"Are you Wu Jie? You actually survived!"

Alice was shocked that Wu Jie was able to survive the original injury, but when she thought about the power that the T virus gave her, Wu Jie thought that it was not impossible for Wu Jie to survive.

"We all survived, the four of us." Zhan Lan stepped forward and held Alice's hand, asking: "Are you also here to look for that girl? How is it? Have you found it?"

"I'm sorry, are you here to see me?"

A timid girl's voice came out from the darkness. In the darkness, the girl's face also showed fear, but more of it was indescribable excitement and relaxation...

"You're Angela Ashford, right?"

Angela nodded and asked: "My father asked you to come, right?"

"She is infected, just like us." Alice looked at Angela with a feeling in her heart.

Highly infected persons or advanced evolution forms of the T virus have the ability to attract each other. Angela looked at a few people and told the truth: "The T virus was jointly developed by my father and several deceased researchers. He was paralyzed. I will also be paralyzed, sooner or later. When I was little, I could only walk with a cane. It was my father who found a way for me to stand up. T-Virus, T-Virus was not called this name at that time, now it is T-Virus It is the product of several updates and iterations.”

"It's okay." Wu Jie patted Angela on the head and said to several people: "Let's go, the mission is completed, find a place with Internet connection to connect with Dr. Charles."

"I have almost eliminated the zombies and zombie dogs in this building. Dr. Charles told me that you would come here."

"What about the rest?"

"I don't know. After escaping from the hive, we were captured by Umbrella's people and then sent to the laboratory. I just escaped."

"We have an additional deal with Dr. Charles, which is for him to help us find the remaining players."

At this moment, the floor began to shake violently.


Several floors on the first floor of the school, the playground, and various classrooms were crushed.

Countless thick plant roots poked out from the ground! Then, it grew wildly along the stairs.

It's a mutated plant!


The full name is ‘High T adaptive variant plant No. 43’.

Without suitable weapons, even the current Alice is not easy to deal with this thing.

Although Alice is the goddess of revenge, she really doesn't have any good ideas for this thing.

But the Middle-earth team does.

No matter which version of Plant 43 it is, it is afraid of fire.

"Zheng Zha! Fire!"

Zheng Zha understood it in his heart, swinging the lava battle ax crazily, and the red dragon's flames burned crazily. The huge root system that broke out of the ground was cut straight open, and then burned to ashes!

Enchanted Arrow·Fire +3!

The price of flame enchantment is the same as that of frost enchantment, which is five times that of the basic enchantment arrow. The price of level three flame enchantment is 50 reward points, and in exchange, it has a burning effect like a white phosphorus bomb!

Wu Jie didn't even need to use a longbow, he took out an arrow and aimed it at Plant 43 and threw it hard, and Plant 43 began to burn violently!

"Let's go! Don't waste time with this monster!"

The three of them were already used to the fact that things from the game version were inserted into the movie version of the world view. Although they didn't know why there was Plant 43 in a school that should have been in the research institute, no , maybe, the school is a research institute!

Wu Jie was suddenly shocked. If the school was a research institute, then it must be under Umbrella's control.


At this moment, several three-meter-tall humanoid creatures came here with heavy steps.

Just as the five people broke out of the window and fled the school, Zhang Jie's voice rang through the communicator: "Something is coming!"

"I saw it." Wu Jie, who has the best eyesight, said immediately: "The good news is that the other party is not a stalker; the bad news is that the other party is a tyrant! The even worse news is that there is more than one of the other party!!"

Tracker, the strongest BOSS in Resident Evil 2 Revelations.

Tyrant, one of the most famous monsters in the T series.

Comparing the two, the tracker has a more powerful overall power than the tyrant.

The Tracker has the intelligence to be armed with modern technology, but the Tyrant does not.

The tracker can think and judge the current situation. The tyrant is more like some kind of humanoid beast.

Umbrella, who can create a tracker, can definitely create a tyrant, because the tyrant is basically the front-end technology of the tracker. It is a biochemical weapon that is stable and mature, but belongs to the previous generation in the technical field!

But both the tracker and the tyrant have the power of level two.

As for the whiteboard second-level gene lock, even ordinary people who have not been strengthened can lift it with one hand to fire a machine gun. They are immune to the damage of small-caliber pistols. Their physical bodies can withstand rifle bullets. In normal conditions, they can reach several tons of strength, and even... Tear apart the Alien Queen with your hands!

Why does the tyrant appear here?

God knows.

Maybe Umbrella discovered the previous battle at the Black Gate Church, or maybe the school was indeed a key surveillance target for Umbrella.

"I wanted to use Tyrant to test the performance of the goddess of revenge Alice, but I didn't expect that there was an unexpected surprise. The Middle-earth team was supposed to die."

At the Umbrella temporary base, Raccoon City Director Ryan ordered the technicians around him: "Let the tyrants come up and test their strength. If they can survive from the hive and recover from that kind of injury, if they can survive, , you can consider investing in the tracker series.”

"Zhang Jie, rockets!"

There is no time to consider the consumption of rockets now. If the tyrant is allowed to get close to him, even nuclear bombs can only pull the opponent to death together!

The rocket was launched, shattering the opponent's armor the first time, and successfully killing it the second time.

But before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, Plant 43 in the rear began to go crazy, and in front, several blue-gray giants appeared on the battlefield.

There is more than one tyrant!

There is a wolf in front and a tiger in the back, which is what we are talking about now.

"It's time to fight!" Wu Jie shouted: "Zheng Zha, plants are afraid of fire, chop their roots! I'll deal with the tyrant! Alice!"

Tyrant T-103!

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