The black figures that were quickly running in circles were actually a group of dogs.

Only the dogs were bigger and faster than the ones I'd seen.

The bullets poured out, chasing after the figures.

After being illuminated by the light of the car, the dogs' fur turned gray and white. They could also be seen by a few mercenaries capturing their exact location.

After the birth number, a few dogs were directly injured, leaving large amounts of blood on the ground.

After that, nearly twenty dogs disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

They were hidden in the darkness. It was strange that Tang Rou and I had already knocked down quite a few, but when we got out of the car, we discovered that only a few bloodstains were left on the ground.

"Why are there so many dogs all of a sudden? Could it be that they were raised by humans?"

I casually asked.

"These are not dogs, they are all wild wolves."

The female mercenary glanced at me and then shone her flashlight at the surroundings.

The rest of the people were also on alert. It was only then that I noticed one of them had several scratches on his body, while the other one was examining his wounds.

My face flushes with a burst of heat. I had really lost all my face to my grandmother's house. So this was a pack of wild wolves. No wonder they were so ferocious. They even appeared on the barren desert.

"Luckily, the sixth brother was alerted earlier and discovered that something was amiss. Otherwise, we would have been wiped out in one fell swoop."

One of the mercenaries said with some lingering fear. At this moment, the mercenary who was checking the blood under the pillar of light returned with a serious face.

It seemed like this fellow was called Old Six. Amongst everyone here, he was the smallest but the most quick-witted. When he had fired earlier, this fellow was also the most accurate.

"Boss, these beasts aren't ordinary wolves. There's something wrong with their blood …"

I couldn't make out the words that followed. The bearded man and the sixth brother were walking towards the front, and the female mercenary was following them.

Tang Rou and I looked at each other and were about to go up and see what was going on, but we were stopped by the other two.

"If you don't want to die, then stay here."

I didn't have any other choice but to listen to the other side's orders. Truthfully, if it weren't for the warning beforehand, Tang Rou and I would have met.

The three of them gathered under the lights of the car, studying something. They didn't seem to come to any conclusion and soon walked over with a frown.

"Hurry up and get in the car. We won't be able to sleep in the tent tonight. We'll set off when the sun rises."

The seven of them filled the car, and after what had just been an intense scene, I lost even more of my sleepiness.

"Thank you for what you did just now. It was so dangerous."

I took the initiative to chat with these people. Even though we weren't on the same side, and the other side didn't seem to be looking down on me and Tang Rou, we might have to live and die together for a period of time.

No matter what, he just saved my life.

"The two of you aren't that bad either, your reactions are really fast …"

A dark skinned man bared his fangs at me. This fellow, as his name suggested, was Hei Zi. He was also one of the more straightforward of these people.

I know, this Blackie was referring to when Tang Rou turned on the lights.

So I hurried down the slope.

"Big guys always put their heads on their belt to work for others. We still need to take care of each other in the future."

"I didn't expect you to be so understanding. As long as the two of you don't cause any trouble, be obedient and do as the boss says. We will do our best to ensure both of your lives."

Blackie took out a cigarette and gave it to me. Before he could light it, the female mercenary suddenly coughed coldly.

Soon after, he saw Blackie, who was very big and tall, shudder and obediently put the cigarette back in its place.

As expected, that woman's status is definitely not simple in this mercenary group. I noticed just now that she is also very nimble, but she has always been using throwing daggers while everyone else uses guns.

One of the wolves had fallen to the ground after being stabbed in the forehead by this woman.

These guys all had unique skills, making me feel slightly more at ease. However, I couldn't help but worry. This meant that our journey this time was even more dangerous than I had imagined.

According to what they knew from their conversation, on this type of desert, there would usually be wild wolves, but they rarely formed such a large group.

"You just said that there's something wrong with the blood of these wolves. What's going on?"

Since we are already a little familiar with each other, I couldn't resist the doubts in my heart and so, I started to ask.

"Actually, it's nothing much. It's just that the color of the blood doesn't feel right. It's just that it's a bit different, just like human blood."

Hearing this, my scalp tingled. How could there be human blood, but I quickly understood what these people meant. They probably wanted to say that the wolves' blood was too dark, and that after it landed on the ground, it immediately became very sticky and dried up.

I wanted to go out and check it out, but these mercenaries didn't give me a chance. I knew that they wouldn't want to be surrounded by wild wolves again.

And after a short while, under Tang Rou's guidance, I saw a large patch of green, like a ghost fire, not too far away.

"There really is something wrong with these wild wolves …"

The sixth brother mumbled softly. It was only later that I found out that the eyes of an animal can emit light at night. However, the light emitted by the eyes of these wild wolves is exceptionally bright. There is also a layer of black fog surrounding them.

Of course, others wouldn't be able to sense the existence of this black gas. I just quietly told this matter to Tang Rou.

Just like that, the seven of them stood guard on the iron wagon. It wasn't until the sun shone down on the land that everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

I jumped out of the car at once and ran to the pool of blood.

Sure enough, the blood stains had been completely wiped out. Moreover, one could faintly smell a rotten smell, as if it was emitted from a corpse.

Unfortunately, after a night of wind and dust, it was almost impossible to tell them apart.

"Bring your equipment, or the boss will ask."

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