Horrible Live Streaming

C174 Ghost Fog Insect

If this continues, we'll probably die of exhaustion.

The scary thing finally happened. Under Tang Rou and I's desperate resistance, the bugs quickly scattered. It seemed like they were going to attack without any differences.

"With cinders!"

Tang Rou and I really do have the same thoughts.

At this critical moment, the two of us finally found an effective method. Since the Yellow Talisman can't attack on a large area, then the cinders we had on us will be of use.

The two of them grabbed some cinders from the bags they carried with them and threw them at the bugs that were about to disperse.

The smell of burning hair spread through the entire cave. After I saw the worms that were stained with soot, they immediately fell from the sky while smoking. It was as if it was raining black.

"Try to avoid these bugs as much as possible, take out the yellow talisman and put it on!"

There were also many bugs that took advantage of this opportunity and spread out from the corner, pouncing towards the mercenaries behind them.

Tang Rou and I continued to sprinkle cinders as we closely followed.

After a moment of confusion, he finally exterminated all of the bugs, and the yellow talismans on the mercenaries were also used up.

"I have to examine it carefully, is there such a thing?"

I distributed a yellow talisman to everyone. After the consumption just now, the originally sufficient number of yellow talismans had already decreased by half.

The flashlight was shining everywhere. It was almost certain that there were no traces of it left. However, everyone was covered in dust and their bodies were covered with fragrant dust.

Of course, this was also a good defensive measure. With the scented ashes on his body, he believed that the bugs wouldn't dare to get any closer.

I realized that the woman, Yaksha, had been staring at me the entire time. I thought that the woman was holding a grudge over the matter of my breasts.

"Thank you!"

"Cough cough, you don't have to be so polite. After all, we are all on the same boat."

I heaved a sigh of relief and hastily went to be polite. The remaining mercenaries looked at me in a different light. Blackie and Ol 'Six embraced my shoulders to their left and right to express their gratitude.

You're really awesome, we brothers have seen great formations before and have opened our eyes, but we never thought that this place would have so many messy things. Just now, who are these bugs, although they weren't bitten, at a glance, you could feel them seeping out, floating like a person. No, it should be said that they are like a ghost, it's too freaking scary.

"I think this should be the legendary Ghost Mist Worm. It can't bite people, but it can devour the souls of living people. If it gets near the body, it will probably turn into a corpse in a few seconds."

Tang Rou crouched down and used her dagger, Qu Bo, to knock down those black bugs. Her tone was solemn.

"The name of this insect is really strange, but can it really suck our souls?"

Ol 'Six walked over from behind and squatted as well, but it was obvious that he didn't quite believe our words.

"If you don't believe me, when we meet this kind of bug, you can go up and let them try it out."

Tang Rou had a mocking smile on her face, but I saw that Ol 'Six shrank back and anxiously looked around. It was clear that she believed her and had left a shadow in her heart.

"Alright, let's not waste any more time here. Hurry up and continue moving forward."

Zhou Xue's voice came from the headset. We don't know how the equipment we're carrying is made, but it's already deep into the cave. Even at this distance, we can still maintain the image and sound transmission.

Several of the mercenaries immediately obeyed, ready to go. But this time, everyone looked at Tang Rou and me first, so they weren't in a rush to get past the two of us.

Tang Rou and I smiled at each other. I knew that these guys, whose heads were covered in blood, must have felt the severity of the situation because of the strange incidents that occurred one after another.

I didn't dawdle and directly took a photo. Those worms were rushing out from around the corner, but after turning around, I didn't find any traces of them.

"Damn, could this be some ancient tomb? Why are there so many buildings here?"

When I shone the light of my flashlight into the distance, I was extremely shocked. At the same time, the mercenaries that followed closely behind me cried out in shock.

"This doesn't look like an ancient tomb, but more like a human's residence."

The female yaksha expressed a different opinion. It seemed that she was planning to go and investigate. However, after she walked to my side, she immediately stopped. This made me feel that it was a little funny …

Tang Rou and I carefully walked a few steps forward. As expected, we confirmed the woman's guess that this place definitely wasn't anything special. It was an underground grave, a real place to live.

This huge space was at least the size of a football field. The ground was about three zhang above the head. When the light from the flashlight shone on it, one could see the stalactites that lined the surface.

It looked eerie and terrifying.

There were dozens of large and small stone houses. Although they did not look like buildings on the ground, with windows and so on, one could tell with a single glance that this was a place for people to live and not for corpses to park.

"Search this area as soon as possible. Remember to be careful. You must not let go of any corner. Also, do not hide the cameras on your bodies."

Zhou Xue's voice came from the headset. She had no doubt that the voice was filled with undisguised excitement.

Could it be that this woman was looking for this place? Or was it something that was hidden here?

This was something that could be confirmed. I could see the surprise and joy on the faces of the mercenaries as they deduced from Zhou Xue's words that our mission was about to be completed.

Tang Rou quietly kicked me at the side. I didn't forget that when I was in the tent, Tang Rou quietly told me that she had already made her own arrangements.

It's just that, along the way, we were constantly alarmed and didn't have the time to properly communicate with each other. Furthermore, those mercenaries have always been guarding by our side and didn't have the opportunity to do so.

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