Chapter 97: Seriously injured and escaped.

Kazuo Yamamoto, who was gradually losing his battle, began to move around, shuttling back and forth in various buildings. He tried to use the building as a cover and fled towards the commercial street.

Chen Hua could see his plan at a glance.

"Kazuo Yamamoto wants to use the dense crowd in the commercial street to delay our attack on him. We must intercept him before he reaches the commercial street."

After that, Chen Hua used super heat rays to sweep across one building after another. After a while, the entire steel forest was bulldozed by Chen Hua.

"Where are you going to hide now? Yamato Kazuo."

When Yamamoto Kazuo saw that Chen Hua used such a violent method to deal with his plan, he couldn't help but be stunned. Do I want to destroy the world or Chen Hua wants to destroy the world? Yamamoto Kazuo fell into confusion for a moment.

At that moment he was stunned. , Chen Hua's attack came with a bang, and the fist wrapped in the power of thunder hit Yamamoto Kazuo hard in the face. Yamamoto flew backwards in an instant, smashing through several buildings. The power of thunder continued to penetrate his body. , the original blood-red scales had become extremely black, and there were still bursts of green smoke.

But Yamamoto Kazuo, who fell to the ground, laughed. With the power of Chen Hua's attack, he had successfully reached the confused crowd around the commercial street. Looking at the pierced building and the terrifying Yamamoto Kazuo, screams, stampedes, calls for help, and insults all sounded out in an instant.

"Monster, there is a monster, run quickly"

"Is the end of the world coming?"

"Help me, I don’t want to die yet."

I saw Kazuo Yamamoto grabbing a few people from the crowd and starting to suck blood to replenish energy regardless of it. Just when Kazuo Yamamoto was feeling good,

Chen Hua flew up and kicked with thunder,

"You don't take me seriously. Do you think I will let you suck me down like this?"

Chen Hua said speechlessly.

In his previous life, Chen Hua had also read many TV series and novels. When the villain failed, he would find various ways to replenish his energy. The protagonist was stupid enough to wait for him to recover before taking action.

I don't understand either. In Moji, if you are sick and want to kill you, the right thing to do is to beat up the drowned dog.

Kazuo Yamato was also very angry. He didn't expect this person to be so ungrateful and want to carry out a sneak attack. When he caught a few more ordinary people to suck blood, Kuang Tianyou also rushed behind him.

"Just go ahead and capture him, Kazuo Yamamoto, you will definitely die today. Kuang

Tianyou yelled loudly.

"Hahahahaha, before I die, I will drag more people into the water to be buried with me in the future."

Chen Hua knew at this time that Yamamoto Kazuo could no longer communicate with words, so beating him until he was conscious was the only option.

Chen Hua's current speed was so fast that Yamamoto Kazuo could no longer see him clearly with the naked eye. He had returned to Yamamoto Kazuo a second ago Still laughing to himself, the next second Chen Hua's fist had hit him in the face, and he added a super heat ray.

Yamamoto Kazuo's crazy laughter stopped suddenly, and the powerful force directly hit his face. The face was dented, and the red scales were covered with dense cracks.

"You, you stole again....."

Before Yamamoto Kazuo finished speaking, Chen Hua kicked him horizontally like a battle axe. The powerful force directly kicked Yamamoto Kazuo hundreds of meters away, penetrating several buildings during the flight, causing the crowd to scream..

But after all, someone was brave enough. A TV station car rushed into the fighting area where Chen Hua and others were fighting, and several people carrying long guns and short cannons rushed out of the car.

They saw Chen Hua suspended in the air like a god, and asked loudly:"Are you a god in the sky?""

"Why fight on the high street?"

"Do you know how many innocent people will be affected by this battle?"

"We are reporters from a TV station. Why don’t you say a word? Has his conscience been condemned?"

There was a sudden"boom", and before the reporter could get the answer he wanted, a bus was thrown over by Kazuo Yamamoto, and the group of reporters were instantly smashed into pulp.

"You are such an idiot who wants money rather than your life. Can't you see that the fight is getting fierce here? Kuang

Tianyou complained speechlessly, but ignored them.

After a small interlude, the three of them continued to collide with each other. The impact of the huge force caused the entire bustling street to completely collapse, and even the entire Hong Kong Island was damaged. strong shock

"Kuang Tianyou, withdraw."

Hearing Chen Hua's voice, Kuang Tianyou flew back to him without hesitation.

Then, Chen Hua took a step forward, and the entire ground trembled a few times, and the overwhelming thunderclouds instantly covered the entire Hong Kong Island. In the sky above, except for the roaring thunder, Yamamoto Kazuo heard no other sounds for a while.

He vaguely saw the indifferent expression on Chen Hua's face, and his mouth moved slightly, as if he was speaking.

"Kazuo Yamamoto, it’s time to hit the road."

At this moment, Chen Hua seemed to be the God of Thunder, judging Yamamoto Kazuo, the sinner in the world. All thunders obeyed his orders.

As Chen Hua pressed down his palm, the thunder beam with the aura of destruction instantly poured towards Yamamoto Kazuo, and the entire Hong Kong Island The sky was like daylight, and the violent impact destroyed everything around him.

Chen Hua's attack lasted for several minutes, because he knew how amazing the defense of Yamamoto Kazuo was in the monster form. As the light dissipated, Yamamoto Kazuo was alone. Kneeling on his knees, the red scales on his body fell to the ground, slowly turning into fly ash and disappearing between heaven and earth.

Chen Hua did not expect that Yamamoto Kazuo could still hold his breath after enduring such an attack.

"Cough, cough, Chen Hua, you can't kill me, at least you definitely can't kill me today."

A weird smile appeared on Yamamoto Kazuo's face.

Chen Hua frowned and looked at Yamamoto Kazuo who couldn't even heal the wound and said slowly;

"In your current state, there is no chance of escaping from me and Kuang Tianyou. If I want to kill you now, it’s just a matter of using my hands."

"I have to admit that as a human, you grow so fast that even a zombie like me would envy you. Even if I transform into my strongest form, I will only be crushed in your hands."

"It's hard for me to imagine how powerful you will be if I give you time to grow, but this is no longer something I need to worry about. I'll leave this worry to your future enemies."

Kazuo Yamamoto said in his hoarse voice.

When Chen Hua heard what Kazuo Yamamoto said, he realized something was wrong. The super heat ray that exploded instantly penetrated half of the building and hit Kazuo Yamamoto.

Kazuo Yamamoto no longer had the strength to parry Chen Hua. After the attack, he could only let the super heat ray hit him. As the smoke dispersed, the figure of Yamamoto Kazuo completely disappeared from the sight of the two.

Kuang Tianyou, who was not aware of the situation, thought that Yamamoto Kazuo was killed by Chen Hua. Relieved to return to human form, he sighed.

"Kazuo Yamamoto was finally eliminated, otherwise Hong Kong Island would become an island of zombies before long if he was allowed to continue to destroy it."

Chen Hua frowned slightly.

"He actually let him escape. The power that helped him escape just now was a bit familiar, and it was similar to the aura on Bijia. It seemed that there was someone behind the scenes controlling all of this."

My heart couldn't help but sink...

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