Homo sapiens

Chapter 360 Positioning of the plan (Happy New Year)

Nibala Branch.


Since the Homo sapiens company established a local branch with full authority, the development speed here has been almost rapid.

It only took about half a year for local residents to go from being confused and resistant at the beginning to being enthusiastic and supportive.

The more impoverished the country is, the less able it is to resist the high-welfare offensive of the Homo sapiens company.

The mountain people who have lived in poverty all their lives have long lost their enthusiasm for all kinds of fanciful ideas. After all, everyone has a steelyard in their heart.

Those forces that appear in public can brag about how good they are, but when the mountain people go home and see a few barren lands and a life as usual, they will be damned if they believe it.

Maybe some people believed it at first, but after so many years of cruel reality, the mountain people have become realistic and indifferent.

This is also the reason why the locals showed distrust and resistance in the beginning after the Homo sapiens company entered Nibala.

It wasn't until everyone's lives changed at a speed visible to the naked eye that the mountain residents let down their guard and actively embraced the arrival of the Homo sapiens company.

Nibala, with a population of only about 29 million, has basically no agricultural potential because 90% of its territory is high-altitude mountainous land, but its hydropower potential is considerable.

After opening the underground railway between Assam and Nepal, the Homo sapiens company imported a large amount of various daily necessities and construction materials here.

Including the construction of 30 medium-sized hydropower stations and 3 nuclear power plants.

At the same time, the exploration of mineral resources in the Nibalo area is also in full swing.

Weng Xuehai and his team, who previously conducted geological exploration in Zhuyu, have completed preliminary exploration of strata within 5,000 meters underground in Zhuyu, and are now entering Nibalo for exploration.

In the Gandaki district on the west side of Kathmandu.

There are many peaks with an altitude of three to four thousand meters.

Led by a local guide, Weng Xuehai and his party camped in a nearby valley. Since it was winter in the northern hemisphere, the higher altitude areas were already covered with a layer of silver.

"Huh..." After taking a sip of hot tea, Weng Xuehai puffed out white mist: "If it weren't for the help of an exoskeleton, I wouldn't dare to go into the mountains in this season."

At this moment, his satellite phone rang. He quickly put down his teacup and answered the call: "Hello..."

"Dr. Weng, please get ready. There is an urgent mission that requires your cooperation. A Thunder Dragon ground-effect ship will pick you up later..."

Hearing this, Weng Xuehai didn't even think about it: "I understand."

After hanging up the phone, he quickly called his deputy over and asked him to temporarily lead the team while he and his assistant quickly packed up their personal belongings.

46 minutes passed.

A small Thunder Dragon ground-effect boat flew from mid-air, and then slowly parked on the snow not far from the camp.

The cabin opened and several security guards wearing combat exoskeletons jumped out.

"Doctor, this is our employee ID, and this is the temporary recruitment order..."

Weng Xuehai glanced briefly and nodded: "Let's go!"


After boarding the Little Thunder Dragon ground-effect boat, Weng Xuehai and his assistant looked out the window to see off their colleagues and waved.

Wuwuwu... The turbojet engine pushed the Little Thunder Dragon ground-effect ship off the ground, and then flew quickly towards Kathmandu in the east.

Because it is on its own territory, the Little Thunder Dragon ground effect ship does not need to fly close to the ground. In addition to technological upgrading, after applying part of the Jinpeng transport aircraft technology, the cruising speed can reach about 600 kilometers per hour.

Soon the small Brontosaurus ground effect ship was near Kathmandu and landed at the plateau internal airport on the west side of Kathmandu.

Weng Xuehai was taken deep underground in this base and then took the subway to Lower Kathmandu, the underground city of Kathmandu.

Lower Kathmandu is located deep underground in the mountains to the north of Kathmandu.

Weng Xuehai is very familiar with this place because his temporary dormitory is here.

Inside the base director's office in the underground city.

Weng Xuehai saw a middle-aged man wearing the uniform of the back office division. This man had a rare career heterochromatic pupil, one brown and one green.

"Hello, doctor, I am Moses, the head of the Crisis Emergency Office of the Internal Affairs Division. Please sit down."

After taking his seat, Weng Xuehai asked directly without mincing words: "What is the specific mission?"

"The Internal Affairs Division needs to build several ultra-deep shelters, and I need the doctor's help in selecting a few suitable locations." Moses got straight to the point.

Weng Xuehai was stunned for a moment: "Shelter? How deep does it need to be?"

“The deeper the better, preferably with granite rock formations and mountains above.”

"Is that so?" Weng Xuehai turned on the holographic projection system of the tablet computer and projected the holographic map of the Nibala area. Then he pointed to the northeast of the Gurnali District:

"This area has an altitude of more than 4,000 meters, and there are a lot of ice caps. There are a lot of granite rock formations underneath, so it should meet the requirements."

Then he added: "There are two large iron mines below, which were discovered some time ago. I don't know the technical limits of the underground engineering department. If it can withstand the high temperature and high pressure erosion underground, then it can be built as far down as possible. ."

Moses gave him a rough introduction to the technical overview of underground engineering: "Now we can build safe underground cities at a depth of about 5,000 meters underground, and shelters can be built deeper due to their special characteristics. The depth I am talking about is Altitude depth, mountain and plateau heights are not included.”

"I understand." Weng Xuehai recalculated and quickly found a dozen locations.

These locations, without exception, are all areas with an altitude above 5,000 meters, with ice caps above and granite rock formations underground, and the geology is relatively stable.

Then Weng Xuehai took the initiative to introduce the specific conditions of these locations to Moses.

Soon Moses selected 7 of them as alternatives, and then he continued to ask: "Doctor, you also did the geological exploration in the Zhuyu and Zhemengxiong areas. You can also select a few suitable ones over there." Location."

"no problem."

Weng Xuehai also called up the geological holographic maps of Zhuyu and Zhemengxiong areas, and soon circled 6 candidate locations.

Moses selected three more alternatives.

In total, there are 10 alternative locations.

It is only a preliminary determination now, and in-depth exploration will be needed to determine the final location.

In the future, these ultra-deep underground shelters will become part of Hades' plan.

Of course, the Hades Project is not just an ultra-deep shelter, its core is actually a special database.

To be precise, these shelters are not prepared for people, but are memory backups and genetic samples of all new human employees.

Including Li Qingye's memory and genetic samples will be stored in it.

In these ultra-deep shelters, there are only survival cabins, cloning cabins, and various equipment to restart civilization. There are no new human administrators, and they are managed by the artificial intelligence of supercomputers.

Its passage to the outside world will be sealed after it is completed, leaving only an optical cable for transmitting data to facilitate the new human employees to update the memory database.

The requirement for these ultra-deep shelters is that they can continue to operate in a low-power mode for about 100 years in a closed state.

Here is another backup prepared by Homo sapiens.

The Ancient Continent Project is prepared for the evacuation of large-scale personnel; the Ice Domain Project and the Submerged Abyss Project are special refuges for small-scale personnel; and the Hades Project is a refuge for the memory and genes of Homo sapiens.

The final Katsura Palace plan is to consider that in the most extreme case, once the earth cannot survive, the civilization fire of the Homo sapiens company can use the moon base as a temporary transit station to escape to other planets.

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