Tang Rou wanted to take the other half of the pill back, but I forcefully put it away. As a man, I actually needed Tang Rou to help me block the blade last night.

'I should just leave this thing on me. If I have the chance, I want to have a taste of it as well.

Tang Rou gave me a weird look. She didn't force the pill back, but started to play with her cellphone.

"Those fans of yours have gone crazy by now. I think you've already received countless calls from that phone call of yours."

Tang Rou had already opened up the live broadcast software, but she didn't start it.

All kinds of comments were simply too eye-catching.

"You can now be considered a millionaire. And for now, this live broadcast software can even be considered one of the top hosts in the live broadcast industry."

Towards Tang Rou's words, I could only put on a bitter face. This type of fame and wealth was something the two of us risked our lives for. Moreover, no one knew when it would be possible to bid farewell to this world.

With that in mind, I suddenly had a very bad feeling. I quickly picked up the phone and dialed the number of the sanatorium.

It was answered shortly after. It was a nurse I was very familiar with. After I identified myself, she immediately told me everything about my grandmother.

Although there wasn't any progress in my illness, I was relieved to know that there weren't any abnormalities in my grandmother's place.

"This time, go back and quickly send your grandma abroad. We can't drag it out any longer."

Tang Rou's words made me feel grateful.

Last night, we didn't get a good night's rest. After Tang Rou and I had eaten our fill, we planned on getting a good night's sleep. Because it was currently an emergency, the two of us didn't sleep separately.

I don't know when, but I discovered that between Tang Rou and I, there was actually an additional trace of a strange connection. Even if it was just a blink of an eye and I couldn't see this woman, I would still feel a bit uncomfortable.

After tossing and turning so much that I couldn't sleep, I stood up and went to the bathroom to unbutton my jacket.

In the mirror, my face turned even paler. Moreover, it had nothing to do with me and my features also became sharper. Even though I still maintained my original appearance, I have to say that the person in the mirror now can be considered a true handsome man.

He touched his face, which had changed so much, then shifted his gaze to my chest.

Raksha Seal's color turned lighter, as though it was enveloped by a mass of black air. When I approached the mirror and observed carefully with my eyes wide open, I realized that the ball of black air actually had a shape.

The one who bared his fangs and brandished his claws was that water ghost.

When I stretched out my hand to touch it, that lump of black air seemed to have come to life and slowly flowed towards my heart.

I jumped in fright and quickly reached out my hand to wipe it away. My head was in a daze. This thing is obviously hidden in my body. This kind of rubbing method is simply useless.

My chest felt stuffy and my heartbeat became slower and slower, as if something was binding my heart.

I was sweating profusely, but there was nothing I could do.

Just as the ball of black gas was about to enter my heart, a cool feeling suddenly came from my lower abdomen. It was as if an invisible hand was pulling the ball of black gas and moving it downwards.

After that, the stuffy feeling in my chest also dissipated quite a bit.

That lump of black gaseous substance extended its claws and bared its fangs. It wanted to flee in all directions. However, it was simply incapable of doing so. It stopped at the location between the Ghost Face Imprint and the lotus flower imprint.

From the looks of it, it was the Rakshasi Seal and the red lotus flower fighting over the black aura.

Daoist Tian Xuan's words were still ringing in his ears. From the looks of it, the Raksha Seal and the red lotus needed nourishment, and the black water ghost had become their sacrifice.

Roughly a few minutes later, the two parties pulled each other, and the mass of black Qi became two straight lines, which were then absorbed by the Raksha Seal and the red lotus.

It was as if I could hear the faint sound of water, the sound of flowing water, and the gurgling sound of the water ghost.

Two black threads fused the black aura into my chest and my lower abdomen.

However, I am already used to such things. Based on my observation, the competition between the two of them is actually a draw. In about ten minutes, the entire process has ended.

The black aura completely disappeared, and the color of the Raksha Seal and the red lotus flower became even more vivid.

Apart from this, there were no other obvious changes to his body.

I wasn't as surprised as I used to be. After turning on the tap, I decided to wash my face and calm down.

However, the moment my hand touched the running water, I suddenly felt something strange between me and the water.

I don't know what happened, but I subconsciously blocked the basin and buried my face into the pool of clear water.

I didn't suffocate as I had imagined, and instead I felt full of power.

When I thought back to the feeling I had when I was in the water, I couldn't help but feel that it was already too late. According to my calculations, no matter how hard I tried, three to four minutes had passed by and ordinary people were already suffocating, their lungs on the verge of exploding.

But right now I don't need to breathe, and I don't feel stuffy.

Just when I was puzzled, a sudden gust of wind came from behind me. Before I could react, I felt the clothes at the back of my neck being grabbed. A strong force passed by me and I was pulled backwards.

Instinctively, he reached out and grabbed something behind him, something soft and elastic, and at the same time there was a scream.

This was sent out by Tang Rou.

By the time I understood what was going on, my leg had already received a heavy blow that caused me to grimace in pain.

"You bastard, where are you going?"

Tang Rou covered her chest in anger. Her hair was in disarray and she had clearly just woken up.

"Why are you standing behind me without moving at all? I didn't do it on purpose just now."

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