Teyvat Continent

"The world is destroyed?"

Funina looked at the light screen.

The earth turned into a completely different color.

Her face became extremely ugly. She took another look at the feeling of oppression emanating from that powerful guy. Funina almost believed it. This guy is more powerful than anyone he knows.

"Why does this guy want to destroy the world?"

"Is it the same reason that Tianli wants to destroy Fengdan?"

Funina couldn't confirm.

But when she saw the destruction of human civilization, she couldn't help but feel a little concerned.

After all, she is such a person. Otherwise, she would not have taken on this heavy burden more than five hundred years ago. task

"It seems that the back of the man who appeared for the first time"

"It should be the survivor of the destroyed civilization."

"Successfully arrived at the next era of civilization."

Funina, who often participates in 'trials'.

After reading many stories, she has a very good sensitivity to the information that a story wants to reveal. So she immediately understood what the first half of the story was about. What kind of story. Funina continued to read with mixed emotions. She was also worried in her heart. If she didn't do well one day, it would lead to Fontaine's disaster. In the light screen, as Kevin's The memories continued. The scene returned to the cherry blossom tree again. Kevin continued:"Even if tens of thousands of years have passed, I will still not forget it."


"The blood and tears of the day when civilization fell"

"I made a promise to her, to everyone"

"No matter what the cost......"

"Humanity will definitely be destroyed by the God of War!"

Then Kevin looked back.

The firm light shining in his eyes was seen by all the audience in front of the light curtain at this moment.

Next to the side of the screen, there was a middle-aged man wearing a long suit with brown hair. He was taking a bath. In the center of the artillery fire, he shouted to the sky:"Tyrant in the sky!"

"See how the stars are broken!"

On the star train.

March Qi, Xing, Dan Heng and Ji Zi looked at Walter at the same time.

March Qi couldn't help but said:"Uncle Yang, you are so handsome!"

Dan Heng:"I didn't expect that Mr. Walter would have such a passionate side. Ji

Zi:"Yes, I always thought he was relatively calm.""

Walter blushed and coughed twice.

"That was all a long time ago"

"That would be still young"

"That was when I faced the Herrscher of the Sky again."

Walter briefly talked about the battle.

Several people present were astonished.

They never expected that

Walter would have such a highlight moment.

Then the picture on the light screen changed again.

A blond man, standing In a place similar to an altar.

He said as if praying to the altar:"Herr?""


"They are just the cornerstone of my long-cherished wish.

Ji Zi was obviously taken aback when she saw this person:"Is this?""

"A thousand hidden objects in the void?"

Others on the train. They also know about the Void Manzo. They heard Himeko mention it before.

He was a weird guy who came to the Star Dome Train with Walter.

Later he got off the train.

Now he is missing.

Walter shook Shaking his head, he said with a cold expression:"He is the former master of Void Manzang"

"Otto Apocalypse!"

Collapse the world.

Theresa was also extremely surprised:"Grandpa?

Ji Zi:"Why did the bishop even appear up there?""

The two looked at each other.

They didn't expect that Otto would also appear in the video.

Destiny Headquarters.

Hollander, wearing the Valkyrie armor, sat on her seat with her legs crossed.

Watching Otto's appearance with interest

"Bishop, why would you appear on it?"

Otto sat in his archbishop's seat.

He looked at the light screen in the sky with a smile:"I think it's because of his status."

Rita was also wearing Valkyrie armor.

Ever since there was movement in the light curtain, they had entered a state of alert just in case.

Rita asked curiously:"Identity?

Otto nodded:"That's right."......"

"The first person to appear is named Kevin Kaslana, who was the strongest warrior in the pre-civilization era against the Honshasa's Fire Chaser Moth."

"He can also be regarded as the leader of the Fire Moth."

"As for Walter Yang, you also know that the former leader of Anti-Entropy"

"And I, Archbishop Tianming"

"They are three leaders who fight against the Honkai Organization."

"It’s not surprising that I would be put together by this video."

Youlandel seemed to understand something:"So we have to do what we did in the previous video."

"Condensing the essence of the story"

"Do you want to condense your story of fighting against Honkai?"

Otto nodded:"Maybe......."

"Is it possible?......"

This is also the only possibility that can be thought of at present.

Audiences from the pre-civilized era at this time.

I also guessed the two people who appeared after Kevin.

Perhaps he will also be a warrior to fight against Honkai in the next civilization era.

In the light curtain screen.

Just after the appearance of the three super high-level players shocked the audience.

A paragraph suddenly appeared on the light screen.

"However, only those with money can make things happen!"

The audience understood the implication.

These three guys have no money?

The audience was immediately confused.

This is very different from the B box just now.

Before the audience could react, what was going on?

The light screen screen Inside.

A new picture appeared.

The three of them were lying on the ground, covered by flyers.

Otto picked up one of them and suggested to the other two:"It seems that being an idol is quite profitable......."

"Let’s debut!"

Kevin covered his face:"Okay......"

"No matter how much you pay......cost......"

"I will defeat Honkai!"

Walter scolded:"Are you crazy?"

"No matter how you think about it, it’s impossible!"

Then the screen changed again.

The cute slogan in pink appeared again:"Dreams cut off despair!"

Then a figure flashed back and forth.

Otto appeared wearing a women's purple dress and a bow on his hair.

He also held a microphone in his hand.

"Karen, just watch me blossom on the stage!"

Otto Apocalypse in women's clothing appears!

All the audience in front of the light curtain.

At this time, their heads are full of big question marks..........

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