"Attention, we are about to enter a subspace jump."

The artificial intelligence of the spacecraft sounded a mechanical beep. From the outside, a huge vortex suddenly appeared in front of the huge spaceship Ellen Mother, and the spacecraft flew straight into the vortex.

"Subspace jump technology is one of the important factors for the rapid advancement of interstellar navigation and other technologies in this world. It can even be said to be the only one." Wu Jie looked at the completely enclosed cabin and said thoughtfully: "Without subspace jump technology, It is impossible for humans to leave the solar system now, and it is somewhat unnecessary to rely on nuclear fission reactors for interstellar navigation."

"Furthermore, there is another aspect of subspace jump technology, which is that you must not observe the outside world during the subspace jump. The reason is that the process of subspace jump will produce strange light that has a devastating impact on retinal nerves."

But no matter what, the mission in Alien is coming to an end.

Faced with Zheng Zha's idea of ​​"If you can take it with you anyway, why can't you stay for two more days?" Wu Jie mercilessly shattered his beautiful dream: "It is true that there are no aliens on the spaceship, but maybe there will be one that will be refreshed later. Iron-blooded."

"We don't know yet whether there is a Predator in this story, but if it is really a Predator, then everyone in our team will be in danger."

"The powerful Predator can hunt the Alien Queen. In terms of strength, it is no worse than you, second brother. Moreover, the Predator is a real interstellar civilization. Hunting with cold weapons is just their cultural tradition. Just like humans already have cars and high-speed rail, they will still do it. It’s like holding a foot race.”

"In Predator vs. Aliens 1, there was a laser main cannon that instantly blasted out a huge tunnel on the Antarctic continent. When that thing hits, what are you going to do to stop it?"

"From the words of the golden stone tablet, we can see that the Lord God means to let us evolve and continue to evolve." Zhang Jie also rarely participated in this discussion: "In other words, the Lord God will not care about proper rest, but If you stay in a horror movie for too long without completing the main mission, then the main god will take the initiative to increase the intensity."

"By then, all the iron-blooded aliens and the Alien Empress will be refreshed for you."

Zheng Zha was so rebuffed that he didn't want to talk, so he went to rest honestly.

"The subspace jump has been completed. We have arrived at the L233 planet and started releasing the bionic humans."

The remaining two thousand androids were dropped on the L233 planet by Chu Xuan one after another. After confirming that L233 was safe, the Zhongzhou team returned to the L233 planet.

"L233 and the alien planet found by the Allen Mother Goddess are not the same planet." After learning the news, Wu Jie suddenly asked: "Do you know what this means?"


"That means there are at least two different subplots."

As soon as they heard about the side plot, everyone perked up.

In the past two days, Zheng Zha and others have also told the newcomers about the branch plot and other information.

We are all brothers who have shouldered guns together and fought our lives together. There is nothing more that cannot be said about this information.

Anyway, the release of the androids will take some time to complete, so why not listen to Wu Jie’s analysis and just think of it as a story.

Even Chu Xuan put down what he was doing for a while, wanting to hear the opinions of this special person who could make the Alien Queen send an army to hunt him down.

"I said before that the alien planet found by the Ellen Mother Goddess is very likely to trigger a plot related to the Predator. Chu Xuan and I found many videos and items from inside the pyramid from the warehouse. There are some murals in there.”

"The mural roughly depicts a story. Through some kind of sacrificial ritual, the gods can be summoned. Although the mural is a bit abstract, it is not difficult to tell that it is the alien and the Predator."

Wu Jie projected pictures one by one through his notebook and explained to everyone: "The indigenous people on that planet hold a sacrificial ceremony every year. This ceremony is very grand there. Ordinary indigenous people are not qualified to be hosts. Only those with royal bloodline Only the indigenous people are qualified to become the host of the alien, and after being parasitized, the indigenous people will send out a message to summon the Predator's spaceship to come, and then perform an iron-blooded coming of age ceremony of hunting the alien."

"As for L233, we don't know the specific situation of this planet, but one thing I can be sure of is that the Lord God will not let us find a place to land casually. This place will definitely activate some kind of side plot. Due to the Lord God's stitching habit, so I’m not sure whether the subplot on L233 is Alien 2 or the prequel Prometheus.”

"Prequel?" Zhan Lan asked puzzledly: "Is there a prequel to Alien? I didn't find it when I was watching the movie in the main god space."

"Yes, the prequel "Prometheus", maybe because there is no alien in the name. You also know that the Lord God's search engine is very troublesome to use."

"The general plot setting of "Prometheus" is: an alien race called 'Engineers' uses a substance called 'black water' to break down their own DNA and then reconstruct it. Created human beings on Earth.”

"During a certain alien exploration, Blackwater was discovered by the expedition team, and was then put into the human body for a second DNA decomposition and reconstruction. The second DNA decomposition and reconstruction created an original alien species. life."

"After that, the alien life went through many iterations, parasitizing and eroding many kinds of life, and finally formed the alien we know well."

"In "Prometheus", the story takes place in L233. The reason why I am not sure is that it is now 2023, and the story of Prometheus will not happen for at least a hundred years. Provided by the Lord God It’s enough to believe only a few information about horror movies, but anyone who believes everything will be deceived.”

"So there are at least two side plots that may be triggered on L233."

Although in theory, the Lord God runs through the timeline, and all the content of a horror film series can be collected.

But the existence of the sixth level does not have that kind of power, and it even requires additional money to watch, and even the VIP of a website is not enough!

So Wu Jie doesn't know if there will be a sequel to the Alien series.

"I think if a side plot will be triggered, then it is unlikely to be Alien 2." Chu Xuan's emotionless voice sounded. After two days of contact, everyone was familiar with this three-no (no emotion, no expression, (without glasses) is a man, and he highly recognizes Chu Xuan’s abilities.

"Because the second part requires more time."

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