How come this main god space is filled with stitching monsters!

Chapter 39 Alien Beast Cells Show Their Power

Zheng Zha's body kept twitching, and the blood vessels on his body bulged, as if lava was flowing inside.

When you turn on the gene lock again during the backlash of the gene lock, it feels like someone suddenly poured a large bottle of cold water into you when you just finished a 1,000-meter physical test and wanted to breathe out your lungs.

People will die.

Zheng Zha's eyes turned black, and he swore that if he could, he really wanted to take out his heart, liver, intestines, stomach, lungs and bone marrow.

It hurts, it hurts so much.

Zhang Jie and Leon were lying next to Zheng Zha. Perhaps Umbrella's troops had all turned into stormtroopers under the influence of the protagonist's halo, highlighting one stroke of marksmanship throughout.

Perhaps it is the effect of the dual protagonists Zheng Zha and Leon's aura of freedom and immortality.

Or is it

In short, although they are physically exhausted, they are still in good physical condition.

"Damn it. Umbrella is really crazy, that's a missile."

Zhang Jie took out the last bottle of energy drink from his body and poured it into Zheng Zha's mouth, replenishing the last energy for Zheng Zha who was caught in the backlash of the gene lock.

"Hi Umbrella employees, how are you?"

Zhang Jie and Leon instantly took out two pistols with unlimited bullets and pointed them at the surroundings. They had just escaped from death and did not completely relax their vigilance, but the instinct of their bodies forced them to temporarily relax to relieve the load on their bodies.

So in this situation, not to mention the zombies that were still a threat to the two of them, when the nerves were tense but slightly relieved, they suddenly heard an unexpected greeting, which simply challenged the limit of human psychological endurance.

"I fucked your mother! I fucked your mother to pieces!"

After Zhang Jie determined that the source of the voice was the bald old man on the video call, he turned on the furious telegram output mode.

I don’t care who you are, even if you are Sadako from The Ring, you will continue to scold me today.

Dr. Isaacs on the other end of the phone frowned. He knew Chinese, and he was no worse than Dr. Charles.

"Listen, let me introduce myself. I am the chief researcher of Umbrella's North American branch and the current director of Raccoon City. You can call me Dr. Isaacs."

Zhang Jie's output continued, and he couldn't understand Isaacs' bird language.

"I can save other people. If you don't want anything to happen to them, you'd better calm down and listen to me."

Leon, who was about to curse after Zhang Jie, heard this and quickly grabbed Zhang Jie who was still outputting, trying to make Zhang Jie understand the other party's intention.

Isaacs looked at Leon, who was trying hard to explain to Zhang Jie in broken Chinese, and a ridiculous idea came to his mind: The captain of the Central Continent team couldn't understand English, right?

What do Umbrella's personnel do for a living? You can't collect black money like this, right?

"Let me introduce myself."

When Dr. Isaacs started communicating in Chinese, the two parties finally got on the line.

On the other side, in the underground waterways of Raccoon City.

Zhan Lan's face became extremely pale due to mental overdraft. Drops of sweat the size of soybeans kept dripping, but she had neither the energy nor the ability to wipe them away. She pressed her hands on Wu Jie's chest and continued to perform mental healing. .

Wu Jie was lying on the ground, his right chest was completely smashed. The only good news was that his heart was not hit.

At that critical moment, Wu Jie used telekinesis to lift a sewer manhole cover, and the moment he threw Zhan Lan out, the sniper who had been targeting him for a long time fired, and a special sniper bullet was shot at him. For a moment, he relied on the last-second instinct of the gene lock to move his body a few centimeters, avoiding the end of having his entire chest shattered by bullets.

But he only saved one life.

Winter Watch had tried its best. If it hadn't been for Winter Watch, Wu Jie would have been torn to pieces by machine gun fire at this moment. How could he still have most of his body still intact?

Winter Watch can withstand heavy firepower for a short period of time, but it is powerless against snipers from anti-material sniper rifles.

Logically speaking, if half of a person's body is gone, even if he does not die on the spot, he will die within a very short period of time.

Wu Jie is not an ordinary person.

Not only is he strengthened by the main god, he also brings a teammate with him.

The power of sniper rifle bullets is unbearable for carbon-based creatures. Especially Umbrella's sniper bullets use highly targeted special bullets, which are even more terrifying. If compared with Wu Jie's enchanted arrows, Then at least it is a +2 annihilation enchantment!

Seeing that Wu Jie's body was severely damaged, the alien cells in Wu Jie's brain, which had always been secretive, finally began to show their power. After the information that the host was dying was transmitted to the alien cells, the alien cells were activated.

All the energy formed by Zhan Lan's mental healing was swallowed up by the cells of the alien beast. Then he imitated the energy fluctuations of mental healing and began to spontaneously control the cells in Wu Jie's body to replicate and divide, thereby repairing Wu Jie's body.

Start repairing the most basic life support systems.

Devour, split, simulate, reorganize, repair.

The alien cells are performing their duties in Wu Jie's body.

Zhan Lan's eyes went dark. The huge consumption of mental energy made her body instinctively want to put her into a coma to protect itself, but she forcibly gave herself a knife and used tremendous pain to keep herself awake.

No one knows if there will be monsters in the sewers of Raccoon City. If she is also unconscious, then the two of them will be a meal for the monsters in the sewers!

"Hang in there you can do it!"

Zhan Lan didn't care about the side effects of the medicine. She picked up a potion and plunged it into her body. She felt as if a red-hot iron had been stuffed into her brain, and it felt like there were 11,100,000 of them. Ants are gnawing at their own brains.

The cell repair agent he carried with him had been used on Wu Jie, Zhan Lan had been injected with anesthetic agents, and most of the supplies were lost on the way to escape.

Granulation surged on the shattered chest, and a trace of electricity was leaking out of the broken internal layer of Winter Watch. The bullet fragments in Wu Jie's body were also decomposed by the alien cells at this moment, and the alien cells came without rejection. , took the initiative to meet it, and forcibly absorbed all the energy and matter that could be transformed by it.

Soon, Winter Watch's battery ran out.

The xenobiotic cell was still not satisfied. At this moment, the food deliveryman arrived.

A special electric wave was transmitted in the sewer, the manhole cover of the sewer was lifted, and a team of Umbrella's armed security personnel entered the sewer.

"Doctor, Team A143 has entered the first—uh!"

"Doctor, we are under enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"This weird-ahhh!"

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