Horrible Live Streaming

C105 A misunderstanding

I could already see the corpse's feet. Or rather, the embroidered shoes.

When I was in the countryside, I remember a lot of old ladies with little feet.

This corpse in front of him … Could it be that such a custom still existed in this remote and remote place?

I didn't think too much about it and decided to climb up a little way and find the rope and let the poor woman down.

But unexpectedly, at this moment, Tang Rou suddenly shouted from below. It's not a corpse. "

What else could it be other than a corpse?

I loosened my grip and immediately slid down from the tree. Subconsciously, I waved my hands in an attempt to grab something, but I was unable to do so. I directly grabbed onto the corpse's ankle.

To be able to grab hold of a woman's foot this late at night, especially a dead person's foot. That sort of feeling was extremely frightening.

But what was even more horrifying was what happened afterwards.

I don't know if I used too much strength or if it was because the corpse hung here for too long, but the foot of that woman was directly broken by me.

Moreover, with a 'kacha' sound that was incomparably clear, he felt as if he had crushed an egg.

The next second I was dragging the body down the tree.

If it was in a normal place, this would have smashed me to death, but after taking off the thick leaves in the forest, it was as if I fell on a lump of cotton. Other than the fact that my eyes were twinkling and my throat was slightly sweet, I didn't have any other symptoms.

However, the corpse of the woman I had pulled down was now lying on top of me.

It was as light as a leaf and weightless.

The black hair on my head dazzled my eyes. I hastily tried to push the corpse away, but before I could do anything, the corpse's head actually fell off my shoulder and rolled into my embrace.

"How are you? Are you hurt? "

Tang Rou held a flashlight on the side and squatted down to check her injuries. At this moment, my mind was already muddled, so I didn't notice that Tang Rou's focus was on me and not the head that I was holding in my arms.

This did not make sense.

Under the light of the flashlight, the shrivelled up face appeared before me.

Her pale, distorted face was so red that it was hard to tell where her eyeballs were going. However, her cherry lips were terrifyingly red, as if they were dripping blood.

He felt that the head in his hand was also very light, as if everything inside had been dried by the wind, leaving only a piece of human skin.

Previously, Tang Rou said that this wasn't a corpse ….

"Tch!" Before Tang Rou could help me up, that shriveled up face suddenly split open from the middle and an ugly head popped out.


I shouted and pushed the head out of my hand. My body staggered and fell backwards once again, and my hand grabbed onto a large, slippery mass of things. It felt like the internal organs of some animal, especially the intestines.

Thinking of that corpse just now, it was so light that it seemed weightless.

I immediately thought that it was very possible that the internal organs and flesh within the corpse were all piled up behind me. Furthermore, I had even caught them within my hands.

I stood up as if it was my natural reflex. I didn't know if I should look at the evil ghost that came out of the head or the dead body behind me.

"What are you yelling for? A paper figurine can scare you to this extent without losing face."

However, at the moment when I was so nervous and serious that I almost wet my pants, Tang Rou's tone of voice was incomparably relaxed. There was a bit of mockery in her tone as she pointed her cellphone at my face.

What, paper man?

A light bulb lit up in my head and I quickly looked at the corpse.

As expected, after falling down from the tree, the flashlight's brightness was very clear. It was a faked person that was found out using paste and paper. His clothes were made of white paper, and his paint was stained with a little bit of paint, making him look somewhat real, especially under the dim light.

But what came out of his head just now was …

I looked at the shriveled man's head, which was also made of paper. No wonder the head was twisted into that shape, and the part of the eye had been squeezed so that the dye was covered, making it look as if it had no eyes.

What crawled out of that face just now was not some evil spirit of hell, but a huge bat. At this moment, it was frightened and immediately flapped its wings and flew away.

No wonder Tang Rou said that it wasn't a corpse.

I said, what do you have to say to me in the future? You just say it's a paper man, do I even need to be frightened to the point of falling off the tree?

Most importantly, I had painstakingly created this image of myself as a Ghost Master, but now Tang Rou's god-like skills had destroyed it. I really wasn't afraid of a god-like opponent, but rather of a teammate like Tang Rou.

I believe that those fans are probably laughing out loud by now, but the scene just now was really f * cking thrilling and exciting.

No, the pile of intestines I grabbed from the head of the house...

Thinking about this, I immediately stretched out my hand. As expected, my hand was beautifully stained with quite a few juices. When it is tattooed, it also stinks and is extremely disgusting.

Without saying anything, I grabbed the flashlight in Tang Rou's hand and shone it at the spot where I fell.

The place was a huge mess, with white flowers intertwining and twisting around it. That was where the rotten smell came from.

"That's a human intestines!"

I couldn't help but shout out, but Tang Rou laughed like a barbell as she greeted me.

"What happened to you tonight? Do you not like the soil and water? Open your eyes wide and take a good look at this intestines. It really made you laugh to death."

Seeing Tang Rou laugh so much, I carefully approached her. Then, I picked up a branch and flipped over it.

This time, he clearly saw that it really was not a intestines, but a kind of strange and twisted mushroom. These mushrooms were basically as thick as two fingers and also had a white and green color.

The most important thing was that the thing was covered in mucus, and it gave off a terrible stench. No wonder I made such a mistake.

"You're going to get really popular this time. The fans are busy giving out rewards."

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