Homo sapiens

Chapter 621 Germination

Civilized Fire continuously produces calcium-45 and calcium-47 radioactive elements in this way, and then uses the surrounding rock formations as raw materials to produce composite ferrosilicon layers, nuclear radiation absorption layers, and a large number of energy storage cells.

With a simple nuclear battery, the ignition of civilization has officially begun.

Various working cells continuously refine silicates, bauxite, ice water and various trace elements in the surrounding rock formations.

As the elements of carbon-based organisms: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, among these six elements, except for the relatively low nitrogen content, the abundance of other elements on this planet is okay.

The relatively low nitrogen content does not mean that the fire base cannot produce cells in large quantities.

Li Qingye has long considered this problem. He took advantage of the similar chemical properties of the element family to develop a brand new technology - [Replacement of Carbon-Based Biological Core Elements].

This set of technologies can solve the problem that some planets lack certain elements, causing carbon-based cells to be unable to replicate in large quantities.

For example, Phoebe lacks nitrogen. This situation is very common on various asteroids, planets without atmospheres, and satellites without atmospheres.

Although there must be some nitrogen hidden in the underground rock formations, plus some nitrogen fixed in the form of compounds, if you fully exploit it, you can definitely find some.

However, the cost performance of this is too low, and the development principle of the Fire Base is to achieve maximum development at the fastest speed, with the smallest resources, and in the most convenient way.

Therefore, instead of mining scarce nitrogen, it is better to use currently abundant elements to replace the role of nitrogen in cells.

Phosphorus and arsenic, one of the nitrogen family elements, are several orders of magnitude higher than nitrogen in Phoebe's rock formations.

Therefore, the intelligent system of the Fire Base uses hydrogen-phosphorus and hydrogen-arsenic to replace part of the nitrogen elements based on the abundance of elements around the base, reducing the amount of nitrogen used in cells to about 0.27% of the normal level.

Although this replacement plan will affect some functions of cells, these effects are acceptable and can be adjusted.

The fire base pursues the ultimate cost-effectiveness, and naturally will not go to war for the barren nitrogen element.

Obscene development is the way to go.

Less than a week.

The fire base is centered at the bottom of the impact crater and expands underground in all directions.

This kind of expansion is not blind expansion, but has a clear goal, and it does not pursue the so-called beauty.

For example, the extended body pipeline does not use the shortest distance in a straight line, but grows towards cracks and weak points in the rock formation. This method is also the growth mode of many plant roots, because it saves time and effort.

The "root system" of the Fire Base has now spread to a radius of 3.7 kilometers, and the deepest underground reaches 573 meters.

The root system uses various natural cracks, rock formation cavities, and rock formation weak points to build a huge life network.

Collect mineral resources, produce radioactive elements, produce various functional cells, and build various underground cabins.

When the time comes one month later.

At this time, the coverage area of ​​the Fire Base has reached a radius of 26 kilometers, while the diameter of Rhea is only about 200 kilometers.

At this stage of development, the Fire Base began to slow down its expansion and allocate part of its resources to cultivate "new humans".

However, this is just a simulation experiment. Naturally, new humans will not be produced, but synchronous robots will be used instead.

When new humans appear, the intelligent system of the Fire Base officially ends the trusteeship mode and transfers the secondary management authority held by the base's intelligent system to the new humans.

As for the highest level of authority, it belongs to the headquarters of Homo sapiens Corporation.

The zero-level authority hidden at the core is occupied by Li Qingye alone.

The new humans who obtained management rights quickly followed the development strategy and opened a base as soon as possible.

Let the Fire Base copy a few civilization fires, and then produce smaller ones such as artificial comets, and then use a miniature chemical ejection system to eject the artificial comets carrying civilization fires one by one.

The targets of these civilization fires are several other large satellites of Saturn besides Titan.

Especially those large satellites tidally locked by Saturn, their resonant tidal heat is too rich. As long as they successfully land on these satellites, the development speed of civilization fire will show an exponential surge.

After all, Rhea is a little smaller, with a diameter of only 200 kilometers. Fortunately, various metal resources are relatively abundant.

The Homo sapiens company took out all the satellites of Saturn except Titan, and even allowed the experimental team to mine the rings and atmosphere of Saturn, just to verify how far the fire of civilization can develop without the support of headquarters resources.

Obviously, Phoebe's development speed is slightly faster than that of the hypothetical sea. The reason is that as the roots of the fire base continue to penetrate deep into the ground, there are many nitrogen resources hidden underground, which accelerates the production capacity and efficiency of the working cells.

Originally, according to the original plan, it would take about 3 years for the Pyrobase to swallow up the entire Phoebe, but now it is estimated that it will only take about 2.6 years.

If each sub-base is opened successfully, the development speed of the Fire Base will be even more amazing.

According to the script, the third planet in the habitable zone of the planetary system in this simulation experiment is a planet similar to the Earth, and the level of civilization development on it is almost the same as that of the free world.

At this time, the civilization in the simulation already has spacecraft and a large number of astronomical telescopes.

Therefore, the secretly developed fire base must make reasonable use of various conditions to avoid being discovered by this civilization.

For example, artificial asteroids can be used to pretend to collide with each other and produce a large amount of debris to attack the artificial satellites of alien civilizations, completely clearing the opponent's eyes in the surrounding area.

For another example, the rings and stars of the main planet can be used as bunkers to cover up part of the space activities and avoid being observed by the astronomical telescopes of alien civilizations.

As for electromagnetic wave communication, the Fire Base itself can produce magnetic monopole crystal communicators, which does not require the use of electromagnetic wave communication, reducing the risk of being monitored by alien civilizations.

The current mission of the Tinder Base.

On the one hand, it is to continue its insignificant development and secretly accumulate enough troops and space battleships.

On the other hand, it is secretly detecting the details of alien civilization.

After enough space battleships are produced, sub-base fires will be launched to the inner planets and large satellites.

As long as the sub-base is successfully deployed on the planet next to the alien civilization, it will be time for the two sides to start a war, and it will be a decisive battle.

The space battleship propelled by nuclear explosions will arrive at the alien civilization's home star as soon as possible, and then clear out all the opponent's spacecraft in outer space.

The alien civilization must surrender unconditionally, otherwise it will launch a full-scale attack.

If the alien civilization dares to resist, it will directly kill the alien civilization. First, it will cripple the alien civilization, and then forcefully colonize the entire planet and use it as an experimental site for civilization development.

If the alien civilization chooses to surrender, it will absorb the other party as an affiliated civilization of the Homo sapiens company, and imprison the other party in its home star as a target for experimental observation of civilization development.

This is one of the predicted development routes in the simulation experiment.

In order for this plan to succeed, it must be ensured that the Fire Base will not be noticed by alien civilization in the early stages of development, otherwise the other party will definitely unite and concentrate their efforts to attack the Fire Base.

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