Homo sapiens

Chapter 604 Six Claws

In the dark void.

The alien spacecraft and the Cicada-class No. 004 continued to move rapidly toward the edge of the distant cypress belt in the same direction as before.

After exploring the interior of the alien spacecraft for several months, the exploration team has naturally figured out the situation inside, including the location of the alien creatures.

There are many alien creatures discovered so far in this alien spacecraft.

However, during the previous exploration process, the exploration team avoided these alien creatures and also tested in secret to see if these alien creatures were really dead or were doing things secretly.

After several months of testing, the exploration team and the Homo sapiens company behind it have initially determined that these alien creatures have lost their lives.

Even though these creatures are frozen, the Homo sapiens company is very clear about human cryonics technology. Li Qingye had done in-depth research on human cryonics storage technology in order to extend his life.

This technology has three elements, or three limitations.

First, the cells of frozen organisms must be resistant to ice crystallization and ice water physical changes, otherwise the cells will die in minutes during freezing and thawing.

Second, the freezing system must remain stable during the freezing period of the organism, otherwise it will easily lead to failure to wake up or even direct death of the organism.

Third, freezing cannot be too long. The current technology of Homo sapiens can only freeze for a maximum of 37 months. Beyond this period, the brain will suffer severe memory loss.

And don’t think that freezing beyond the expiration date will only cause memory problems. If you freeze it for more than a few decades, you may sleep forever.

According to the information currently analyzed from the alien spacecraft, the alien spacecraft set off from its home planet approximately 45,270 years ago, and the last nuclear reactor was shut down 13,760 years ago.

In other words, the creatures in the alien spacecraft have been frozen for at least 13,760 years.

Even if the biological freezing technology of an alien civilization is superior to that of the Homo sapiens company, there is no way to guarantee that the body can be thawed and revived after 13,760 years of freezing.

Of course, Li Qingye knew that there was a solution that could indeed freeze it for a long time and ensure that it could be safely revived after thawing without losing the memory.

That is "absolute zero cryonics technology."

This is also a new technology currently being researched by Homo sapiens, which is considered essential for interstellar navigation.

Why can absolute zero cryonics technology be maintained for a long time?

The reason lies in atomic motion.

You know, the closer the temperature is to absolute zero, the less atomic activity there is.

The fundamental reason why ordinary freezing technology cannot be maintained for a long time is that in ordinary freezing, atoms still have obvious traces of activity.

It's okay for a short time, but once it exceeds three years, the accumulation of atomic activity will gradually damage the structure of cells and neurons.

After being frozen for more than several decades, the atomic activity of the body has not been corrected in time by the body's physiological activities. The cells and gene sequences have long been riddled with holes by the atomic activity, and the organism will inevitably die.

In the past, the cryonics project was popular on Earth for a while, and many people even participated in it.

Obviously those involved in freezing have basically no chance of survival.

As for the refrigeration system on the alien spacecraft, it is obvious that there is no way to achieve absolute zero. Even if it can reach close to absolute zero, after the spacecraft's energy is completely exhausted, the refrigeration system will naturally be unable to maintain it.

After more than 10,000 years of disorderly freezing, those aliens most likely froze to death.

Therefore, the exploration team obtained permission from the Space Division and began preparing to extract the frozen alien creatures.

Zheng Lin, who had just been on vacation for half a month, was on duty again. He once again led the team into the alien spacecraft. This time, the Cicada-class 004 spacecraft activated three exploration boats and six synchronous robots.

Zheng Lin controlled the exoskeleton with ease and entered the passage of the alien spacecraft.

It took about half an hour of twists and turns.

The group finally entered a huge cabin.

There are 500 cryo chambers on display here.

The freezing cabin, which had long lost its power supply, was already lifeless.

After all, in the magnetic field scan, these aliens are also carbon-based creatures. There is definitely no way to escape the ravages of time during such a long period of freezing.

If these aliens are silicon-based creatures, perhaps the Homo sapiens company is not so sure.

Through the built-in communicator inside the exoskeleton armor, Zheng Lin ordered: "Be careful when you start cutting the freezing chamber."


"Don't worry! I'm a professional."

In order to avoid dissolving the ice in the cryo chamber, disassembly can only be carried out by cold disassembly, and laser and chemical solutions cannot be used.

Fortunately, Zheng Lin and the others were prepared.

The special supercarbide knife, supported by the exoskeleton armor, instantly cut through the four corners of the cryogenic chamber, and then cut off the cryogenic chamber bit by bit as if peeling.

The freezing chamber, which has aged very badly, cannot stop the supercarbide cutting tools at all.

As the cryo chamber was cut away, the situation inside was quickly revealed.

Zheng Lin used an alloy knife to scrape away the debris on the surface. Through the frozen ice layer, he could see a thin body under the translucent ice layer.

This was also the first time Zheng Lin saw an alien creature.

But after they looked at it for a while, they felt a little strange. After all, the body under the ice did not look like the alien in everyone's impression, but a bit like an octopus.

One team member speculated: "Vice Captain Zheng, could this thing be a pet or animal from an alien civilization?"

"Pet? Animal? It doesn't look like it!"

"We'll find out if we dismantle a few more cryo chambers."

Zheng Lin was also undecided. After all, this alien octopus did not look like the aliens in the traditional impression.

He thought for a while and then ordered again: "Continue to dismantle the freezing chamber."


More than three hours passed. During this period, Zheng Lin and his team dismantled 7 cryogenic chambers. The results, without exception, were all alien octopus-like creatures.

This situation makes everyone believe that this is an alien.

Through the synchronous communication system, data is shared at the Earth Headquarters.

Many relevant researchers are also discussing this kind of alien.

Judging from the data on the screen, this six-clawed man is about 1.2 meters tall, has 6 tentacles, and has a head as big as a football.

However, there are no obvious facial features on its head, especially the eyes, and there is no trace at all.

Some biologists believe that this is caused by the environment of the six-clawed people's home planet, because the six-clawed people's home star is a gaseous planet with no sunlight.

As a result, the living environment of the six-clawed people must be dark. In this environment, eyes are not important at all. Instead, the sense of smell and pheromones play an irreplaceable role in communication and exploration.

This explains why the six-clawed man's life form has no eyes.

The work of exploring the six-clawed people is not over yet, it has only just begun.

On the other side, three supporting Cicada-class spacecraft are also approaching here quickly. When the time comes, one of the Cicada-class spacecraft will bring some samples of alien organisms back to the Mars Space Station.

As for why they are not brought back to Earth, of course it is for safety reasons.

In case alien civilization has special means hidden in corpses, studying these alien creatures on Mars will also help control the spread of alien creatures in the solar system.

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