Homo sapiens

Chapter 658 Solving the Problem

After Li Qingye inspected the Ancient City on Titan, he went directly to the Civilization Fire Research Base on Saturn through the synchronous robot.

This civilization fire research base is not far from the former Rhea.

Phoebe is also a testing ground for the fires of civilization.

When Li Qingye came here.

Several people in charge who had received the news quickly appeared in front of him.

"Mr. Chairman, welcome to come and give us guidance." Zhao Changfeng, the director of the base, said while introducing him: "This is Dr. Lexington, the head of scientific research, and this is Los Ali, the head of the testing site..."

Li Qingye smiled and shook hands with everyone, and then he asked: "I heard that the fire of civilization is ready for use?"

Dr. Lexington nodded: "There are not many problems with the technology itself, but there are some problems with the delivery vehicle."

"Tell me what specific difficulties you encountered?"

Dr. Lexington led a group of people to a small testing site.

Los Ali, who was in charge of the testing work, explained quietly beside Li Qingye: "Chairman, this is the interstellar navigation simulation test site."

The entire test field was empty, with a length and radius of 500 meters. It was a spherical vacuum field.

After a while, Dr. Lexington and Los Ali controlled the system and activated the test site.

Suddenly some micro-aircraft were released into the spherical vacuum field.

Li Qingye could tell at a glance that this was an interstellar space that simulated the solar system and surrounding planetary systems.

After some operations, in this simulation test site, the civilization fire and camouflaged comets launched by the super electromagnetic orbital accelerator slowly flew out of the solar system.

"Is the speed only reaching 22 kilometers per second?" Seeing this result, Li Qingye frowned.

Dr. Lexington nodded helplessly: "Yes, Mr. Chairman, the fastest speed of the camouflaged comet is only 22 kilometers per second. If the speed continues to increase, the camouflaged comet will be unable to withstand it and will gradually disintegrate. In interstellar space.”

"Are there any other plans?"

"Yes." Dr. Lexington called up other backup plans: "This is a backup plan. There are currently two more feasible backup plans..."

Li Qingye read it again.

The two alternative solutions are: casing solution and casing + auxiliary thruster solution.

The shell scheme is very simple, which is to add a layer of super alloy to the camouflaged comet, which can increase the initial speed to 80 kilometers per second.

The casing + auxiliary thruster solution is to add a nuclear fusion power system and ultra-high-speed plasma thruster to the casing solution. In addition, combined with the stardust collector in interstellar space, the speed can be increased to 6000 kilometers per second.

Regarding these two alternative plans, Li Qingye immediately understood the drawbacks.

In the universe, it is difficult for normal asteroids and comets to fly at a speed of more than 50 kilometers per second.

If you use alternative 1, it's a little better, at least the speed hasn't exceeded too much.

But if alternative plan 2 is adopted, the speed will almost reach 2% of the speed of light. This speed is simply not what asteroids and comets can achieve.

Any civilization that detects asteroids and comets with speeds reaching 2% of the speed of light will instantly realize that something is wrong.

Therefore, the possibility of alternative 2 being exposed is very high.

For example, the Homo sapiens company at this time has densely deployed a large number of monitoring stations and monitoring satellites disguised as asteroids within the radius of 0.06 light-years in the solar system.

As long as a star traveling at a speed exceeding 20 kilometers per second enters this range, it will be detected by these monitoring stations.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the other party's technology is far superior to that of the Homo sapiens company, and it can avoid those monitoring stations and monitoring satellites.

However, the Homo sapiens company has absorbed a large amount of technology from the six-claw civilization and the omnic civilization. Unless it is a quasi-secondary civilization, it will be difficult to avoid the monitoring of the homo sapiens company.

Since the Homo sapiens company can monitor stars with abnormal speeds, there is no reason why other first-level civilizations can't do it.

Los Ali saw what Li Qingye was thinking, and he came up with a supplementary plan:

"Mr. Chairman, if you slow down when approaching the one-light-year boundary of the planetary system, lower the speed to 15 kilometers per second, and abandon the metal shell and thrusters, you can reduce the possibility of detection."

However, Li Qingye shook his head: "There is no need for that. A civilization that can detect abnormal speeds of stars is definitely not an ordinary zero-level civilization. It is basically impossible for the fire of civilization to grow insignificantly under the eyes of the opponent."

"Civilizations that cannot detect abnormal speeds of stars are most likely to be level zero civilizations or uninhabited barbaric planetary systems."

Everyone reacted immediately.

As Li Qingye said, where abnormalities can be found, the fire of civilization cannot take root; where abnormalities cannot be found, it is the habitat where the fire of civilization can develop.

After understanding this truth, everyone suddenly became enlightened.

Dr. Lexington saw that the last problem was solved, and a smile appeared on his face: "Chairman is wise, it seems that the Civilization Fire Plan can begin to be implemented."

"Have you made any relevant plans?"

Zhao Changfeng nodded: "Yes." He then investigated a detailed planning list, which included all planetary systems within a radius of 100 light years around the solar system.

"We plan to divide it into three stages with a radius of 10 light years, a radius of 10 to 30 light years, and a radius of 30 to 100 light years. The first stage is for planetary systems within a radius of 10 light years."

Zhao Changfeng then inputs the data and calculates it at 2% of the speed of light.

Within a radius of 10 light years from the center of the solar system, it takes about 500 Earth years to travel.

However, the recent six-clawed giant star only needs about 150 Earth years to reach the spark of civilization. Unfortunately, the six-clawed giant star has a first-level civilization and will definitely not be able to launch the spark of civilization.

The other target, the Proximity System, which is 4.2 light-years away, will take about 210 years.

Li Qingye didn't pay much attention to this sailing time.

After all, under normal circumstances, the current life expectancy of new humans is about 170 to 180 years.

If an absolute zero freezing chamber is used, the time can be extended by thousands of years.

In other words, if Li Qingye cannot continue to extend his normal life span at this stage, he can still use the absolute zero freezing chamber. When the technology becomes more developed in the future, he can use new technologies to extend his life span.

Therefore, Li Qingye can still see the fire of civilization when it reaches the planetary system within 10 light years.

As the general direction problem has been solved, the launch time of the civilization fire has also been determined. It is expected that in 7 months, the Homo sapiens company will launch the first civilization fire to the Proxima system.

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