Homo sapiens

Chapter 373 Who benefits and who is the most suspicious

Intense investigations and research on Tokyo fungi are proceeding in an orderly manner.

The friction between America and the Sapiens Company in the Pacific, Ceylon Ocean, and Oceania is also continuing.

Until a week later.

That is February 12th.

The Tokyo Hotel was booked out that day.

Edward and Victor, who flew over from North America, and Wu Wei and Ovi, who came over from Southeast Asia, each brought their negotiation teams to hold talks at the Tokyo Grand Hotel.

Special representatives from other major powers also attended.

Wu Wei threw a document in front of Victor, with a gloomy sneer on his face: "Can you please explain what is going on?"

Victor did not answer, but opened the document. Above was the research and evaluation of fungi in Tokyo by the Biological Research Institute of Homo sapiens Corporation.

"This kind of fungus will only multiply in large numbers when the air humidity is between 22 and 37 degrees Celsius and the air humidity is greater than about 50%. At the same time, in this environment, its corrosion rate on plastics can be as fast as 8 months. Can break down polyethylene plastics such as plastic bags and plastic films..."

Wu Wei stared at Victor: "Excuse me, where is the place on earth where such environmental conditions can be maintained for a long time?"

Everyone present reacted immediately.

The daily temperature is between 22 and 37 degrees Celsius, and the air humidity is greater than about 50%, which is most suitable for tropical areas on the earth.

To be precise, the Redwood Federation in Southeast Asia, South America and the Central Basin of Africa are most consistent.

"The temperature and air humidity in mid- and high-latitudes are only suitable for the reproduction of Tokyo fungi in summer. The rate at which plastics are decomposed in these areas is several times slower than in the tropics, and dozens of times slower."

Wu Wei's voice full of anger was like a roaring typhoon: "Haha, whoever gains and who loses, this is self-evident. I have every reason to suspect that some forces specially created this to deal with our Homo sapiens company. This fungus."

When Wu Wei spoke, his eyes were fixed on Victor.

Victor was also thinking secretly in his heart: ‘Wang Defa! Was it really the council that did this? ’

The other envoys from the great powers present also had different thoughts in their hearts at this time.

For example, Lucia's Andre, he looked at Wu Wei, Victor and others, and snickered secretly in his heart, Lucia made a lot of money this time.

The reason why Andre thinks Lucia has made a lot of money.

The reason is that Lucia is located in mid-to-high latitudes, and most of the territory is in the temperate, subarctic and frigid zones, with only a small part of the subtropical zone.

Under this climate, the fungi in Tokyo only have a reproduction period of two to three months a year, which means that the time it takes for plastics in Lucia to decompose will be three or four times longer than in the tropics.

Taking polyethylene, which is the fastest and easiest to decompose, as an example, a polyethylene plastic bag takes only 8 months to decompose in Southeast Asia, but in Lucia, it takes about 24 to 32 months.

What's more, just because plastics are easily decomposed does not mean that the plastics industry will decline as a result.

Andre easily thought that once plastic is easily decomposed, does that mean plastic becomes environmentally friendly? This is good for the plastics industry!

If it is good for the plastics industry, it will be good for the oil industry.

Lucia is an oil exporting country, which is good for Lucia!

Moreover, plastics are easily decomposed, which means that the cost-effectiveness of plastic furniture has declined, which in turn will benefit wood, bamboo, ceramics, glass, aluminum alloys and stainless steel.

Lucia is a world-famous timber exporter, which is beneficial to Lucia's timber industry.

Good guy! The more Andre thought about it, the more guilty he became. He felt that Lucia had made a huge profit.

And Victor had the same idea.

But he was thinking not only about America's environmental advantages and the oil and gas industry, but also about automobiles and electronics.

Tokyo fungus can now cause accelerated aging of plastic parts in automobiles and electronic products, and it seems to have a great impact on automobiles and electronic products throughout the world.

But we have to look at the problem in two.

