Tang Rou and I quickly arrived at the front of the door. I lifted my leg and kicked the wooden door. The loud sound echoed in the room and made my ears ring.

In the darkness, there were two shiny things. They were like the Netherworld Ghost Flames. They quickly swayed left and right before finally pouncing towards me.

What the hell was this?

I took out my dagger and swung it forward. I felt as though I had touched a furry snake tail. I heard a cat meowing.

It was a very large cat, the bigger cats were beyond the range of normal cats. No wonder its tail was so long and thick, scaring me.

However, this beast's reaction was really fast.

It was as if she had grown wings in front of me, and she dodged it like this. The two will-o '-the-wisps I saw earlier should be the eyes of this big cat.

"You really are something, to be scared like this by a cat. We deal with those ghosts all day long."

Tang Rou's tone carried a bit of complaint. At this moment, the big black cat had already jumped out of the encirclement between the two of us, but this big cat didn't seem to be afraid at all. Tang Rou and I squatted there, our eyes shining, while a soft rumbling sound came from our throats.

"This cat seems to have something to say to us."

Tang Rou's strange thoughts made me feel a bit weird. That cat's attitude really was like a person trying to talk to us, but we couldn't understand it at all. Plus, this was too absurd.

"You think this is where the old lady lives?"

There was not a single piece of decent furniture in the room. Instead, there were a few large cardboard boxes near the balcony. Inside the boxes, there was some sand.

Seeing this, I immediately understood that this cat should have been raised here by someone. At least it used to be like this, the sand was for the cat to prepare, my grandmother had also kept stray cats for a while, so I knew about this, but the sand hasn't been changed for a long time, and the room is also filled with the smell of cat urine. This proves that no one has been here for at least seven or eight days.

It doesn't match the look or dress of that fashionable old lady. I don't think she lives in a place like this.

"I don't think this place is one. Let's go somewhere else."

I was already prepared to leave, but that big black cat didn't seem to want Tang Rou and I to just leave like that. It crouched down, arched its back, and made an attacking posture.

"I don't believe that a cat will bully me today."

I was a little angry and intended to kick the cat away. I don't know why, but after seeing this cat, I felt a little agitated. I instinctively wanted to charge forward and tear this cat into pieces.

"Wait, let me call Handsome."

Handsome was Tang Rou's friend, the young policeman.

I took two steps back, and the cat slowly crouched down, as if to guard us.

"Do you mind how I know about the old lady? As long as you tell me where you found that old lady's corpse, I might be able to help you solve this case.

It was hard to imagine how good that man's temper was. To be able to maintain a friendly relationship with Tang Rou after so many years, I think this was probably what it meant by true love.

"Are you sure? What color is it? Don't mind where I am, I have a premonition that I can really help you guys solve this case.

Tang Rou hung up the phone and then used her flashlight to shake the cat.

"Tell me, what color is this cat's fur?"

I was so angry that I nearly cursed out. Black, your father is not blind.

"That should be right. This is the old lady's home, or rather a former residence, where the old lady kept her cats."

According to Tang Rou, the old lady had been found at a crossroads less than a block away. She had died on the street, and her clothes were fashionable. There were no signs of someone robbing her at the scene, and her death was somewhat terrifying.

In order to exclude him, the police had done an autopsy on the old lady, only to find that she had died of sudden cardiac arrest and that her gall bladder had ruptured. This meant that the old lady had most likely been scared to death.

It had been a long time since anyone had come to claim the body, so there was no way to find out who the old lady was. Furthermore, the old lady was wearing fashionable clothes, so there was no way to investigate the area.

Most importantly, when the old lady was discovered, her body was stained with a lot of fur. After passing the test, these fur belonged to the cats.

After formally passing through all these clues, Tang Rou determined that this cat should have been raised by that old lady. Moreover, it seemed like not only one black cat had appeared in this room, but many.

Although the connection was a little far-fetched, it still seemed to be acceptable. In this way, perhaps the reason the old lady died with grievances was because she locked the cat in the house. It had been more than a week, and the cat was lucky not to starve to death.

"Now, we should just take this cat with us. Judging by its appearance, it shouldn't be a normal breed. I think we should be able to find a good place to go and fulfill your agreement with that old lady."

When Tang Rou said this, she immediately bent down, wanting to tease the big black cat, but the big black cat directly lifted up its claws, ready to attack.

I hastily pulled Tang Rou back.

"This big black cat doesn't seem to be planning to leave, and it isn't even planning to let the two of us go. It can't be that it is throwing us away as thieves trying to break in, right?"

I slowly crouched down and took a deep breath before I braced myself and spoke to the cat.

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