"That's not it, but I just happened to catch a member of the black-clothed organization, the one who killed his accomplices in the hospital. If you're interested, come over and take him away, otherwise, I'll just throw him to the police."

"What the hell are you doing? Where are you right now?"

"Zhongshan's tone became stern, but I hung up the phone right after."

With their abilities, they could definitely reach this place. Although the distance between the two cities was more than an hour, it was not a problem for them.

"You're talking to that old guy like that, he's probably going to explode from anger."

Tang Rou had a bitter smile on her face, but it was hard to hide her disappointment.

"Since this painting is fake, it means that the heart of the thousand-year-old peach wood should exist. However, in order to prevent it from being stolen, the other party placed a fake inside the museum."

I also agree with your conjecture, but I believe that this matter will be made public, and those black-clothed people will definitely think of ways to capture them. If we capture their people, they will definitely be alerted, and they might use unconventional methods.

Seeing Tang Rou's frowning expression, I also hoped that I could help, but it seems like I could only take the initiative to look for the original owner of the painting.

Originally, the two of us planned to stay here for a while to prevent the black-clothed man from coming to rescue us, or to think of a way to escape. But after just 10 minutes, we saw a light coming from the distant road.

"They really are quite amazing. They already have people rushing over so quickly?"

Obviously, these were the subordinates that Zhongshan Zhuang had sent over. They also had their own branch power organizations within the city.

Tang Rou and I immediately started up the car. Without even turning on the lights, we used the faint moonlight to quickly hide in a small alley in front of us.

As expected, after half a minute, the car was already here, patrolling back and forth. We quickly found the man that we left by the side of the road.

The car stopped and walked out. The two of them looked around vigilantly, and then they started to check on the situation of the man in black. Not long after that, they brought him into the car and left.

Tang Rou's cellphone rang. After she answered, she put on her Chinese tunic.

"You'd better not mess around. If anything happens to you, I won't be able to protect you."

You didn't even thank them and taught them a lesson the moment you opened your mouth. This doesn't seem quite right, we were only passing by and discovered that that guy was sneakily going to steal something, so we stopped him. If you want to know more, we will interrogate him properly.

After saying this, Tang Rou hung up the phone and threw away her phone card.

We waited until the lights of the car were out of sight before we returned to the main road.

In any case, tonight was a success. It was a small victory, destroying their plans and capturing one of them alive. Take me to a bar to celebrate.

Tang Rou casually opened the window. Her long hair fluttered in the wind.

"Those words are correct. Not only have we captured people, we have also obtained quite a few spoils of war."

The best thing is that black rope. I originally thought that it was just an ordinary rope, but after Tang Rou identified it, I found that it was weaved together with a type of animal tendon and leather. This method is very complicated, and making it takes a lot of time.

In addition, it can also shrink. In addition, with the exquisite flying claws made from King Kong, if used together, you can grab onto anything tightly.

Tang Rou really liked this item. It could even be considered a weapon that had been added to her body.

"Have you ever thought of going directly to the owner of this painting?"

I thought about it for a moment before giving my opinion in the end.

"You think I haven't thought about it?" "However, this fellow's identity is extremely secretive and is hard to find. I've already used the power of my family, but up till now, I only know that he is an overseas Chinese. This painting was also brought back from overseas, so I don't know anything else."

Sure enough, Tang Rou had gone all out in advance.

"It seems like we can only plan on this after the official auction."

"No matter what, I am determined to get this thing. If I can't, I can only ask Xiaofei for help."

At the mention of Xiao Fei, I thought of that shiny dagger, that young man's cold eyes and his cynical smile.

He wondered how that guy was doing right now. If it wasn't for more killing, he wouldn't be in such a bad condition.

However, the opponent's profession was an assassin, and judging from his appearance, he was a murderer. It would be very difficult for him to stop.

The two of us weren't familiar with the city, so we sat down at an open barbecue stand on the edge of the city.

I used to eat these roadside stalls often. At that time, I did all sorts of part-time jobs and didn't have time to eat properly. However, I never dared to hope that I could sit here and eat barbecue and beer to my heart's content.

Tang Rou's appetite seemed to be pretty good. She ordered a whole table and clinked glasses with me after drinking beer. I knew that Tang Rou was actually feeling a bit depressed, so she intentionally acted like this.

I saw through it, but I didn't say anything. If I tried persuading her again, it would seem like I was putting on an act. I might as well drink one cup after the other with Tang Rou.

There were quite a few people eating and drinking in the vicinity. Although it was already late at night, quite a few people had finished their work in the middle, so the tables by the street were already filled with people who were talking in a hoarse voice about some interesting things.

"Did you guys hear about what happened in the villa in the east side?"

A bald man was chewing on a roasted kidney while speaking in a slurred voice.

"I know, isn't it just a ghost?"

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