If parts age faster, can they be scrapped faster? If scrapping is accelerated, does that mean we need to buy new products? This means that the previously saturated electronic products and automobile markets will usher in a large wave of new demand.

What's America's problem now?

It’s not just that too much money has been printed, the market itself is close to saturation, and the external market is also shrinking.

Well now, Tokyo Fungus has helped them create a lot of new demand, which will help the North American automobile and semiconductor industries maintain production and revive North American industry.

Increasing the production scale of related industries will require a large number of industrial workers, which in turn can reduce the unemployment rate and restore the economic cycle.

America is like Qin Shihuang sitting on the electric chair - a winner.

You said that Tokyo fungus will reduce the service life of cables and medical supplies? That would be better, just replace it with new materials, or bury it underground. This is all demand and money!

Why was it difficult for plastics to be eliminated in various industries before?

The reason is that the related interests of the plastics industry are too great, and a single region's hard push can easily lead to its own industrial chain being defeated by other regions.

It's okay now, let's change it together.

If you don’t change, Tokyo Fungus will directly teach you how to behave.

The envoy from the Far East was actually muttering in his heart.

In the southern region, they will definitely complete the transformation of cables in about 3 to 5 years. Fortunately, they have carried out underground transformation of cables before.

According to a research report on Tokyo fungi by Homo sapiens, the fungus decomposes underground plastics slowly, especially buried cables, which may take decades to be completely corroded.

Moreover, the use of potassium permanganate and copper hydroxide can effectively inhibit the reproduction of Tokyo fungi.

At worst, regularly spray copper hydroxide and potassium permanganate solutions on the underground pipe gallery.

As for the high-voltage cables erected on towers, you can first spray them with specific barrier paint, then find ways to find antifungal additives or new plastics, and then gradually transform these cables.

Moreover, during this fungal crisis, electrical appliances, automobiles, and textiles will definitely be scrapped at an accelerated pace. By then, the new local and global demand in the Far East will definitely increase significantly, which will greatly benefit the foreign trade industry in the Far East.

If there is new demand, there will be a market, and if there is a market, a large number of industries can be maintained.

As for the problem of reduced service life of plastics, it can actually be overcome. As long as the benefits are sufficient, there are many alternative products.

plastic bag? On cloth bags, bamboo baskets, and paper bags.

plastic bottle? On cans, glass bottles, and enamel.

Syringes, IV lines and medicine bags? On glass, sealed sterilization box.

Chemical fiber? On cotton and linen.

toothbrush? On pig hair.

Anyway, as long as there are enough benefits, the application of plastic in various scenarios can be replaced by other materials.

Many people think that humans cannot survive without plastic.

That would look down upon human beings.

In an era when plastics were not widely used, human beings were not living well.

This time it was just forced by fungi. The vested interests in the entire plastics industry were unable to hold back. Naturally, there was no way to stop the global wave of plastic substitution.

In fact, the impact of fungi is beneficial to disposable plastic products in the plastic industry.

As long as they are sealed and disinfected and used immediately after opening, disposable plastic bags and the like will be used in large quantities.

Now there is no need to develop those degradable plastics, Tokyo Fungi can do it in one step.

All in all, the impact of the Tokyo fungus has both disadvantages and advantages.

Of course, in the lobby of the Tokyo Hotel at this time, the Homo sapiens company, which had suffered the "biggest" losses, naturally would not give up.

All parties present now understand.

From a bright point of view, Homo sapiens company will definitely suffer the most losses.

Cables, electrical appliances, computers, mobile phones, cars, airplanes, and communication equipment all across Southeast Asia need to be completely replaced. Even though the Homo sapiens company has a lot of money, it cannot support the huge number.

Therefore, Wu Wei asked Japan to compensate Homo sapiens company.

As the most miserable participant, Suzuki Yosuke, the person in charge of the Japanese side, looked at Victor and Edward with nervousness and hope, hoping that his father would give him protection.

