was checking the satellite surveillance screen of the headquarters through satellite communication.

Just now, three keyhole satellites passed over the Red Sea and captured images around the explosion site.

Now that Chelsea are reviewing the data, he zooms in.

Looking at the picture, a fishing boat and a patrol ship met. Homo sapiens security guards went on to inspect the fishing boat. Then the fishing boat exploded, followed by the sinking of the fishing boat and patrol ship.

Next, the Hongku Port Branch sent out rescuers to search the explosion area. He also saw a dozen divers sent into the sea from one of the patrol ships.

Twenty minutes later, the divers surfaced again, and the patrol ship returned to Honku Harbor.

Through this series of scenes, Chelsea got the information he wanted. He looked at the explosion scene:

‘Sure enough, this time it was not discovered by the Homo sapiens company’s intelligence system. In other words, our intelligence was not leaked. ’

Suddenly, a text message with only numbers and English garbled text popped up on his internal communication phone. Chelsea spent a few minutes deciphering the text message.

Looking at the contents on the paper, he fell into silence.

[Persian Gulf - Mission to Rawan Island was successful; Republic of Ma'in - Mission to Mukalla failed;...]

There are a total of 7 tasks, corresponding to 7 executives of Black Ship in West Asia, Black Ship in South Asia, Black Ship in East Africa and Black Ship in South Africa.

Four missions succeeded and three missions failed.

Be aware that these tasks are single-line tasks.

Now that a mission has failed, it means that three of the lines have been penetrated, especially since he deliberately asked Howard to ask the supervisors to personally find someone to carry out the mission.

'McDonald, Kim Phillippe, David Cole...' Chelsea silently recited these names in his mind. Although he was not completely sure, he had already included these people in the list of key suspects.

Four hours later.

As the sun sets in Harneck, a city on the west coast of the Sand Kingdom, a small yacht slowly docks at the local pier.

Chelsea and Keir abandoned their small yacht and immediately took a car to Yanbu, a large city in the west of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, using false identities prepared in advance.

The reason why they are so cautious is because they know that the Hongku Port incident cannot be hidden for long.

America has keyhole satellites, and the Homo sapiens company also has a large number of spy satellites deployed in low-Earth orbit.

In other words, the scene of them driving the small yacht away from the fishing boat will soon be discovered by the Homo sapiens company. If they don't run now, they will definitely die without a burial place when the Homo sapiens company finds them.

Stimulated by the desire to survive, it took only 47 minutes for Kiel to drive the jeep to the vicinity of Yanbu Airport, the 173 kilometers between Hanak and Yanbu.

Immediately through a special relationship, I purchased a ticket to the Transvaal in southern Africa at Yanbu Airport.

The moment they got on the plane, Chelsea and Kier breathed a sigh of relief.

The pressure involved in fighting against Homo sapiens is unimaginable. After all, the field division of Homo sapiens is famous among major intelligence organizations around the world for being vicious, cunning, and vengeful.

Even if he is a senior agent of the Black Ship, the Field Division will not be merciful or have any scruples about it.

at the same time.


Port of Cape Town.

At this time, the regional center of the African Black Ship was established in this city.

In the office building with the "Cape Trading Company" sign, Howard, as the Governor-General of Africa, also received reports on the seven operational missions.

He looked at the report in his hand with a solemn expression on his face: "Do they really have a problem? No, it's just a mission, so I can't be completely sure."

Howard kneaded the pen with his fingers, and various calculations flashed in his sharp eyes.

Obviously, Chelsea's test this time has brought a very serious crisis of trust within Black Ship. Although many executives have worked for Black Ship for decades, seniority does not mean loyalty.

Especially recently, the Black Ship headquarters has been overwhelmed by the continuous leaks of intelligence.

Without investigation, the intelligence continued to leak, and many actions were taken advantage of by the Homo sapiens company's field division.

Failure to do so will put everyone internally in danger and affect all work.

However, Chelsea's exploratory actions gave Howard a very good idea, which was to use the members of the major families of the council to carry out bait fishing based on the members of these council families.

Now he has initially screened out three suspected executives.

However, Howard, who has worked in the intelligence community for decades, did not jump to conclusions at once.

If those three tasks just happen to go wrong, one of your own people will be killed accidentally.

Howard quickly thought of a way: 'It seems that another test must be conducted. ’

Since you can't be sure once, then try it again. If there is still a problem with the mission this time, then there must be something wrong with these people.

Pete Mellon in North America has the same idea. He has already planned to let Chelsea arrange another test, even if it costs hundreds of millions of dollars.

After all, compared to those beautiful knives, the security of intelligence is the key. This is related to the lives and fortunes of their major families, so he cannot help but ignore it.

After getting off the plane, Chelsea received special instructions from Peter Mellon, affirming his contribution and asking him to continue testing to find out the Homo sapiens chess pieces inside the black ship.

An invisible bloody storm officially broke out inside the black ship.

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