Homo sapiens

Chapter 350 We need dreams

Tis couldn't understand Cardius's words.

In other words, most temporary workers do not understand the self-confidence of regular employees.

Many of these temporary workers come here to work with the intention of making some money and improving their living standards, without any idea of ​​changing their lives.

As Kashu said, there are too many old worlds like Kom Ombo in this world, and there are even more countless old worlds that exist in people's hearts.

Tis and others did not realize the reason why they were trapped in the old world.

Now Cardiff's mission is to help them break through their shackles and guide them to become fanatics of the Homo Sapien Company.

Ka Xiu is very confident about this job, because he himself came out of the old world and became a new human being with dreams and power.

Enthusiasm is a double-edged sword.

When there is a huge gap between dreams and reality, you can encourage many people to temporarily maintain confidence by drawing a pie.

But this incentive is a hormone, and it has serious side effects.

Why are many people full of enthusiasm when they are young, but when they reach middle age, they quickly become self-indulgent and self-defeating.

It is because of too much hormone called dream that the thin body can no longer bear the side effects caused by the hormone. Drug resistance inevitably appears and the body collapses.

Does that mean dream hormones have no effect?

No, quite the opposite.

This hormone is very important. For any human being, this hormone is as important as growth hormone and sex hormones to some extent.

Without dreams, there is no difference from death.

In other words, many people are actually dead.

They are just empty shells in the reinforced concrete jungle, turned into tools and parts called carbon-based robots.

We need dreams.

So we got the initial hormone injections.

Now Ka Xiu is about to inject a new dream hormone into Tis and other temporary workers, called the dream hormone of Homo sapiens.

But the dreams that dream hormones can provide us are just spiritual comfort after all. As time goes by, we will become resistant to these dream hormones, and the pleasure they can provide us with dreams will become increasingly rare until they are completely exhausted.

Then, in order to keep people active and maintain the operation of the entire system, hormones that are more toxic and have more severe side effects can only be used.

Are there any dream hormones that have no side effects?

The answer is no.

But there are ways to treat side effects.

That is to make dreams come true.

As long as the weak body gets enough nutrients, dream hormones will make people stronger and full of energy.

This is what the Homo sapiens company does. Now it is crazy to draw a big pie for these new employees, and then realize these pie little by little. Then these employees will not only not get bored and give up on themselves, but will maintain their vitality and combat effectiveness.

If you dare to draw a big pie, you must have the strength and technology to make a big pie, as well as the method of dividing the pie reasonably.

Otherwise, the enthusiasm and fanaticism of employees will be wasted sooner or later.

Why did Japan experience 30 years of stagnant development after the 1990s?

Before the 1990s, Japan's rapid economic development and bright future expectations made many people ignore the side effects of dream hormones and could withstand various pressures and persevere.

But after the 1990s, Japan's economy stagnated and the side effects of dream hormone began to explode. Many people suddenly discovered that the future was gloomy, and then they began to choose to lie down.

This is because Japan has a strong foundation and can barely maintain a good or bad situation for more than thirty years.

Now, with the outbreak of the global economic crisis, the prices of oil, natural gas, and food have skyrocketed, and industrial products have become unsaleable.

Japan began to be unable to hold on any longer.

In the fourth quarter of last year alone, the number of Homo sapiens immigrants from Japan was as high as 830,000.

Throughout the Far East, in the fourth quarter of last year, the number of immigrated Homo sapiens hit a new high, reaching a record high of 15.36 million.

For example, Kamijou Hokuyo, who came to work in Kom Ombo, immigrated here in September last year.

Ka Xiu has seen too many empty people who have lost their dreams. In fact, many of those who have just joined the company are just planning to come here to hang out and escape from the poor quality of life before.

As for these empty-shell people, they need to be re-injected with dream hormones, and then fed with a little nutrition to re-energize their vitality and combat effectiveness.

This is why, obviously, the environment inside Smart Man's company is very suitable for eating and waiting to die, but many people have no intention of lying down when they work.

Because they saw the possibility of their dreams coming true.

Kaxiu looked at these rookies with a smile. Regarding their doubts and doubts, the company will soon tell them with actions: your efforts will turn into a better life for you.

Even if there are special cultural barriers in West Asia and North Africa, they cannot resist the crushing of the Homo sapiens company.

Who doesn’t want delicacies from mountains and seas?

Who doesn’t want a villa and a mansion?

Who doesn’t want to be carefree.

Everyone has desires, and there is no one who has no desires.

Ka Xiu himself has all kinds of needs and ideas. He understands human nature too well, and the Homo sapiens company can meet most of the needs of many people.

As long as material things keep up, dreams can continue to increase.

As their dreams continue to come true, these people will soon become fanatics of the Homo sapiens company, become more and more loyal to the company, and easily transform into new humans.

Cardiff saw the Nile River in the distance, and the last ray of sunlight disappeared on the horizon.

A bottle of Coke was also finished.

He turned to look at the shower truck and found that three bathrooms were already vacant: "There are vacancies, let's go!"

After taking a shower, throw the dirty clothes directly into the basket in the laundry room. The laundry staff will wash and dry them, then put the clothes in a cloth bag with a personal number printed on it and put it in the laundry room. You can come and pick it up tomorrow. .

Kaxiu, who felt refreshed, took Tis and others to dinner.

Although it is in the wilderness, the various facilities equipped by Homo Sapiens Company are relatively complete.

Two kitchen trucks provide daily meals for 241 employees. The chefs work in teams of five people per truck.

"what's for dinner?"

The short-haired cook said with a smile: "Mutton finger rice, shredded cabbage salad, fried cashews with celery, chicken soup with coriander mushrooms, orange juice and watermelon."

"not bad!"

Soon Kaxiu had a large plate of mutton finger rice, a large fist-sized piece of mutton leg meat, covered with long-grain rice soaked in soup, covered with chickpeas, shredded yellow radish, and shredded onions.

He also ordered cabbage salad and orange juice.

Same thing with Tis.

There were many dining tables placed around the kitchen cart, and tents were set up to protect them from the wind and sand.

As soon as he sat down, Tisi couldn't wait to eat. At this time, he put all other worries behind and focused on the delicious food in front of him.

As an ordinary person in Egypt, it's not that Tisi has never eaten meat, but in his daily diet, he mainly eats flatbread, macaroni, cornmeal and chickpeas, along with eggs, cheese, grilled fish and vegetables.

As for meats such as beef, sheep, and chicken, I eat them about once or twice a month.

Tisi was very happy with the free food provided by the company, but there was no dessert and less rice.

In fact, the local eating habits are very bad. Three meals a day are basically high in carbohydrates, sugar and oil, and the intake of protein and vegetables is low. This has led to a very high obesity rate among Egyptians, and there are also many people with high levels of obesity.

Therefore, the company adjusted employee meals in Egypt to increase the intake of protein, vegetables and fruits, and to reduce carbohydrates and sweets.

This is also for the health of employees.

The temporary workers didn't have much idea about this. After all, the company was willing to use meat, vegetables and fruits instead of carbohydrates and desserts, so they didn't have any objections, as long as they could eat enough.

It is against this background that changing the eating habits of these temporary workers is carried out in a silent way.

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