Victor naturally would not allow his dog to be bullied by Homo sapiens. He shook his head and said:

"Mr. Wu Wu, it is impossible to ask Japan to compensate 5 trillion gold yuan. After all, this incident was an accident."

Wu Wei was unceremonious: "Haha, do you America want to help Japan pay 5 trillion yuan in compensation? They are your dogs, and it is normal for the owner to bear joint and several liability."

Suzuki Yosuke's face turned red when he heard this, feeling extremely humiliated and angry, but he was not as strong as others, so he was not qualified to speak.

Although Victor did not feel insulted, in order to save some face for Japan, he still explained with a straight face:

"Japan is an ally of America. Please ask Mr. Wu Wei not to publish topics unrelated to the meeting."

"Then please ask Japan to compensate 5 trillion yuan."

Victor refused directly: "This is impossible. How does your company plan to explain the fact that you entered a large number of islands in the Pacific for no reason?"

"If you think you can protect Japan, then just give it a try. The serious damage to our company this time was all caused by Japan."

Britain's Baker quickly came out to smooth things over: "Five trillion in compensation is too much. How about 50 billion?"

This guy knew how to bargain, and he cut off 99% of the price.

Wu Wei slapped the table forcefully: "Only 5 trillion, not a penny less."

Holding back his anger, Victor and Edward made eye contact for a few seconds, and then Victor said: "100 billion compensation, this is Japan's bottom line."

"We Homo sapiens have suffered such serious losses. Should we pay 100 billion yuan? Do you want to send us away as beggars? At least 4 trillion yuan."

The two sides exchanged words for more than two hours, during which there were three intermissions.

After some extreme pushing and pulling, an agreement was finally reached.

Japan's Suzuki Yosuke played a role in the whole process, watching helplessly as America sacrificed Japan's interests to appease the anger of the Homo sapiens company.

According to the agreement, Japan compensated Homo sapiens Company 600 billion gold, admitted that the Tokyo fungus was developed by their researchers, and asked them to apologize to the world. All relevant researchers, including Shosuke Yoshida, were handed over to Homo sapiens Company for disposal. .

Considering that Japan did not have 600 billion gold dollars at this time, land was used as compensation.

Originally, Homo sapiens wanted Japan's Ogasawara Islands and Minamitori Island in the central Pacific Ocean.

However, America is not a fool. Once the Sapiens Company acquires the Ogasawara Islands and Minamitori Island, it means that the Sapiens Company has a foothold in the central Pacific and can cut off the connection between Guam, the Ryukyu Islands and North America.

Therefore, the land compensated was replaced by the Oki Islands on the west coast of the Japanese Islands. This small archipelago is isolated in the Whale Sea. Its strategic value is not small, but the troubles are also not small.

After all, there is no regional full-power branch of Homo Sapien Company around the Whale Sea, and even Lucia is only a superficial friend of Homo Sapien Company.

Giving this small archipelago to Homo sapiens was actually out of necessity.

After all, the other Tsushima Island, Ryukyu Islands, Ogasawara Islands, and Minamitori Island are too important.

Of course, since the value of the Oki Islands is not enough to offset 600 billion gold dollars, Japan also needs to open its market to the Homo sapiens company and allow the Homo sapiens company's ships to supply supplies in Japan.

As for the "poverty alleviation" of the South Pacific island countries that Homo sapiens company entered, America pretended not to have seen it.

After all, the Homo sapiens company is now the party with the "biggest" losses in the fungal crisis. In order to prevent the homo sapiens company from continuing to go crazy, it can only default to the homo sapiens company to enter these areas.

After reaching an agreement, all parties hurried home.

After the outside world heard the results of this meeting, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief. As long as there was no fight, everything would be easy to talk about.

Immediately, all parts of the world stepped up the disinfection of planes and ships coming from Japan, while preparing to upgrade the plastics industry.

Especially in terms of Homo sapiens.

A large-scale exchange of old plastic products for new ones was immediately launched to reduce losses. A large part of the recycled plastic products were sent to methane fermentation plants to produce methane.

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